词语大全 寄人篱下的意思_成语“寄人篱下”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:落花踏尽游何处,笑入胡姬酒肆中。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 寄人篱下的意思_成语“寄人篱下”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 寄人篱下的意思_成语“寄人篱下”是什么意思
成 语 | 寄人篱下 |
成语读音 | jì rén lí xià |
成语解释 | 寄:依靠;篱:篱笆。比喻依附别人生活。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 动宾式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语、定语;指依附别人。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 《南齐书·张融传》:“丈夫当删《诗》《书》,制礼乐,何至因循寄人篱下?” |
成语例句 | 周而复《上海的早晨》第三部:“他在工商界老是~,是不甘心的。” |
近 义 词 | 仰人鼻息 寄人簷下 寄人门下 |
反 义 词 | 独立自主 |
英文翻译 | depend on somebody for living <be under somebody’s roof> |
俄文翻译 | жить в чужóм дóме |
日文翻译 | 居候 (いそうろう)になる,他人の厄介(やっかぃ)になる |
其他语言 | <德>die Füβe unter js Tisch strecken <jm auf der Tasche liegen><法>vivre aux dépens d’autrui,aux crochets d’autrui |
成语故事 | 南齐读书人张融生性怪僻,行动举止奇特。皇帝萧道成特别喜欢他,常与他讨论文学及书法方面的问题。他对萧道成评价他的书法没有王羲之的法度很不满,他认为做文章要学孔子删编《诗》《书》一样,不要学鸟雀寄居在人家的篱笆下面。 |
词语大全 寄人篱下造句_寄人篱下中英文解释和造句
寄人篱下 jì rén lí xià
你们知道,寄人篱下的生活是不好受的。 You know the bitter taste of living under somebody else’s thumb.
小黑羊过著寄人篱下的日子,经常伤心落泪。 Small Hei Yang lives ovine life, often sad weep.
简。爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境。 SR. Loving parents died in a survival, dependent environment.
但是他却是完全寄人篱下,所以自己连一个钱都没有。 He was in such absolute dependence as to be without a farthing of his own.
出于他那寄人篱下的地位,他不得不屈服于她的计划。 He feels himself obliged from his dependent situation to give in to her schemes.
但是他却是完全寄人篱下,所以自己连一个钱都没有。 He is a man having neither credit nor reserve, nor a single farthing in his possession.
可我既没受到赞扬也没受到贬低,因为我不寄人篱下。 I have never been praised nor belittled; I am below no one.
多年来您寄人篱下,连一张属于自己的床都没有,谁真正收留了您? You’ve been living off others for years now, and you don’t even have a bed to call your own.
我们寄人篱下仰人鼻息的日子以及我们做外国学徒的时代也该结束了。 Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close.
随着中日势力在朝鲜半岛的角逐,华商经历了由天朝上民到寄人篱下的起落。 With the rivalry between Chinese and Japanese forces on the Korean Peninsula, overseas Chinese merchants experienced the process of ups and downs.
寄人篱下、白手起家和中年改行,无论对谁来说都是不小的心理挑战和能力挑战。 Jirenlixia, middle-aged and diverted to start from scratch, no matter who is not a small challenge and mental ability to challenge.
寄人篱下,毕竟不能在人前大摇大摆,藏在暗处可偷得安逸。这是猫的生存哲学。 Living under people’s roof, you can’t cat walk. Low profile allows an easy life-cat’s philosophy.
吴先生是京城的一家报社的记者,以前租住在一家农民的平房里,感觉有点寄人篱下。 Mr Ng is a newspaper reporter recently, a peasant cottage in the previous rental, feeling a bit one were destitute.
罗伯特没有地方住,因此他去和他女朋友的父母呆在一起,结果他真的是寄人篱下了。 Robert had nowhere to live so he went to stay with hi girlfriend’s parents and he’s really got his feet under the table.
此刻她深深体会到寄人篱下的滋味,第一次认识到自己在家里是如何受到亲人的宠爱。 She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home.
安分守己的站立在马路的两旁,卑躬屈膝的寄人篱下,或则战战兢兢的躲在公园的角落。 Know one’s standing in the road on both sides, groveling Jirenlixia, or the fears that hide in the corner of the park.
然而由于贫富的不等、地位的差别,使这位从小寄人篱下的家庭女教师,不敢敞开心扉。 Whereas the difference in property and status prevented the female tutor who had always depended on others for a living open her heart to him.
小姨把她抚养长大,寄人篱下的感觉让她一直有一个飞翔的梦,天蓝水碧,像鸟一样舞蹈。 The experience of her being a dependant ever since she was a little child makes her have a dream of flying like a bird in the blue sky and over the clear water.
自小被母亲遗弃,寄人篱下,为生存养成卑躬屈膝,奉迎他人,却又急切想扬眉吐气的性格。 Suave, witty and eloquent. The abandonment by his mother since young cultivated in him the tendency to kowtow to others, but is impatient to prove his worth.
约翰.达什伍德夫人如今当上了诺兰庄园的女主人,她的婆母和小姑们反而落到寄人篱下的境地。 Mrs. John Dashwood now installed herself mistress of Norland; and her mother and sisters-in-law were degraded to the condition of visitors.
但天无绝人之路,她的一位同事正好出国,她和爱人便先借住在她同事家里,过起了寄人篱下的生活。 But days never were road, her colleague is leaving, she and my colleagues will first have sought sanctuary in her home, Guo played one were destitute life.
儿童被不称职的父亲卖掉,孤儿被保护人卖掉,寄人篱下或被嫌弃的亲戚也会被不愿在赡养他们的人卖掉。 Children were bought from worthless fathers, orphans from their guardians, dependent or undesirable relatives from families weary of supporting them.
玛丽亚公爵小姐生动地想象布里安小姐的处境,近来她离开自己的亲人,而同时又得依靠她,过著寄人篱下的生活。 Princess Marya pictured vividly to herself Mademoiselle Bourienne’s position, estranged from her of late, though dependent on her, and living among strangers.
在她交好运的时期里,正如在她过去寄人篱下的日子里一样,不论她走到哪儿,她仿佛把阳光和欢乐也随身带去了。 In her better fortunes, as in her old days of dependence, wherever she went she seemed to take sunshine and gladness with her.
在过去寄人篱下的日子里,她习惯于带着道森家的孩子们在乡村里长途漫游,三英里的路程,她觉得是算不了什么的。 Dawson’s children in her old days of dependence, and she thought very little of a distance of three miles.
我母亲在北京寄人篱下,靠给街道上编织塑料网袋,每月挣十来块钱生活,我没有面皮再向她老人家要求寄什么东西。 My mother depended on others for living in Beijing, she just got about RMB10. 00 every month for weaving plastic tuck nets, I could not ask her to give me anything.
马切尔训练有素的注意力一开始就认出这年轻女人是一位有自尊心的寄人篱下者,她的自尊心会使她痛苦,但是不会使她发怒。 the young woman in whom Marcher’s expert attention had recognised from the first a dependent with a pride that might ache though it didn’t bristle.
对于掌控人生你有着强烈的愿望,并且是个非常独立并不太愿意寄人篱下工作的人,这可能会在你年轻的时候带来一定的问题。 You have a great need to be in control of your life You are very independent and do not like working under someone, which can create problems while you are young.
我明白,如果我是一个聪明开朗、漂亮顽皮、不好侍候的孩子,即使同样是寄人篱下,同样是无亲无故,里德太太也会对我的处境更加宽容忍让; I know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping child- though equally dependent and friendless- Mrs. Reed would have endured my presence more placently;
她年幼失去双亲,寄人篱下的日子饱受饥寒交迫,还需要做许许多多的家务。有一天,小女孩决定逃离家园,有一个好心的爷爷把她带了回家。虽然爷爷很穷,但他让她吃得饱,也让她上学去。 A little orphanage girl was runaway from the home as the relatives treated her badly, an old man brought her home, gave her proper food and education, even though he is very poor.
寄人篱下 jìrénlíxià寄人篱下的意思和解释:依附于他人篱笆下。比喻依附别人生活。寄人篱下的出处《南史·张融传》:“丈夫当删诗书,制礼乐,何至因循寄人篱下?”寄人篱下的例子
寄人篱下 jìrénlíxià寄人篱下的意思和解释:依附于他人篱笆下。比喻依附别人生活。寄人篱下的出处《南史·张融传》:“丈夫当删诗书,制礼乐,何至因循寄人篱下?”寄人篱下的例子
寄人篱下 [jìrénlíxià][寄人篱下]成语解释寄:依附。依附于他人篱笆下。比喻依附别人生活。贬义[寄人篱下]成语出处《南齐书·张融传》:“丈夫当删诗书;制礼乐;何至因循寄