词语大全 花前月下的意思_成语“花前月下”是什么意思

Posted 成语

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1、词语大全 花前月下的意思_成语“花前月下”是什么意思

2、词语大全 花前月下造句_花前月下中英文解释和造句

词语大全 花前月下的意思_成语“花前月下”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音huā qián yuè xià
成语解释 指景色幽美的环境。多指男女谈情说爱的处所。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作宾语、定语;指谈情说爱的处所。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 宋·灌圃耐得翁《都城纪胜·瓦舍众伎》:“今又有覆赚,又且花前月下之情及铁骑之类。”
成语例句 陆文夫《花开花落》:“~是偷情的,拈花惹草是很不正派的。”
近 义 词 耳鬓厮磨
反 义 词 行同陌路
英文翻译 amidst flowers and in the moonlight

词语大全 花前月下造句_花前月下中英文解释和造句

花前月下  huā qián yuè xià







  • 花前月下,不如花钱“日”下。 Huaqianyuexia than spend money “on”.

  • 二年级我们很浪漫,花前月下工婵娟。 The second grade we are very romantic, Huaqianyuexia workers moon.

  • 产品特征:新配方的花前月下泡泡浴。 Feature: New Formulation of Huaqianyuexia bubble bath.

  • 晚饭后,在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。 After supper, walking by the flowers and under the moon has a unique lingering charm .

  • 我们在花前月下漫步。 We walk together before the flowers and under the moon.

  • 通常,我不是忙着踢足球就是沉溺在花前月下。 I was always busy either playing soccer or falling in love.

  • 今夜的花前月下。 But tonight , under the moon in flowers.

  • 恋爱时可能花前月下,成为夫妻后也可能反目成仇。 Love may Huaqianyuexia became possible after the couple against each other.

  • 9看笑话: 一对情侣在花前月下卿卿我我,不忍离去。 9 see joke: Be in to sweet hearts before the flowers and below the moon Qing Qing me, cannot bear leave.

  • 花前月下。 Spend money under the moon.

  • 爱情不是海枯石烂的山盟海誓,不是花前月下的一枝玫瑰。 Love is not the solid promise, and also isn’t a rose under the moon and flowers.

  • 不能忘怀的,都是花前月下的碎片,一些和繁华有关的文字。 Can not forget, are Huaqianyuexia debris, some of bustling the relevant language.

  • 我是一个爱浪漫的人,喜欢花前月下的气氛,留念海边的黄昏。 My ideal lover should be: I am a romantic girl, I like the atmosphere in a garden at the moon night.

  • 大学时,看着别人花前月下,我独自躲在图书馆,看杂志,看书,看优美的文字。 University, watching others, I am hiding in the library alone, look at magazines, reading books, watching a beautiful text.

  • 因此读他的作品,是不得不在这样的美文字前往返逗留,正如在花前月下逗留的。 Therefore, every time when I read his stories, I can’t help linger among his language as I loiter among flowers on a moon-lit night.

  • 原来,在大学里,她与他花前月下、卿卿我我地度过了三年风花雪月的美好时光。 Original, in the university, she and he before the flowers and below the moon, my my ground spent Qing Qing 3 years the good time of wind, flowers, snow and moon.

  • 两性相悦,有在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝的壮志,有漫步于花前月下,激情流露的感慨; gender and Chiang, in heaven be as flowering sprigs on, a walk in the hold, passionate feelings;

  • 休闲就是与心爱的人一起,看漫天的星星,抛开世俗烦心的牵绊,在花前月下品尝著缘分的浪漫。 Art is not the thing people can not understand, are also is not watch the movie with down mood. Actually, art is enjoying the romantic thing with lover.

  • 花前月下焕采健肤沐浴精品-浪漫泡泡浴,满足肌肤健康和营养的双重需要,就如在海域沐浴般。 Huaqianyuexia Energizing skin-bath boutique – romantic bubble bath, skin health and nutrition to meet the dual needs, like bathing in the sea like.

  • 休闲就是与心爱的人一起,看漫天的星星,抛开世俗烦心的牵绊,在花前月下品尝著缘分的浪漫。 Leisure is get together with my lover, look up to the sky and star, throw off the trouble thing, enjoy the romantic moment under the moon and beside the flowering shrubs.

  • 没有花前月下的卿卿我我,但始终沉淀在心中的那份感情,却伴随珍妮流浪的步伐,走遍了天涯海角。 Huaqianyuexia not the affection, but always in the hearts of the precipitation that feelings are acpanied by Jennifer wandering the pace around the corners of the earth.

  • 花前月下变成了形同陌路,当两颗心的距离宽过海洋,当执子之手不能与子偕老,谁还会说,让爱在此刻成永恒? when the distance over the ocean wide, when they can not be sub-hand son, who would say so at this moment into eternal love?

  • 它让它的主人们沐浴在灿灿的阳光中,抚慰在和煦的春风里,生活在舒适、方便、自在中,休闲在花前月下的宁静祥和里。 It was bathed in the main it Cancan sun, ride in the genial spring, living in fort, convenience, ease, leisure in a quiet and peaceful Huaqianyuexia Lane.

  • 产品特征:花前月下焕采健肤沐浴精品-浪漫沐浴乳,温和配方,有效清除污垢和角质代谢所产生的老化废物并彻底洗净。 Feature: Energizing Huaqianyuexia skin-bath boutique – romantic bath milk, mild formula, effectively removing dirt and horny metabolic waste generated by the aging and thoroughly cleaned.

  • 从此时间对我来说有点吝啬,常常把周末的时间和晚上的休息时间以及把别人花前月下的时间都搭进去,工作还是有点紧张。 So from then on, time is limited for me. I always put my spare time into work when others may rest or talk loving affairs.

  • 当甜蜜的约会变成了日日相守,当花前月下变成了柴米油盐,当悄悄的情话变成了普通的日子,你的爱情是不是也变了模样? When the date into a sweet day Xiangshou, when Huaqianyuexia bee a Chaimiyouyan, when the situation so quietly bee a regular day, your love is not also change the appearance ?

  • 真爱的内涵和本质,不是花前月下的卿卿我我,也不是莽撞少年的缠绵与誓言,而是彼此会心的一笑就可以触摸到对方的心灵。 The content and the nature of love, not, nor is it the lingering rash and vowed juvenile, but knowing smile to each other can touch each other’s hearts.

  • 安妮:校园环境也挺好,树木众多,有垂柳、有 白杨 、还有娇贵的玉兰、名贵的银杏…晚饭后,在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。 Annie: Definitely. The environment of the university is quite good. The trees are clustered here and there with weeping willows, poplars, tender yulan and rare gingko.

  • 人到中年,没有了花前月下的海誓山盟,没有了杨柳岸边的轻声细语,有的只是因生活琐事的纷争,有的只是对家庭的呵护与责任。 middle age, without the , not the willow shore soft-spoken, and some just because of trivial disputes of life, and some only on the family care and responsibilities.

  • 因此,无论是对于佳肴美食,三朋四友,或是花前月下,我们都可以每隔一段时间,有意地节制其中之乐,以确保乐之强烈,留住重获极乐的时刻。 So I think we should arrange to give up our pleasures regularly—our food, our friends, our lovers—in order to preserve their intensity, and the moment of ing back to them.

  • 花前月下造句相关



    词语大全 花前月下的意思_成语“花前月下”是什么意思


    词语大全 花前月下造句_花前月下中英文解释和造句

    花前月下  huāqiányuèxià花前月下的意思和解释:本指游乐休息的环境。后多指谈情说爱的处所。花前月下的出处唐·白居易《老病》诗:“尽听笙歌夜醉眠,若非月下即花前。”花前月

    词语大全 花前月下造句_花前月下中英文解释和造句

    花前月下  huāqiányuèxià花前月下的意思和解释:本指游乐休息的环境。后多指谈情说爱的处所。花前月下的出处唐·白居易《老病》诗:“尽听笙歌夜醉眠,若非月下即花前。”花前月

    古诗词大全 诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

    诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢[作者]张先 [朝代]宋代花前月下暂相逢。苦恨阻从容。何况酒醒梦断,花谢月朦胧。花不尽,月无穷。两心同。此时愿作,杨柳千丝,绊惹春风。《诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢》赏析赏析

    古诗词大全 诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

    诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢[作者]张先 [朝代]宋代花前月下暂相逢。苦恨阻从容。何况酒醒梦断,花谢月朦胧。花不尽,月无穷。两心同。此时愿作,杨柳千丝,绊惹春风。《诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢》赏析赏析

    古诗词大全 訴衷情·花前月下暫相逢


    古诗词大全 訴衷情·花前月下暫相逢


    词语大全 开合清风纸半张,随机舒卷岂寻常,花前月下团圆坐,一道清风共夜凉。 (打一日常用品),开合清风纸半张,随机舒卷岂寻常,花前月下团圆坐,一道清风共夜凉。 (打一日常用品)

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    词语大全 开合清风纸半张,随机舒卷岂寻常,花前月下团圆坐,一道清风共夜凉。 (打一日常用品),开合清风纸半张,随机舒卷岂寻常,花前月下团圆坐,一道清风共夜凉。 (打一日常用品)

      小贴士:折扇最早起源于中国。折扇竹木做扇骨,韧纸做扇面,扇面上还要题诗作画。折扇表现出了中华柔情氲氤的诗画美境。  谜题:开合清风纸半张,随机舒卷岂寻常,花前月下团圆坐,一道清风共夜凉。(打一日常