词语大全 拱手让人的意思_成语“拱手让人”是什么意思
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词语大全 拱手让人的意思_成语“拱手让人”是什么意思
成 语 | 拱手让人 |
成语读音 | gǒng shǒu ràng rén |
成语解释 | 拱手:双手合抱在胸前致敬。恭顺地让给别人。形容怯弱可欺或甘心为奴仆、附庸。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 连动式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语;指不争夺。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 蔡东藩《民国通俗演义》第41回:“明知众寡不敌,守不住这个青岛,但若拱手让人,殊不甘心。” |
成语例句 | 宗璞《南渡记》第一章:“十万大军,一枪不发,把大好河山,~。” |
近 义 词 | 拱手相让 |
反 义 词 | 各不相让 |
英文翻译 | hand over something on a silver platter <hand over with a bow> |
俄文翻译 | добровóльно уступáть |
其他语言 | <德>jm etwas unterwürfig übergeben |
词语大全 拱手让人造句_拱手让人中英文解释和造句
拱手让人 gǒng shǒu ràng rén
把我辛苦挣得的生意拱手让人吗? Give someone else my hard earn business.
为什么以前有些开发商对这30%的盈利空间拱手让人呢? Why do some developers before this space over 30% of the profits made?
然而,抵制只会将大选中拱手让人,在沉默完成政权交替。 Yet a boycott would hand Mr Mugabe victory unopposed, in a silent coup.
其花样滑冰运动员自1964年至今第一次将金牌拱手让人。 their figure skaters failed to win gold for the first time since 1964.
但要美国农人把全球谷物贸易一哥地位就此拱手让人,倒也不容易。 But American farmers are not giving up their leading role in the grain trade easily.
那么,新华联为何又一度想把通葡股份的第一大股东宝座拱手让人呢? So, why the new Union was trying to pass the largest stake in the Portuguese throne shareholders it handed it over to others?
如果你发现有些事情需要做,并且有机会做,那么就绝不要把机会拱手让人。 If you see something that needs to be done and you have the opportunity to do it, don’t let someone else seize the opportunity.
吉娜:我知道这种运作方式。除非万不得已,你不会想把更多未来的利润拱手让人。 Zina: I know how it works. You don’t want to give away any more of your future profits than you have to.
吉娜:我知道这种运作方式。除非万不得已,你不会想把更多未来的利润拱手让人。 Zina: I know how it works. You don’t want to give away any more of your future 4) profits than you have to.
在他将王权拱手让人后,他主观世界与现实的冲突使他一次次陷入迷惘和狂暴专断。 He is repeatedly plunged into confusion and outrage as the result of the conflicts between reality and his fallacy following the abdication of his kingdom.
来自那些以前没获利多少的学校的压力也很大,他们怎么可能将自己的孩子拱手让人? And pressures are growing from the less affluent parents who often cannot even think of sending a gifted child to university at all.
孰不料玫瑰园一役,一败涂地一手育大的利达行亦拱手让人,只得蛰伏广州,闭门思过。 Who Unexpectedly Rose Garden incident, plete primary education is simply one big Leader OK, only seven Guangzhou revealed.
如果茂业国际继续增持,深国商第一大股东未必甘愿以如此低价格将公司控制权拱手让人。 If Mao industry to continue to overweight international, Shen Guoshang largest shareholder may not be willing to such a low price control of the pany handed it over to others.
经过一周的抗议,他们的口号我们已经很熟悉了:“我们的天然气不卖,也不会拱手让人”。 The chants are familiar by now after a week of protests, “our gas isn’t for sale, and we won’t give it away either”, they say.
每一次都一样,我会肯定地选择故意作对而绝非在沃特福德取得一场把冠军拱手让人的0-0平局。 I’ll certainly take it over a title-conceding 0-0 draw at Watford, every time.
去年的欧洲站,因为磨平轮胎导致了悬挂断裂,从而让他在最后一圈以第一的位置退出比赛,将冠军拱手让人。 He was robbed of victory in the 2005 European GP when a flat-spot-induced suspension failure took him out of the lead on the last lap.
竞争对手一个接着一个,宣传力度一个强于一个,怎么办?霸主地位能拱手让人吗?压力感和紧迫感直逼李祥! Does submissively of potential energy of number one ground let a person?Pressure feeling and sense of urgency force continuously Li Xiang!
“嗅觉”灵敏的海外巨鳄正加紧版图上的布点扩张,本土商家也不甘心把阵地拱手让人,一场群雄争霸的“搏杀”已经拉开帷幕。 “smell” sensitive Na is stepping up its overseas territory of the cloth point expansion, local businesses also take over the position so that a ambitious masters of the “No” has been launched.
英文不好,也等于把知识的获取权拱手让人决定了,我们接触到的翻译成品是媒体筛选的,有遗珠之憾在所难免,因此,我们不能完全倚赖翻译获取新知。 We will only to believe what others tell us if we are insufficient in English. Produced by the media, we are reading translations with possible imperfections. Therefore, we cannot just read and trust.
甘当客户的老师,让他们了解有关产品及服务的专业知识、市场行情——不仅不会将客户拱手让人,反而有助于增进客户的忠诚度,建立起更为稳固的客户关系。 If you’re a pany that provides professional services, does it make sense to help your customers bee more educated in the skills and abilities your organization provides?
黑夜从不试图去撕裂什么,它只是默默地侵入,默默地渗透,直到所有地区都在它的管辖范围之内,它就满足了,然后它无声无息地逃走,把所有的地盘拱手让人。 Darkness never try to tear anything, it just quietly invasion, infiltration in silence, until all regions in its jurisdiction, it met, and then it quietly away, to hand over all sites People.
拱手让人 gǒngshǒuràngrén拱手让人的意思和解释:拱手:双手合抱在胸前,以示敬意。恭顺地让给别人。形容怯弱可欺或甘心为奴仆、附庸。拱手让人的出处拱手让人的例子明知众寡
拱手让人 gǒngshǒuràngrén拱手让人的意思和解释:拱手:双手合抱在胸前,以示敬意。恭顺地让给别人。形容怯弱可欺或甘心为奴仆、附庸。拱手让人的出处拱手让人的例子明知众寡
词语大全 拱手让人 [gǒng shǒu ràng rén]什么意思
拱手让人 [gǒngshǒuràngrén][拱手让人]成语解释拱手:双手合抱在胸前,以示敬意。恭顺地让给别人。形容怯弱可欺或甘心为奴仆、附庸。[拱手让人]成语出处蔡东藩、许廑父