词语大全 如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?,如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?
Posted 狗肉
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1、词语大全 如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?,如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?
词语大全 如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?,如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?
词语大全 挂羊头,卖狗肉造句_挂羊头,卖狗肉中英文解释
挂羊头,卖狗肉 guà yáng tóu,mài gǒu ròu
喊的是酒,卖的是醋。挂羊头卖狗肉。 To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice.
喊的是酒,卖的是醋。挂羊头卖狗肉。 He cries wine and sells vinegar.
吆喝的是酒,卖的是醋。=挂羊头卖狗肉。 After praising the wine,they sell us vinegar.
他们是在挂宪政的羊头,卖一党专政的狗肉。 They display the sheep’s head of constitutional government while selling the dog-meat of one-party dictatorship.
他们口里的宪政,不过是“挂羊头卖狗肉”。 Their talk of constitutional government is only”selling dog-meat under the label of a sheep’s head”.
文字虽改,本质不变,成了纯粹的挂羊头卖狗肉。 Although the language changed,the essence remains unchanged,a purely deceptive dog meat.
该商城的做法,不过是偷梁换柱,挂羊头卖狗肉而已。 The Mall practice,but is substitution,crying up wine and selling vinegar.
这些“网上医生”挂羊头卖狗肉,看病是假,卖药是真。 These “on-line doctor” sells dogmeat as mutton,sees a doctor is a vacation,sells the medicine is really.
他们口头的宪政,不过式“挂羊头卖狗肉”。(《毛泽东选集》。 Their talked of constitutional government is only “selling dog meat under the label of a sheep’s head.”
你们整个政府结构我都要反对,因为我知道它一直挂羊头卖狗肉。 I also declare myself opposed to almost the whole of your administration; for I know it to have been deceitful.
我不是什么XXG的成员,那个组织挂羊头卖狗肉,我是瞧不起的。 I am not a member of XXG. That organization operates secretly in the disguise of sport is silly in my eyes.
出现了明明政府批的是住宅,结果非要做成办公楼,挂羊头卖狗肉。 It is a government of residential,office will necessarily result,crying up wine and selling vinegar.
此外,地板行业中,挂羊头卖狗肉的促销活动更是被演绎成各种不同的版本。 In addition,floors industries,crying up wine and selling vinegar marketing activities are interpreted into different versions.
网上叫嚷贩卖枪支弹药的信息很多,但大多都是类似‘挂羊头卖狗肉’的把戏。 On the net blusterous the information that sells firearms ammunition is very much,but it is similar mostly ‘ try to palm off sth. inferior to what it purports to be ‘ trick.
这种施工方式给消费者的印象是,挂羊头卖狗肉,家装公司只是二传手而已,层层扒皮。 This construction method to consumers the impression that I should say something about this in passing,the only secondary. Jiezhuang panies,professional skin layers.
利益决定一切,是利益导致美元泛滥,是利益导致挂羊头卖狗肉式的证券产品遍地横行。 The interests of all decisions,the interests of the U. S. dollar is rampant,leading to interest is trying to sell some other type of securities products that run over and over.
挂羊头卖狗肉让人嗤之以鼻,挂羊头卖羊肉看上去不错,但我们还是要慎重:这羊肉是不是变质了的呢? The try to palm off sth. inferior to what it purports to be lets a person sniff,the head that hang a sheep sells hotpot to look pretty good,but we still want discreet: This hotpot deteriorated?
因此,在部分地区,互助社成了非法金融的金字招牌,成了“挂羊头卖狗肉”的典范,违背了成立的本意。 As a result,in some areas,illegal monetary union has bee the Jinzizhaopai bee “trying to sell some” model,contrary to the intention to set up.
虽然挂羊头卖狗肉在我们这里几乎成了某些商业开发的代名词,但能把公园办成地产开发公司确实足够让人惊奇一下。 While posing as dog meat in some of our mercial development here seems to have bee synonymous with,but can park into real estate development panies is enough people surprised me.
或许,脚下就是黄金,眼前就有卖点,既然如此,又干嘛去挂一个“帝王豪宅”的羊头,卖一个普通楼盘的“狗肉”呢? Perhaps feet is gold eyes are selling points,so,and why to be a “imperial house” crying,selling an ordinary event “dog meat”?
如果你看到一位身着白色皮短裙的年轻美女从店里跑出来拉住你的胳膊,说“你需要非常放松的按摩!”那这家按摩院就铁定是挂著羊头卖狗肉了。 One solid clue is an attractive young woman in a white leather miniskirt running out of a storefront,grabbing you by the arm and saying,“You need very relax massage! “”
实际上,他们不是什么中华文化,只不过是中共的党文化渗透而已,挂羊头卖狗肉。教儒教的东西吗?不是,只是批判和歪曲儒教而已。六经之首的易经就被中共称为迷信。 Actually they are not chinese. They are from chinese munist party. They did not teach traditional chinese culture. They are teaching how to destory it.
通常,国立大学要想能够赚取外快来充实自己的腰包的捷径就是另起炉灶办起新学院,但却卖羊头挂狗肉地打着原大学的金字招牌,结果就无端地生出了这些私立贵族学院。 A mon way for state schools and universities to earn extra cash is to start schools of their own,which they then run,in effect,as expensive private schools.
词语大全 如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?,如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同?
谜题:如何分辨狗肉店和猪肉店的不同? 谜底:狗肉店门前会挂羊肉
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挂羊头,卖狗肉 guàyángtóu,màigǒuròu挂羊头,卖狗肉的意思和解释:比喻以好的名义做招牌,实际上兜售低劣的货色。挂羊头,卖狗肉的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十六:
挂羊头,卖狗肉 guàyángtóu,màigǒuròu挂羊头,卖狗肉的意思和解释:比喻以好的名义做招牌,实际上兜售低劣的货色。挂羊头,卖狗肉的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十六:
词语大全 悬羊头,卖狗肉的意思_成语“悬羊头,卖狗肉”是什么意思