词语大全 天堂与地狱 (打宋词),天堂与地狱 (打宋词)
Posted 地狱
篇首语:充满着欢乐与斗争精神的人们,永远带着欢乐,欢迎雷霆与阳光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 天堂与地狱 (打宋词),天堂与地狱 (打宋词)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
1、词语大全 天堂与地狱 (打宋词),天堂与地狱 (打宋词)
词语大全 天堂与地狱 (打宋词),天堂与地狱 (打宋词)
谜题:天堂与地狱 (打宋词)
词语大全 天堂地狱造句_天堂地狱中英文解释和造句
天堂地狱 tiān táng dì yù
天堂和地狱都是我们自己造的。 Heaven or hell, they are created by ourselves.
就是死亡、审判、天堂、地狱。 The Four Last Things are Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell.
那么你认为你可以区分天堂与地狱。 so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell.
无论天堂和地狱,最好都结交几个朋友。 It is good to have some friends both in heaven and hell.
从天堂到地狱再回到天堂? From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again?
于是,于是你认为你可以区别天堂和地狱。 So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell.
仅仅因为做微细的区分,天堂地狱由此分开; Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth are set apart;
我多么希望我能够在天堂与地狱中做出选择。 How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.
让我们来看看基督教圣经里是如何讲解天堂地狱的。 In this article we will take a look at how Christianity and the Bible how it describe Heaven and Hell.
这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱(毒品的天堂地狱)。 this could b heaven or this could b hell”.”
天堂地狱一家。 Heaven and hell in total unity.
曾经使用死亡笔记本的人,死后不能到天堂或地狱。 The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.
上帝,天堂,地狱–一切都是用来安慰人们的虚构。 God, heaven, hell – all are fictions to fort people.
上帝,天堂,地狱–一切都是用来安慰人们的虚构。 God, heaven, hell – all of them are fictions to solace people.
当我们反照这颗心时,我们就能真正地看见天堂和地狱。 When we observe the mind, we’ll really see heaven and hell.
很多人惧怕地狱,却不能明白天堂与地狱仅有一步之遥。 Many people are frightened of the hell . But they can’t understand there is only one step between the heaven and the hell.
所以,所以你认为你能区别天堂和地狱,蓝色天空和疼痛。 So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
前世来生,天堂地狱,所有的这些,我想信,却做不到去信。 Past and future life in heaven, hell, all of these, I think, but not to the letter.
我们可以看得出来,天堂和地狱都归结于一点,也就是「心」。 We can see that both heaven and hell e together in one point, namely the mind.
例如天堂/地狱的比喻曾为旅行者在探索欧洲城市时反复引用。 The heaven/hell trope, for example, was repeatedly used by travelers as they explored the cities of Europe.
消息报称,科兹列沙夫说他的组织信奉人死之后会有去天堂和地狱之分。 Kuznetsov said his group believed that, in the afterlife, they would be judging whether others deserved heaven or hell, Izvestia reported Friday.
啊,现在我们进入了另一个我想讨论的区域,就是有关天堂和地狱这整件事。 Well, now we’re getting into another area I wanted to discuss, and that’s this whole business about heaven and hell.
在这片土地上,有着全世界最好和最差的学校,天堂与地狱也许就只有一墙之隔。 In this land, with the best in the world and The worst schools, heaven and hell may be only separated by a wall.
天堂和地狱的战斗以及纠纷不知过了多少个世纪。权力的争夺终于来到这个时代。 The centuries old battle between the powers of heaven and the forces of hell have collided in a final modern day showdown.
在死亡之后, 我们的灵魂将会或活的在天堂或地狱方面, 靠我们是否被解救或不。 After death, our souls will either live in Heaven or Hell, depending whether we are saved or not.
这样吧,我们允许你在天堂和地狱分别待一天,然后再来由你自己决定哪个地方安度来世。 What we’re going to do is let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whichever one you want to spend an eternity in.
我相信有世外桃源,我相信妖精森林,我相信有天堂地狱,我相信我的朋友,我相信我自己。 I believe arcadia, I believe fairy forest, I believe heaven and hell, I believe my friends, I believe myself.
精神上,你可以拥有你要的信仰,什么灵魂啊,天堂地狱什么的。但这现实世界里,拜托别发傻。 House: “You can have all the faith you want in spirits, and the afterlife, and heaven and hell, but when it es to this world, don’t be an idiot.”
当你把我送进这里,与这些人为伍时,过去那个肮脏的罪人又将复活.(天堂与地狱的一线之隔,原来是爱。) When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.
你能相信这个地方的存在吗?你有没有胆子梦到有一天你会站在天堂和地狱的交叉路口?这个群魔堡垒真是一个奇迹。 Can you believe this place? Did you ever dare to dream that you’d one day stand upon the crossroads between Heaven and Hell? This Pandemonium Fortress is truly miraculous.
谜题:天堂与地狱(打宋词) 谜底:何似在人间
天堂地狱 tiāntángdìyù天堂地狱的意思和解释:原为佛家语。指善人死后升入天堂,恶人死后堕入地狱。佛家用以劝善惩恶。后常用以比喻幸福和凄苦两种截然相反的生活境遇。天堂地狱
天堂地狱 tiāntángdìyù天堂地狱的意思和解释:原为佛家语。指善人死后升入天堂,恶人死后堕入地狱。佛家用以劝善惩恶。后常用以比喻幸福和凄苦两种截然相反的生活境遇。天堂地狱
词语大全 天堂地狱 [tiān táng dì yù]什么意思
天堂地狱 [tiāntángdìyù][天堂地狱]成语解释原为佛家语。指善人死后升入天堂,恶人死后堕入地狱。佛家用以劝善惩恶。后常用以比喻幸福和悽苦两种截然相反的生活境遇。[天堂
词语大全 一十八层地狱的意思_成语“一十八层地狱”是什么意思
沦洄 [lúnhuí][沦洄]基本解释轮回。佛教指有生命的东西在天堂、地狱、人间等六个范围内流转不息。[沦洄]详细解释轮回。佛教指有生命的东西在天堂、地狱、人间等六个范围内流转不
沦洄 [lúnhuí][沦洄]基本解释轮回。佛教指有生命的东西在天堂、地狱、人间等六个范围内流转不息。[沦洄]详细解释轮回。佛教指有生命的东西在天堂、地狱、人间等六个范围内流转不