词语大全 改名换姓的意思_成语“改名换姓”是什么意思

Posted 成语

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1、词语大全 改名换姓的意思_成语“改名换姓”是什么意思

2、词语大全 改名换姓造句_改名换姓中英文解释和造句

词语大全 改名换姓的意思_成语“改名换姓”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音gǎi míng huàn xìng
成语解释 改换了原来的姓名,指为了隐瞒原来的身份。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作谓语、定语;指改换了原来的姓名。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 宋·朱熹《答孙敬甫》:“不必如此隐讳遮藏,改名换姓,欲以欺人,而人不可欺。”
成语例句 曲波《林海雪原》:“把所有的人混进各大小城市,~,打入共产党的各要害部门。”
近 义 词 改头换面 改名易姓
英文翻译 change one’s name and surname

词语大全 改名换姓造句_改名换姓中英文解释和造句

改名换姓  gǎi míng huàn xìng







  • 因此,用奥威尔的说法,并购公司决定改名换姓。 So in Orwellian fashion, the buyout firms decided to change their moniker.

  • 德纳第不难改名换姓,他趁这机会变成了容德雷特。 Thenardier, to whom avatars were easy, seized this occasion to bee Jondrette.

  • 三名犹太男童改名换姓做插班生,为的是要逃避纳粹的魔爪。 Three new students e. They are different; they are Jews disguised in new identities to escape the Nazis.

  • 不,我记不得那个姓名,演戏的人常常改名换姓,正像换房间一样。 No, I don’t remember the name. Them stage people has names they change as often as their rooms.

  • 这是另一个疑点。如果一个人没隐瞒什么的话,是不会改名换姓的。 That’s another cause for suspicion. Nobody goes under an assumed name unless he has something to hide.

  • 早在马西尼被假释以前,比安科就作了改名换姓而后躲藏起来的打算。 Bianco planned to change her name and go into hiding long before Matheney was paroled.

  • 如今上海杰士达又改名换姓为上海华普,这个上海人知晓的自然更少了。 Nowadays Shanghai Jieshida change name is Shanghai Hua Pu, this Shanghai person’s witting nature is fewer.

  • 也就是说,过了长达四年的漫漫维权路,吴小姐只能眼睁睁看着自己的房子改名换姓。 In other words, after four years of long adults Road, Wu only watched their house, possibly name.

  • 他是在十七岁时改名换姓的,也是在他一生事业开端的那个特定时刻——当时他看见丹。 He had changed it at the age of seventeen and at the specific moment that witnessed the beginning of his career—when he saw Dan Cody’s yacht drop anchor over the most insidious flat on Lake Superior.

  • 本来朱丽叶打算用假死骗过所有人,从此以后改名换姓就可以和罗密欧远走高飞双宿双栖。 Juliet was going to fool everyone by pretending death, after that she could fly away with Romeo to have a new life, where no fighting, no bat at all.

  • 其实正因冷聚变遭到如此痛击,拥护者都已为他们的研究成果改名换姓,称之为“低能核反应”。 In fact, its advocates have renamed their endeavours “low-energy nuclear reactions” because cold fusion has received such a drubbing. That is because most scientists think it impossible.

  • 纽约的一家报纸发现:比尔兹利·阿尔弗德曾结过婚、改名换姓、离异,后一直在一家基督教长老会教堂工作。 A New York newspaper found that Beardsley Alford had married, changed her name, divorced and was working for a Presbyterian church.

  • 各位大侠听好啦!独孤兄弟从此改名换姓,以后叫–(灯光全亮,音乐起,一条身影闪亮登场)群众务农!快!掌声…… Listen to me every knight-errant! I have changed my name, from now on call me —-(the light turn on, music es, a shadow flash)Qunzhongwunong! Hurry up! Applaud!

  • 据新华社报导,中国受到观众狂热追捧的“超级女声”选秀节目在沉寂两年后改名换姓卷土重来,这次它更名为“快乐女声”。 After a two-year absence, the enormously popular Super Girls, China’s single-sex answer to American Idol, is back, albeit under a new name.

  • 房屋中介始终是个敏感的话题,连日来,各媒体争相报道,中介公司纷纷将“房屋银行”业务“改名换姓”,消费者的咨询骤增。 housing intermediary always is a sensitive topic, the past few days, the media reported one, intermediary panies have “Housing Bank” operational “name – surname” consumer advisory students.

  • 留学归来的李楠风为给跳楼身亡的哥哥报仇,放弃前途,改名换姓甚至瞒着苦候他归来的恋人丁宁,混进仇人林知秋的公司伺机报复。 To take revenge for his brother, overseas scholar Li Nanfeng gives up his bright future, conceals his identity and and mingles with his enemy Lin Zhiqiu.

  • 隔壁不怀好意的邻居可不在乎你们要不要改名换姓,它们在乎的是怎么才能把你家的房产给抢过来,把你俩兄弟都赶到大街上要饭去! Ill-door neighbor may not care that you do not want to name names change, they care about is how to put your property to scramble over, you have two brothers out to the streets begging!

  • 留学归来的李楠风为给跳楼身亡的哥哥报仇,放弃前途,改名换姓甚至瞒着苦候他归来的恋人丁宁,混进仇人林知秋的公司伺机报复。 To take revenge for his brother, overseas scholar Li Nanfeng gives up his bright future, conceals his identity and and mingles with his enemy Lin Zhiqiu.

  • 水门事件期间,他发现有法西斯分子阴谋在操纵政府核心,受此刺激而觉醒的他改名换姓为诺马德,并脱离了美国,不再代表任何国家。 During Watergate, he discovered a fascist conspiracy at the heart of government, and was so disillusioned that he briefly became a stateless hero called Nomad.

  • 于是,北京楼市又出现一个有趣现象:一些老楼盘,后期开发的房子喜欢频繁换项目案名。“没办法,又怕挨骂,又要赶紧把房子卖出去还贷,只能改名换姓,打一枪换一个地方,”上述开发商人士说。 Under this circumstance, an interesting phenomenon emerges in Beijing property market: some old property projects frequently changed the names for a better sale and loans return, the developer said.

  • 改名换姓造句相关



    词语大全 改名换姓的意思_成语“改名换姓”是什么意思


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    词语大全 改名换姓的意思 成语大全


    词语大全 改名换姓造句_改名换姓中英文解释和造句

    改名换姓  gǎimínghuànxìng改名换姓的意思和解释:改换了原来的姓名。改名换姓的出处《史记·货殖列传》:“乃乘扁舟浮于江湖,变名易姓。”改名换姓的例子改名换姓造句因此,

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    改名换姓  gǎimínghuànxìng改名换姓的意思和解释:改换了原来的姓名。改名换姓的出处《史记·货殖列传》:“乃乘扁舟浮于江湖,变名易姓。”改名换姓的例子改名换姓造句因此,

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    词语大全 改名易姓   [gǎi míng yì xìng]什么意思

    改名易姓  [gǎimíngyìxìng][改名易姓]成语解释改换原来的姓名。多指为了隐瞒原来的身分。同“改名换姓”。[改名易姓]成语出处明·余继登《典故纪闻》卷十三:“其后往往私

    词语大全 改名易姓的意思_成语“改名易姓”是什么意思
