词语大全 各色人等的意思_成语“各色人等”是什么意思

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篇首语:著论准过秦,作赋拟子虚。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 各色人等的意思_成语“各色人等”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 各色人等的意思_成语“各色人等”是什么意思

2、词语大全 各色人等造句_各色人等中英文解释和造句

词语大全 各色人等的意思_成语“各色人等”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音gè sè rén děng
成语解释 色:种类;人等:人们。社会上各种职业各个阶层的人们。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 偏正式
成语用法 作主语、宾语、定语;指不同的人。
产生年代 现代
典故出处 蔡东藩《民国通俗演义》第61回:“各色人等,务望各安本分,勿再稍事纷扰,自召虚惊。”
成语例句 孙犁《贾平凹散文集序》:“有~,有各种文章。”
英文翻译 a hodgepodge of people <all sorts and conditions of men>

词语大全 各色人等造句_各色人等中英文解释和造句

各色人等  gè sè rén děng







  • 各色人等交朋友不是件容易的事。 To say something is one thing, to do it is another.

  • 各色人等交朋友不是件容易的事。 Making friends with different kinds of people is not easy work.

  • 他们掌握著被各色人等津津乐道的话题。 They have favorite subjects that they talk about to different crowds.

  • 各色人等参加了那个会议。 A mix of people attended the meeting.

  • 不管何种原因,学校能满足各色人等之需求。 Whatever the reasons, here caters for all wants.

  • 夜总会是个各色人等的大杂烩,能迎合各种品味的需求。 The night club is a grab bag with all kinds of people catering to different tastes.

  • 于是,我们看见了各色人等在炒作“炒房团”时的不遗余力。 Thus we see that the industries by various actors in speculation “Up Mission, ” the effort.

  • 他热爱社交、讲究生活,极富好奇心的他喜欢与各色人等交往。 He was fond of society and good living, and his insatiable curiosity led him to take delight in intercourse with all sorts of people.

  • 房客=香港各色人等,例如,资本家、工、小商贩、飞仔。 The tenants = different people in HK, e. g. bourgeois, workers, shopkeepers, aimless youths etc.

  • 乘客﹕教师、医生、学生、生意、嫖客、青楼女子、教徒﹐各色人等。 Passengers are, teachers, doctors, students, merchants, pimps, prostitutes, believers…

  • 尽管如此,耶稣坚持要与这批各色人等、充满罪愆的群众一同领洗。 Nevertheless, Jesus insists on receiving baptism in the midst of this assorted, sinful crowd of people.

  • 或多或少地受到这类故事的鼓舞,生物技术正在成为各色人等的爱好。 Encouraged in part by such stories, biotechnology is now being a hobby for all sorts of people.

  • 他说,他的一生都在弥合种族之间的隔阂,并帮助各色人等在一起工作。 He says his whole life has been about bridging racial divides and helping people work together.

  • 美国是上帝的熔炉,在这个大熔炉里,来自欧洲的各色人等被融化被改造… America is God’s Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming…

  • 宾回到地球后,喜欢坐在购物中心,不为别的,只是饶有兴味地看着各色人等。 When Bean returned to Earth he would sit in shopping malls, simply to marvel at the variety of human life.

  • 股市就是个大林子,里面也有各色人等在里面叽叽喳喳发表自己对股市的看法。 The stock market is a big woods, which have mixed crowd and they’re chattering inside the stock market to express their views.

  • 他说,在北京可以见识各色人等和种种有意思的事物,但过几年一定会回家乡去。 He called Beijing ‘a place where I can meet all kinds of people, and see all kinds of colorful things, but I definitely will go back to my hometown in a couple of years.

  • 作为一名“外来客”,有些时候,他倒更喜欢躲在“暗处”,静静地观察各色人等。 As a “foreign guests”, sometimes, he prefers to hide down, “dark, ” quietly observed by various actors.

  • 本书是80年来最不同寻常的金融场景中,各色人等粉墨作派的故事,也是精彩的分析研究。 It is the story of the actors in the most extraordinary financial spectacle in 80 years, and it is told brilliantly.

  • 多年来,插图画家罗尔丹创作的新闻物插图妙趣横生,从政客到流行歌星,各色人等,无所不包。 For many years, illustrator Ismael Roldan created witty and original drawings of people in the news, from politicians to pop stars. Mr.

  • 每年新玩具大量涌向市场,其中的大部分产品出自主要的几个生产商,而创意则来自四面八方,各色人等。 Every year new toys flood the market, and while most of the products that land on store shelves e from major manufactures, ideas can e from anywhere or anyone.

  • 描述雷厉风行者、拍马屁、二半吊子、泼妇、大言不惭、一根筋、胡思乱想、幻想症疾病各色人等的用语。 Terms for describing a disciplinarian, toady, dabbler, provocative woman, flag-waver, possessor of a one-track mind, freethinker, sufferer from imaginary ailments, etc.

  • 她看着眼前各色人等,此时唯有莎士比亚的一句台词“全世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一些演员。” “She looked at Geserendeng before, only this time a line of Shakespeare’s” The world is a stage, all the men and women but that is due to the actors. “She asked.

  • 然后他就离开尼泊尔与喜玛拉雅山脉,下山到拉哲普丹那山谷,向西而行,向各色人等传授至高无上的完美法门。 Then he left the Himalaya Mountains, descended into the valley of Rajputana, and went towards the west, reaching to diverse of peoples the supreme perfection of man.

  • ‘然后他就离开尼泊尔与喜玛拉雅山脉,下山到拉哲普丹那山谷,向西而行,向各色人等传授至高无上的完美法门。’ Then he left the Himalaya Mountains, descended into the valley of Rajputana, and went towards the west, reaching to diverse of peoples the supreme perfection of man.

  • 艾比路工作室现在装了一个网络摄像头,对准斑马线通道,可以看到各色人等抓住时机停下来拍照,而车流被迫中断。 Abbey Road Studios now has a Web cam focused on the zebra striped crosswalk, showing all manner of people stopping for photo ops, while disrupting the flow of traffic.

  • 即便是最有天赋的喜剧小说家,恐怕也难以对如今全球最大的博彩市场——澳门和蜂拥到此的各色人等做出逼真的描述。 Even the most gifted ic novelist would struggle to do justice to Macao and the cast of characters who have flocked to what is now the world’s largest gambling market.

  • 三教九流、各色人等都出入于雷克的咖啡馆。小偷、间谍、纳粹,还有想转道中立城市葡萄牙的里斯本去美国的难民,各种各样的都来到这儿。 Everybody es to Rick’s, including thieves, spies, Nazis, and refugees who are trying to make their way to the neutral city of Lisbon, Portugal, and on to America.

  • 尤其需要指出的是,如果各色人等不再定期的煽动穆斯林的反以、反美情绪,不再做这些胜利无望之举,巴勒斯坦的前景就会有所好转,不再那么暗淡。 In particular, the outlook for the Palestinians would be less bleak if sundry outsiders did not periodically hijack their cause to mobilise Muslim emotions against Israel, America or both.

  • 《水浒传》字里行间所浸润、挥发著的酒,与古往今来各色人等所享用着、表现著的酒,存在着迥异的美学内涵与生价值取向,从而形成了《水浒传》所独有的雄浑豪壮的阳刚美质。 The liquor spreads the unique Charm in the novel, And The Liquor also shows the heroes’concept of beauty and their value of life between the lines, Thus the liquor forms the novel’s men’s beauty.

  • 各色人等造句相关



    词语大全 各色人等的意思_成语“各色人等”是什么意思


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    各色人等  gèsèrénděng各色人等的意思和解释:色:种类;人等:人们。社会上各种职业各个阶层的人们。各色人等的出处各色人等的例子~,务望各安本分,勿再稍事纷扰,自召虚惊。(

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    连串  [liánchuàn][连串]基本解释1.一个接一个。2.串联;连线。[连串]详细解释一个接一个。茅盾《大鼻子的故事》:“各色人等连串地进来。”王西彦《一个小人物的愤怒》:

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