词语大全 俯首就擒的意思_成语“俯首就擒”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:最聪明的处世之术是,既对世俗投以白眼,又与其同流合污。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 俯首就擒的意思_成语“俯首就擒”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 俯首就擒的意思_成语“俯首就擒”是什么意思

2、词语大全 束手就擒造句_束手就擒中英文解释和造句

词语大全 俯首就擒的意思_成语“俯首就擒”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音fǔ shǒu jiù qín
成语解释 低头受擒拿。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 连动式
成语用法 作谓语、定语;指不反抗。
产生年代 现代
成语例句 他打了败仗,只好~。
近 义 词 束手就擒
反 义 词 负隅顽抗
英文翻译 droop one’s head and allow oneself to be bound
歇 后 语 鱼落网兜

词语大全 束手就擒造句_束手就擒中英文解释和造句

束手就擒  shù shǒu jiù qín








  • 极通人性的“星期五”哪肯束手就擒! A human “, “which will tranquilliser Friday!

  • 摇滚说唱机密 –束手就擒的颠覆摇滚通讯。 Rock &Rap Confidential – Dave Marsh’s subversive rock newsletter.

  • 最后这名男子停下他的小卡车,坐在一个院子里束手就擒。 He ended up sitting on a patio chair after stopping his minivan and surrendered as police arrested him.

  • 最后,他停下他的小货车,坐在一个小折叠椅上,束手就擒。 He ended up sitting on a patio chair after stopping his minivan and surrendered as police arrested him.

  • 在业主和保安合力搜寻下,“黑影”在阳台角落里束手就擒。 Owners and security forces in search of the “dark shadow” in the balcony corners hide.

  • 同盟军就会背腹受敌束手就擒,李将不得不撤退或者全军覆灭。 The Confederate army would be caught between two powerful forces. Lee would have to withdraw, or lose his army.

  • 不过佩特曼显然不愿轻易束手就擒,顽强地与世界第一打起对攻。 But apparently reluctant to Shushoujiuqin Pateman, tenaciously in the world playing with the attacks.

  • 他们非常具攻击性,假如瓦伦西亚袖手旁观的话他们将会束手就擒。 They are very offensive and Valencia will be there for the taking if they sit back.

  • 当库尔德爱国阵线和美军特种部队冲进去的时候,萨达姆束手就擒。 S. Special Forces troops into the Kurdish Patriotic Front, and to the time that Saddam hide.

  • 我始终坚信梭伦的话:法律就像蜘蛛网,弱者碰到它,只好束手就擒; Laws are likes spider webs. If some poor weak creature es up against them-it is caught.

  • 尽管世界排名第10的拉德万斯卡没有束手就擒,向郑洁发起了反击。 Although the world is listed 10th the rad Vans card has not been captured hands tied, initiated the counter-attack cleanly to Zheng.

  • 但我相信荷兰队不会束手就擒,因为他们不会希望给人们留下不好的印象。 But I don’t believe Holland will arrange to lose on purpose because no-one wants to make a bad impression».

  • 工人们踢牛并用水枪设计它们的脸,他们还用电击和叉车强迫动物束手就擒。 The workers kicked them and shot water at their faces. They also used electric shocks and forklift trucks to force the animals to their feet.

  • 布鲁斯·韦恩:我知道暴徒是不会束手就擒,但是这一次不一样,他们越线了。 Bruce Wayne: I knew the mob wouldn’t go down without a fight. But this is different. They crossed the line.

  • 它发出的冲击电压会令被击中者如同遭到雷击一样,顿时瘫倒在地,束手就擒。 It issued by the impact of voltage would be like to have been hit by lightning, suddenly collapsed to the ground, Shushoujiuqin.

  • 人们常说,征服男人的胃,就能征服男人的心,给好吃的,就能让男人束手就擒。 Here is a popular saying about love: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. ” Some people believe that a woman can win a man’s love if she prepares his favorite foods.

  • 我们躺在床上、沉迷于希望的幻影直至束手就擒才能够获得一种有效的抵抗方法? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.

  • 法律就像蜘蛛网,弱者碰到它,只好束手就擒;而强者碰到它,则可以破网而过。 Laws are likes spider webs. If some poor weak creature es up against them-it is caught. But the bigger one can break through and get away.

  • 当时,巴勒斯坦无力将以色列赶出约旦河西岸和加沙地带,以色列也不能令巴勒斯坦束手就擒。 The Palestinians could not push Israel out of the West Bank and Gaza but nor could Israel suppress the Palestinian fever for an end to occupation.

  • 虽然魔术队本场遭遇今年季后赛最大的失利,但是科比不能够只用一场比赛就会让他们束手就擒。 Though the Magic suffered its worst loss of the 2009 playoffs, the Black Mamba can’t finish off his potential prey in one game.

  • 一会儿,传来了一阵脚步声,一群持枪的猎人蜂拥而入,因洞内所有的出口全被堵住,狼束手就擒。 A little while, transmitted a footstep, the hunter that a flock of holding a gun flocks and enter, because all exit inside the hole are stemmed pletely, the wolf is seized without fighting.

  • 如果能够胜利,七月四日将不再只是美国的节日,而是世人一同宣誓之日: “我们不会束手就擒! And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday,    but as the day when the world declared in one voice: “We will not go quietly into the night!”

  • 杰米-卡拉格相信利物浦的后卫线已经运行正常,但是他提醒周三利物浦要想让阿森纳束手就擒非常困难。 Jamie Carragher believes normal service has been resumed in Liverpool’s defensive ranks – but warned the Reds will face a tough task in keeping Arsenal at bay on Wednesday evening.

  • 如果能够胜利,七月四日,将不再只是被认为是美国的假日,而将是世人一同宣誓之日:我们不会束手就擒! And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when world declared in one voice, “We will not go quietly into the night! “”

  • 塔利班和其他极端分子可以自由活动,那么价值数十亿美元的汽油管道就是他们毁灭之路上的束手就擒的猎物。 The Taliban and other extremists run free and a multibillion-dollar gas pipeline would be a sitting duck in their destructive path.

  • 泰南特溪镇警员葛雷—史班思说,此人向北开往达尔文市途中,在一个路障处束手就擒,因为他在一个小村加油不付钱。 Tennant Creek police Constable James Gray-Spence said the man was arrested without incident at a road block on his way north to Darwin after he failed to pay for fuel at a hamlet.

  • 不过,第6城市群是不会束手就擒和坐以待毙的,这个地区的人们已经习惯于接受严峻的挑战,从计划体制向计划经济的转轨,艰难地走过了; However, paragraph 6 of urban population will not fight and die, the region has been accustomed to accept tough challenges, from a planned system to a planned economy period, difficult to e by;

  • 史坦尼斯拜拉席恩把曼斯雷德的大军打得四散奔逃,塞外之王本人也束手就擒……但是野人终究还在,哭泣者、巨人克星托蒙德,以及成千上万的人。 Stannis Baratheon had smashed Mance Rayder’s host to pieces and made the King-Beyond-the-Wall his captive… but the wildlings were still out there, the Weeper and Tormund Giantsbane and thousands more.

  • 在她短暂的职业生涯中——她于1950年退出,时年27岁,希望能嫁给一个不会轻而易举就束手就擒的男人——她一共杀死了750多头牛,而且十分欢喜地将它们的耳朵,尾巴和蹄子收集起来。 In her fairly short career—she retired in 1950, at 27, wanting to marry a man who would not roll over so readily—she killed more than 750 bulls, happily collecting their ears, tails and feet.

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