词语大全 放任自流的意思_成语“放任自流”是什么意思
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篇首语:旦旦而学之,久而不怠焉,迄乎成。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 放任自流的意思_成语“放任自流”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 放任自流的意思_成语“放任自流”是什么意思
成 语 | 放任自流 |
成语读音 | fàng rèn zì liú |
成语解释 | 放:放纵,不加约束;任:听凭,任由;自:独自;流:流动,发展。不加约束,听凭其自然发展。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语、定语;指听之任之。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 薛暮桥《社会主义经济的高速度应按比例发展》:“也不应该采取放任自流的态度,使国民经济陷于无政府状态。” |
成语例句 | 王朔《无人喝彩》:“该批评不批评,~,那是什么结果?” |
近 义 词 | 听之任之 任其所为 |
反 义 词 | 防微杜渐 防患未然 |
英文翻译 | let things drift <keep a slack hand> |
俄文翻译 | пускáть на самотёк |
日文翻译 | なりゆきに任(まか)せる |
其他语言 | <德>etwas freien Lauf lassen |
歇 后 语 | 水闸失修;自来水坏了龙头 |
成语谜面 | 开闸;白开水;未关水龙头 |
词语大全 放任自流造句_放任自流中英文解释和造句
放任自流 fàng rèn zì liú
政府采取的是否放任自流的政策? Is the Government’s policy one of drift?
他们对自己的孩子太放任自流了。 They allow their children far too much latitude.
纵容是放任自流,是不负责任的行为。 Connivance of the laissez-faire attitude is irresponsible.
住房不是一般商品,政府不能放任自流。 Housing is not an ordinary modity, the government can not pass.
住房不是一般商品,政府不会放任自流。 Housing is not an ordinary modity, the government will not allow.
他们娇惯子女,放任自流,甚至对老师蛮不讲理。 They spoil the children, lets matters drift, even is persistently unreasonable to teacher.
埃德尔曼说:“父母让孩子们放任自流或者成天看电视度日。 Parents letting children raise themselves or be raised by television.
越俎代庖有悖于市场经济规则,放任自流势必导致无序竞争。 Replacement offends the market economic rules and doing nothing will lead to disorder petition.
我对这些人优柔寡断、放任自流的态度使他们变得更加讨厌。 My flabby liberal laissez-faire attitude towards these people has turned into active dislike.
企业完全处于一种放任自流的管理模式,就向一匹脱疆的野马。 The pany is pletely hands-off management. It was a runaway train.
如果对经济衰退放任自流,在未来的很多年这种局势都将持续。 With If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years.
她应该认真对待她的工作。在目前,她还是无拘无束,放任自流。 That girl has to get serious about her career soon. At the moment, she just goes wherever the wind takes her.
如果想确保大部分人都能分享市场经济带来的好处,就更不能放任自流。 They cannot simply be left on autopilot, especially if one wants to ensure that their benefits are shared widely.
他说:“总统和我一致认为,俄罗斯和美国的关系有一种放任自流的趋势。 The president and I agreed that the relationship between Russia and the United States has suffered from a sense of drift.
其政府也遵循里根经济政策的基本原则:减税,放任供应环节,放任自流。 The administration was also wedded to the fundamental tenets of Reaganomics: cut taxes and free the supply side and everything else will take care of itself.
我们是应该预见命运的未来,避免将至的危险,还是顺其自然,放任自流? Shall we have a vision of the destination to be reached, the dangers to be avoided, or shall we simply drift?
现在的情况是我们对一切放任自流,其结果便是让婚姻作为一种制度继续破灭。 Right now we are letting the chips fall where they may — a tactic which is currently causing marriage to continue to wither away as an institution.
你一旦对自己的情感放任自流,它很可能会漫过理智的堤岸,使你陷入情感的深渊。 Once you exercise little control over your sensibility, it is more likely to overflow the banks of your sense , thus bringing you into great emotional depression.
当它被放任自流时,华尔街制造的狂暴泡沫破灭时几乎毁坏了整个世界的金融系统。 When it was left alone, the Street unleashed a wild speculative bubble that almost destroyed the world’s financial system when it burst.
其次,互助社以社团名义在民政部门登记,缺乏明确监管主体,最终造成对其放任自流的局面。 Second, the credit union in the name of society to civil affairs departments to register, the lack of clear regulation of the main, the final result of its own course.
希腊研究人员日前发现,已婚人士对自己“放任自流”,生活方式发生显著变化,因此容易发胖。 Greek researchers found that married couples were more likely to bee fat due to their significantly changed lifestyle as they “let themselves go”.
然而,似乎两人在一起到了七个月左右时,他们就会觉得彼此的感情已经稳定,便开始放任自流。 However, it seems once a couple has been together for around seven months they decide they really do love each other and start to let go.
赫尔巴特主张在教学中和教学外都要给予学生最大程度的自由,但又反对教育者对学生放任自流。 Whether it was during the course of teaching or not, Herbart advocated to give students freedom. However, he was opposed to letting students drift.
他们让其女儿放任自流,结颗她因冒充顾客进商店行窃被抓住了——平时严厉的管教对孩子有好处。 They gave their daughter plete freedom and she was caught shoplifting—spare the rod and spoil the child.
它真正意味的是一个两分法的世界观,在这种世界观里不管你偏向“自由市场”(放任自流地自由! It does mean that a dichotomous worldview in which you are either for the “free market” (free as it can be!
在溺爱孩子几十年之后,现在的美国社会对于无法无天放任自流的孩子的纵容态度,似乎也到了一个临界点。 After decades of indulgence, American society seems to have reached some kind of tipping point, as far as tolerance for wild and woolly kid behavior is concerned.
可这并不意味着世界会对发达国家的经济放缓放任自流,也不意味着发展中国家可以在欧美的经济危机面前独善其身。 This does not mean that the world will be able to make light of a slowdown in industrialised countries. Nor will developing countries be unaffected by problems hitting America and Europe.
对于损害共同政治基础和群众利益的言论和行为,不能听之任之,放任自流,而是要以合适的方式批驳纠正,激浊扬清。 Common political foundation for damage and the interests of the masses, not speech and behavior, but shoplifting-spare the laissez-faire, with appropriate way to correct thesis, turbidity Yang.
又如,一方面表明要打击房地产投机行为,另一方面却对银行信贷不加约束,同时也对国际资本进入房地产市场放任自流。 Again, on the one hand to demonstrate against real estate speculation, but on the other hand, bank credit without restraint, but also to international capital to enter the real estate market call.
有时候,这种情况的产生是因为右派们“剽窃”了左派的必杀大技——一揽子经济刺激方案,而且右派们还积极声讨放任自流的(粗旷式)“盎格鲁-撒克逊”式资本主义。 In some cases, that is because the right has stolen their clothes by launching economic rescue packages, and joining the denunciation of wild “Anglo-Saxon” capitalism.
放任自流 fàngrènzìliú放任自流的意思和解释:听凭自然的发展,不加领导或过问。放任自流的出处《淮南子·修务训》:“夫地势水东流,人必事焉,然后水潦得谷行;禾稼春生,人必
放任自流 fàngrènzìliú放任自流的意思和解释:听凭自然的发展,不加领导或过问。放任自流的出处《淮南子·修务训》:“夫地势水东流,人必事焉,然后水潦得谷行;禾稼春生,人必
有关水的歇后语 1)房檐滴水——放任自流;任其自流;点点不差 2)黄沙搀水泥——合在一起干 3)黄鼠狼过水田——拖泥带水 4)黄鼠狼戏水牛——大的没有小的能 5)黄鼠狼钻水沟——各走各的
有关水的歇后语 1)房檐滴水——放任自流;任其自流;点点不差 2)黄沙搀水泥——合在一起干 3)黄鼠狼过水田——拖泥带水 4)黄鼠狼戏水牛——大的没有小的能 5)黄鼠狼钻水沟——各走各的
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河滩里盖房子歇后语 河滩里盖房子————靠不住;不可靠 大船开到小河里————搁浅 大河边上的望江亭————近水楼台 大河决了堤————放任自流;任其自流 大河里漂油花————一星半点