词语大全 虎视眈眈的意思_成语“虎视眈眈”是什么意思

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1、词语大全 虎视眈眈的意思_成语“虎视眈眈”是什么意思

2、词语大全 虎视眈眈造句_虎视眈眈中英文解释和造句

词语大全 虎视眈眈的意思_成语“虎视眈眈”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音hǔ shì dān dān
成语解释 眈眈:注视的样子。像老虎那样凶狠地盯着。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 贬义词
成语结构 偏正式
成语用法 作定语、状语;形容心怀不善,伺机攫取。
产生年代 近代
典故出处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第45回:“因见老太太多疼了宝玉和凤姐姐两个,他们尚虎视眈眈,背地里言三语四的,何况于我?”
成语例句 蔡东藩《五代史演义》第四回:“俨然有垒高粮足,~的形势。”
近 义 词 凶相毕露
英文翻译 eye covetously <glare like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey>
俄文翻译 смотрéть с áлчностью
日文翻译 虎视眈眈 (こしたんたん)
其他语言 <德>jm wie ein gieriger Tiger auflauern <lauernd nach etwas starren><法>regard farouche

词语大全 虎视眈眈造句_虎视眈眈中英文解释和造句

虎视眈眈  hǔ shì dān dān








  • 如今SK电讯依然对重组后的中国电信虎视眈眈。 Now SK Tele remained after the reorganization of the China Tele Hushidandan.

  • 不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羨慕他的山珍海味。 Do not eat with the wicked man or be greedy for his choice food.

  • 不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羨慕他的山珍海味。 Eat not with an envious man, and desire not his meats.

  • 他能感觉到你虎视眈眈等着他做能够平息你恐惧的事情。 He can feel you hovering over him waiting for him to do something that will calm your fears.

  • 而加入WTO,外部环境也将变得更加严峻,国际资本虎视眈眈。 And the accession to the WTO, the external environment will also bee more severe, international capital watching.

  • 紧张刺激的射击游戏,坏人残酷无情的逼近你,虎视眈眈这你的地位。 An engrossing arcade shooting game, Omama’s Nemesis is a gripping game where the bad guys keep ing at you relentlessly.

  • 目前为止,除了一些虎视眈眈的对视和一些牛皮话,一切都还算正常。 So far things seemed to be peaceful-nothing more than a bit of glowering and boasting.

  • 但是他们的肆无忌惮中隐藏的弱点迟早会暴露,反对派正在虎视眈眈。 Yet their chutzpah hides weaknesses that may be exposed in due course. Opposition is bubbling away under the surface.

  • 无论是补鞋匠、厨师、画家、武士及公爵夫人等,都对皇位虎视眈眈; All of his subjects from cobbler to cook, painter to paladin, debutante to duchess bustle about the castle in preparation for the succession.

  • 而WTO的正式加入,外部环境也将变得更加严峻,国际资本虎视眈眈。 And formally joined the WTO, the external environment will also bee more severe, international capital watching.

  • 西南方面,波兰和匈牙利作为新兴的王国,对俄罗斯的古老首都虎视眈眈。 The fledgling kingdoms of Poland and Hungary to the southwest are just as well placed to move and assume control of the Russian capital.

  • 尤文图斯已经有意出售这名丹麦中场,而众多的俱乐部已经对鲍尔森虎视眈眈。 Juve are open to the sale of the Denmark international and a number of sides have been linked with an interest in his services.

  • 的全新换代,还是虎视眈眈的第二代马六即将加入竞争,凯美瑞的身边可谓硝烟四起。 The new generation, like a tiger or the second generation is about to join the six-horse petition, the Camry is close to the smoke everywhere.

  • 日系汽车中的马自达等其他品牌都虎视眈眈地盯着这个空间比较大的中高级轿车市场。 Japanese car brands such as Mazda’s all stare at the sight of this larger space for the high-class cars market.

  • 而从谷歌全球市场来看,谷歌周围也有一大群竞争对手仍在虎视眈眈,伺机挑战谷歌。 The global market from Google, Google has around a large group of petitors is still Hushidandan, opportunistic challenge Google.

  • 很多俱乐部对他虎视眈眈,但是他告诉这些俱乐部’‘我喜欢利物浦、皇马和拜仁慕尼黑。 Major European clubs have asked about him: I am referring to Liverpool, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.

  • 我们只能祈祷伤病最好远离卫冕冠军,不然新赛季面对虎视眈眈的对手,他们可能会有麻烦。 We can only pray for the best injury away from the defending champion, or the new season like a tiger in the face of the opponent, they may have got into trouble.

  • 当时,瑞西和他的团队必须迅速行动,因为竞争对手都在虎视眈眈,试图挖走客户和明星银行家。 Mr Ricci and his team had to move swiftly because rivals were circling, trying to lure away clients and star bankers.

  • 我们处在一个细菌吃人的环境里,到处充斥着变化无穷的病菌,虎视眈眈的想在我们的身体里繁殖。 It’s a bacteria-eat-man world out there, filled with a nearly endless variety of germs that see us as spawning grounds.

  • 哦,知道危险,读懂征兆,历史的教训给我们以警告,我们的霍格沃茨面临着危险,校外的仇敌正虎视眈眈。 Oh, know the perils, read the sign, the warning history shows, for Hogwarts is in danger, from external, deadly foes.

  • 车子陷在一个大坑中,熄火了,需要下车修理,而狮子却趴在车外,虎视眈眈,两人都面临着缺水而亡的危机。 Car stuck in a pit, the flame, and need to get off repairs, while the lion is lying in the vehicle, eyeing it, both are faced with water scarcity to death crisis.

  • 坎比亚索2004年从皇家马德里加入蓝黑军团后共上场了153次。另外,曼城也报也对这名球员虎视眈眈。 Cambiasso has made 153 league appearances for the Nerazzurri since joining them in 2004 from Real Madrid. Manchester City are also reported to be interested in his services.

  • 危城告急,三兄弟将个人恩怨放下,更不惜拉拢对王家产业一直虎视眈眈的舅父郑永发(姜大伟)连手对付峰。 In such an emergency, the brothers put their personal dispute aside and even from an alliance with their uncle CHENG WING FAT (KEUNG TAI WAI), who has had an eye on the hotel for a long time.

  • 海龟产出每一枚卵都十分地费力,而掠夺者们正虎视眈眈地盯着龟卵,等待着从母丽龟选好的沙地下面将卵盗走。 Each egg was laid with great effort, in full view of the predators waiting to steal them from beneath her chosen ground.

  • 萨尔科齐先生自己则清楚得很,假如他不采取有力行动,就会让一位虎视眈眈的极右翼候选人占便宜,那就是勒庞。 Mr Sarkozy himself knows that, if he does not take a tough approach, there is a candidate lurking on the far right who is eager to benefit: Jean-Marie Le Pen.

  • 另一方面,土地加强控制也限制了目前正在对房地产行业“虎视眈眈”的外行、外来资金进入地产,而这将极大地稳定房价。 On the other hand, land is limited to strengthen control of the real estate industry is “watching” what, foreign capital into real estate, which would greatly stabilize prices.

  • 尽管美国石油公司雪佛龙拥有该区域已经探明大片区域能源的开采权,但还有更多的资源有待开发,这正是中国的大型石油公司虎视眈眈的原因。 Though Chevron of America has rights to the only block where large proven reserves exist, much more oil is expected to be found, and Chinese oil majors intend to bid for it.

  • 跨入21世纪,面对入世,面对国外诸多媒体虎视眈眈,对已不适应我国电视事业发展的旧体制进行改革的要求迫在眉梢,改是毫无质疑的,但如何改? Coming into 21 century, our TV media have to not only manage the petition at home, but also guard against the attack from abroad. No doubt we must reform the traditional structure, but change what?

  • 当生还者找到飞行黑盒,逃生有望之际,一尾三十呎长的巨型鳄鱼,正对他们虎视眈眈!而救援队伍正深入沼泽抢救生还者,展开了以巨鳄为对手的求生竞赛! When the survivors try to escape the harsh surroundings by using the flight’s Black Box, they don’t realize that they are being hunted by a giant crocodile.

  • 虎视眈眈造句相关



    词语大全 虎视眈眈的意思_成语“虎视眈眈”是什么意思


    词语大全 虎视眈眈造句


    词语大全 虎视眈眈造句


    词语大全 虎视眈眈造句_虎视眈眈中英文解释和造句

    虎视眈眈  hǔshìdāndān虎视眈眈的意思和解释:眈眈:注视的样子。象老虎那样凶狠地盯着。形容心怀不善,伺机攫取。虎视眈眈的出处《周易·颐》:“虎视耽耽,其欲逐逐。”虎视眈眈

    词语大全 虎视眈眈造句_虎视眈眈中英文解释和造句

    虎视眈眈  hǔshìdāndān虎视眈眈的意思和解释:眈眈:注视的样子。象老虎那样凶狠地盯着。形容心怀不善,伺机攫取。虎视眈眈的出处《周易·颐》:“虎视耽耽,其欲逐逐。”虎视眈眈

    词语大全 耽耽虎视   [dān dān hǔ shì ]什么意思

    耽耽虎视  [dāndānhǔshì][耽耽虎视]成语解释眈眈:注视的样子。象老虎那样凶狠地盯着。形容心怀不善,伺机攫取。[耽耽虎视]成语出处《周易·颐》:“虎视眈眈,其欲逐逐。”

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