词语大全 故我依然的意思_成语“故我依然”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:千金一刻莫空度,老大无成空自伤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 故我依然的意思_成语“故我依然”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 故我依然的意思_成语“故我依然”是什么意思
成 语 | 故我依然 |
成语读音 | gù wǒ yī rán |
成语解释 | 故我:原来的我。仍旧是过去的我。指自己的境况没有变化。 |
常用程度 | 生僻 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 主谓式 |
成语用法 | 作宾语;指自己的境况和从前一样。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 清·文康《儿女英雄传》第一回:“说这次必要高中了。究竟到了出榜还是个依然故我,也无味的很。” |
成语例句 | 鲁迅《革“首领”》:“自己一动不动,~,姓名却已经经历了几回升沉冷暖。” |
近 义 词 | 依然故我 |
英文翻译 | one’s cricumstances or characters remain unchanged |
词语大全 故我依然造句_故我依然中英文解释和造句
故我依然 gù wǒ yī rán
真理一旦开启,便再也无法依然故我。 You can never be the same after the unveiling of a truth.
人们称他为怪人、疯子,但老人依然故我; People called him eccentric, queer, and cranky;
如果我们依然故我,它是最可能出现的后果。 It is, instead, the most likely oute if we continue along our present course.
她依然故我,追求并得到比大多数女人敢想的还多。 She had continued demanding and receiving more than most women would have dared envisage .
当中国如实公布军费开支后,西方的态度依然故我。 After China announces the military expenditure truthfully, therefore West’s manner still I.
经过一切冲突和动乱,他却异乎寻常地“依然故我”。 Throughout the conflict and turmoil he remained remarkably the same man.
尽管与世隔绝,长期旅居在一个陌生的天地,我却依然故我。 Despite this isolation and this long sojourn in a strange world, I remained unchanged.
可是,依然故我的成功一句话也不再说了,只是默默地面对。 However, the Government insists that the success does not say a word, but in silence in the face.
IBR依然故我,并在几周或数月后准备寻求一种天作之合。 The IBR emerges intact, after a few weeks or a few months, ready to pursue a heavenly relationship.
然而在大西洋彼岸的非洲海岸奴隶贸易发源地的情形却依然故我。 And the atmosphere of shame is still palpable in the places where the transatlantic trade started, on the African coast.
人类拥有七十年的寿命,却为何只是依然故我,无可救药地毒害自己的生命? Why has he acquired a seventy years’ lifespan only to poison it incurably by the mere being of himself?
人类拥有七十年的寿命,却为何只是依然故我,无可救药的毒害自己的生命? Why has he acquired a seventy years’ lifespan only to poison it incurably by the mere being of himself ?
虽然随后楼市依然故我的火爆销售令开发商放心地觉得,“房价不是问题”。 Although subsequent property just stay unmoved by the developer assured unpopular sales to think, “prices are not the problem.”
如果我内心依然故我地追捕谴责我,–那么,很不幸,我的心并没有终审权。 And if my heart still tries to haunt and condemn – well, that’s just too bad. My heart doesn’t have the final say.
但与此同时,却有许多服务器管理软件被其出品厂商依然故我地推向聚光灯下。 But meanwhile, however a lot of server management software are manufactured by its ground of manufacturer one’s cricumstances or characters remain unchanged turns Xiang Juguang light.
我看到一个新的天堂和地球,那个旧的已经睡了,海洋依然故我,但是圣城浮现了… Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the see was normal, and I see the holy city…
柔柔的白雪在圣诞的夜空飞过,想你的心情依然故我,只是你也如我一样想你想我吗? The dough snow in the night sky over Christmas, the mood is still what you want, just as you would like me you want me?
这主要应归因于历史上共产党普通党员无论他们是多么弱小也依然故我的自我牺牲和奋斗。 This is mainly due to the historical self-sacrifice and struggle of the rank-and-file of the Communist Parties, whatever their weaknesses.
先是闹酒、后是赌博,不消数月这地方又依然故我,俨然一个败部复活、全盛的拉斯维加斯! First the booze then the gambling were back, within months the place was back to its old self, a resurrected Vegas in full swing.
人们称他为怪人、疯子,但老人依然故我;罐子里的油空了,他就装满它,然后继续他的注油工作。 People called him eccentric, queer, and cranky; but the old man went steadily on refilling his can of oil when it became empty, and oiled the hard places he found.
在即使没有责任的情况下,执行官们为了保护他们的公司会极其乐意接受个人惩罚;而与此同时,公司依然故我。 Executives are only too willing to accept punishment to protect their panies even if they are not directly responsible; meanwhile, bad practices continue unchecked.
大家会相互回忆几件有关她过去的逸事,然后各人将依然故我,丝毫不受这事的影响,甚至谁也不会因此而掉一滴眼泪。 A few reminiscences are exchanged about her, and the lives of all and sundry continue as before without so much as a tear.
拿破仑不是一个仁君,如果他愿意,他完全可以做的更完美,但他依然故我,他的粗鲁与残暴使许多人因此而命丧黄泉! But he (Napoleon) was not a kind man. He could be charming when he wanted to be. But he was also rode and very creel, and many people died so that he could win his wars.
最大赢家—-小梅威瑟:他证明了21个月的赋闲几乎没有影响,他的技术—-尤其是躲避来拳的能力依然故我。 Floyd Mayweather Jr. : He demonstrated that 21 months out of the ring had little impact on him. His boxing skills – particularly his ability to avoid punches – remains very impressive.
这样的批评不会有什么效果的,果然,小母鸡依然怒目而视,还换了一句,你才是笨鸭子!然后该怎么样还怎么样,依然故我。 she scolded. “You can NOT sit in the middle of the road! You are not acting like a smart hen. You’re acting like a dumb duck!”
此时,即便给他们来点厉害的——罚站、关禁闭,也无济于事,孩子根本不理会你这一招,他们依然故我地在房间里飞来跑去。 At this point, even to the point of them powerful – standing, solitary confinement, but also of no avail, the child will simply ignore you this trick, they remains unchanged ran in the room flying.
一个例子就是爱尔兰著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德,他在社交行为和性行为方面以我行我素而闻名于世。虽然他的行为遭到公众的反对,却依然故我,他也因此付出了惨痛的代价。 An example, the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde, known for his unpromising behavior, both social and sexual, to which the public objected, paid heavily for remaining true to himself.
故我依然 gùwǒyīrán故我依然的意思和解释:故我:旧日的我。仍旧是过去的我。指自己的境况和从前一样,没有变化。故我依然的出处清·文康《儿女英雄传》第一回:“说这次必要高中了
故我依然 gùwǒyīrán故我依然的意思和解释:故我:旧日的我。仍旧是过去的我。指自己的境况和从前一样,没有变化。故我依然的出处清·文康《儿女英雄传》第一回:“说这次必要高中了
词语大全 依然故我造句 依然故我の例文 "依然故我"是什麼意思
依然故我造句依然故我の例文"依然故我"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!她依然
依然故我造句 1:人类拥有七十年的寿命,却为何只是依然故我,无可救药地毒害自我的性命? 2:你已说服那些规模最大的公司使用本国货币了,但是不守规矩的公司依然故我。 3:虽然内忧外患频仍,这些昏庸
故我 [gùwǒ][故我]基本解释自己仍象从前一样。又称故吾[故我]详细解释旧我;过去的我。宋陈著《贺新郎·次韵戴时芳》词:“谁料腥埃妨阔步,孤瘦依然故我。”郁达夫《别戴某》诗: