词语大全 纷至沓来的意思_成语“纷至沓来”是什么意思
Posted 成语
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词语大全 纷至沓来的意思_成语“纷至沓来”是什么意思
成 语 | 纷至沓来 |
成语读音 | fēn zhì tà lái |
成语解释 | 纷:多,杂乱;沓:重复,多。形容接连不断纷杂而来。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;用于书面语。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 宋·楼钥《序》:“禅位之诏,登极之赦,尊号改元等文,皆出公手,纷至沓来,从容应之,动合体制。” |
成语例句 | 高阳《胡雪巖全传·平步青云》下册:“种种意想不到的机缘,~,不免为他忧虑。” |
近 义 词 | 接踵而至 络绎不绝 车水马龙 |
反 义 词 | 门可罗雀 路断人稀 |
英文翻译 | e in a continuous stream <e in a throng; e thick and fast; keep pouring in> |
俄文翻译 | слéдовать один за другим |
日文翻译 | ぞくぞくとやってくる,つぎからつきえと至(いた)る |
其他语言 | <德>in ununterbrochener Folge kommen <stǎndig herbeistrǒmen> |
成语故事 | 南宋时期,金兵南侵骚扰边境,龙图阁待制王刚镇守四川。由于战事频繁,各种文书纷至沓来,他从容不迫将文件分轻重缓急妥善加以处理。他曾亲自督战,安排部将吴璘和张正彦夹击金兵取得大胜,而他自己毫不居功自傲。 |
词语大全 纷至沓来造句_纷至沓来中英文解释和造句
纷至沓来 fēn zhì tà lái
信件纷至沓来,越来越多。 Letters and more letters poured in.
一切以用户为中心,其他一切纷至沓来,心痛… Focus on the user and all else will follow.
皮亚杰的勤奋很快获得了人们的认可,订单纷至沓来。 Georges Piaget’s diligence soon gained recognition and he was inundated with orders.
祝福我们的讯息从全美、澳大利亚和新西兰纷至沓来。 Congratulatory messages came in from all over the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.
每星期有“数以千计”的申请信从全国各地纷至沓来。 Application letters from all over the country were pouring in by the thousands every week.
近年来,更有一大批海内外客商纷至沓来,投资兴业。 In recent years an increasing number of overseas investors have flooded here to pump their investments.
海外客商纷至沓来,在国际上树立了良好的声誉和形象。 Overseas businessmen to pour in the international munity established a good reputation and image.
中国已成为世界上最具魅力的新兴市场之一,大批跨国公司纷至沓来。 China have a large market in the world. More and more multinationals enter China in present time.
巨大的发展空间和超前的创新机制,吸引了众多的中外客商纷至沓来。 The huge development space and ahead-of-the-time innovative mechanism on the part of the Park has attracted many domestic and foreign business people.
古往今来,不知有多少文人墨客纷至沓来,留下了许多脍炙人口的诗篇。 In the past, I do not know how many seekers can explore the territory, leaving many well-known poems.
这场洪水虽已过去,但各种议论纷至沓来,更有甚者将其归于“人祸”。 Although this flood has passed, various ments e in a continuous stream, some people even attribute this flood to” man-made calamities”.
新技术纷至沓来,令人目不暇接:一年涌现子中技术创新相当于以前一千年。 Innovations are occurring at a bewildering rate: as many now arrive in a year as once arrived in a millennium.
众议院筹款委员会和众议院教育和劳工委员会通过该议案后,支持之声纷至沓来。 The endorsement came soon after approval of the bill by the House Ways and Means and the House Education and Labor mittees.
这时,正当(敌人)对伦敦的轰炸达到最激烈的时候,许多地方性的难题纷至沓来。 This was the height of the London bombing, and many local worries imposed themselves upon us.
天理良心,我真看不出这家伙是个作家,可雷恩太太说,他一坐下灵感便纷至沓来。 Yet Mrs. Wren says that when he sits down to it the stuff just pours out.
河貍、北极狐,特别是黑貂的皮毛被称作“软黄金”,俄罗斯人在其诱惑下纷至沓来。 Russians were driven by the lure of “soft gold”: the skins of beavers, Arctic foxes and above all sable.
看,无数创业先锋正纷至沓来,一起点缀这座古老而又年轻的江南美镇—-埭头。 Look, countless undertaking pioneers are rolling in on all sides, to develop the ancient and modern beautiful town of south Yantze River, Daitou.
海貍、北极狐,特别是黑貂的皮毛被称作“软黄金”,俄罗斯人在其诱惑下纷至沓来。 Russians were driven by the lure of “soft gold”: the skins of beavers, Arctic foxes and above all sable.
威胁信随即纷至沓来(大多出自于那些认为该话题不值一提的人们),富氏却处之泰然。 Hostile letters poured in, mostly from people who did not think the subject worth talking about.
新春第一日,天空尚未露出鱼肚白,到山间清泉、村旁小河汲新水的农妇村姑便纷至沓来。 Chinese New Year day, the sky has not yet been exposed White, to mountain springs, river near by the village learn the new water will e oman.
寺内香火旺盛,古香古朴,瞻仰观看者纷至沓来,是难得的人文、自然融为一体的上乘景观。 Strong incense inside the temple, the ancient incense simple, e to pay respect to the viewer, is a rare human, natural landscape into one of the best.
同样的梦想,让美国人坚守美国,让各国移民纷至沓来,文化多样性促进人们相互理解和学习。 The same dream that keeps Americans in America and immigrants to e here. Diversity of cultures helps people understand and learn from each other.
我们的生活里,也发生同样的事。很多事情,只须幽默看待,我们却那么严肃结果问题纷至沓来。 And the same has happened with our lives. Many things which are simply to be taken humorously, we take so seriously — and from that seriousness begins our problem.
尽管存在着恐怖袭击的威胁,但只要游客们纷至沓来,西奈半岛的开放和对现代化的渴望就将会坚持下去。 Despite the threat of terrorist attacks, Sinai’s open arms and modern aspirations will persist, as long as the tourists keep ing.
但当我发现我有阿斯伯格综合症以后,我生命里所有缺失的图片开始纷至沓来,共同组成了一幅完整的图画。 Once I discovered that I had Asperger’s Syndrome all of the pieces of my life started ing together to form a coherent recognizable picture.
随着加入WTO、大陆零售市场的全面开放、国际零售业品牌纷至沓来,使上海主要商业区的商铺租价水涨船高。 With WTO accession, the full liberalization of the retail market, the international retail brand after another to Shanghai main mercial shops rent amount rises.
来自世界不同国家,拥有不同信仰的人民纷至沓来,只为欣赏其举世无双之美,尤其是那在日光下被光晕著了色般的玻璃。 People of all faiths are known to seek out the Cathedral for it’s beauty, especially the stained glass that explodes with color in the sunlight.
咱们的西方全国全国日常表达里,也除了同样的事。很多事件,只须幽默看待,咱们却那么严肃——结果疑难题目纷至沓来。 And the alike have happened with our lives. Many stuff which are not simply to be getn humorously, we get so seriously — and from those seriousness begins our problem.
特别是非典过后,大量的商务客人纷至沓来,使上海的酒店客房率一路上扬,浦东房地产业又恢复了门庭若市、买卖两旺的繁荣景象。 Especially after SARS, a large number of business visitors stream in, the hotel occupancy rate has continued to rise in Shanghai, the Pudong business resumed customers, the sale of steel prosperity.
亚伯拉罕。林肯战胜了童年的艰难困苦、绝望沮丧、丧失两子之痛以及内战中纷至沓来的嘲弄,最终成为美国历史上无可争辩的最伟大的总统。 Abraham lincoln overes a difficult childhood, depression, the death of two sons, and constant ridicule during the Civil War to bee arguably our greatest president ever.
纷至沓来 fēnzhìtàlái纷至沓来的意思和解释:纷:众多,杂乱;沓:多,重复。形容接连不断的到来。纷至沓来的出处明·张岱《鲁云谷传》:“相知者日集试茶,纷至沓来,应接不瑕。
纷至沓来 fēnzhìtàlái纷至沓来的意思和解释:纷:众多,杂乱;沓:多,重复。形容接连不断的到来。纷至沓来的出处明·张岱《鲁云谷传》:“相知者日集试茶,纷至沓来,应接不瑕。
腾沓 [téngtà][腾沓]基本解释纷至沓来。旧题唐柳宗元《龙城录·上帝追摄王远知<易总>》:“一日因曝书,雷雨忽至,阴云腾沓。”《新唐书·韩愈传》:“王公士人奔走膜呗,至为夷