词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨的意思_成语“翻手为云,覆手为雨”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:世间事飘忽不定者多,万事随心,随不了心便随缘,随不了缘便随时势。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨的意思_成语“翻手为云,覆手为雨”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
1、词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨的意思_成语“翻手为云,覆手为雨”是什么意思
词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨的意思_成语“翻手为云,覆手为雨”是什么意思
成 语 | 翻手为云,覆手为雨 |
成语读音 | fān shǒu wéi yún,fù shǒu wéi yǔ |
成语解释 | 翻:反转;覆:反复。形容人反复无常或惯于玩弄权术。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 复句式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语、定语、分句;形容人变化无常。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 清·蒋士铨《空谷香·店缢》:“翻手为云,覆手为雨,梁间存寡燕,树杪没慈乌。” |
成语例句 | 茅盾《手的故事》一:“猴子虽然有手,却不会制造工具;至于‘~’,猴子更不会。” |
近 义 词 | 翻云覆雨 |
英文翻译 | as changeable as the moon <blow hot and cold > |
成语谜面 | 哑巴说话 |
成语故事 | 唐朝时期,诗人杜甫处于盛唐走向衰弱的时期,他深切体会到上层社会的世态炎凉,人情淡薄,看到的都是尔虞我诈,不禁想起了春秋时期的管鲍之交的真情友谊。于是抚今思古即兴作《贫交行》:“翻手作云覆手雨,纷纷轻薄何须数。” |
词语大全 先下手为强造句_先下手为强中英文解释和造句
先下手为强 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng
去看电影,不在家。先下手为强嘛。 Going to the movie isn’t at home. Start first for strong.
迈克:本,我们先下手为强。 Mike: Ben, look out, we got to move fast here.
这真是个先下手为强的世界。 This is really a world where those who act first are strongest.
最好的防守就是有效的进攻/先下手为强。 The best defense is a good offense.
先下手为强。有效的进攻就是最有效的防守。 The best defense is a good offence.
从周一开始就有人先下手为强,占领有利地势。 Monday was from the beginning, preemptive, favorable terrain.
保罗原想把最后一块饼干吃掉,但被他弟弟先下手为强。 Paul wanted to eat the last cookie, but his brother beat him to the punch .
保罗原想把最后一块饼干吃掉,但被他弟弟先下手为强。 Paul wanted to eat the last cookie, but his brother beat him to the punch.
相信前景光明也相信先下手为强的,抢一步买房静待升值; I also believe that the bright prospects of preemptive and emergency housing wait step rise;
尤文在转会前线上展示了出色的计谋,他们试图先下手为强。 Juve are showing good tactics on the transfer front as they attempt to sneak in ahead of the petition.
除此之外,切尔西的政策就是先下手为强,防止别人签下他们。 “Besides, it’s accepted Chelsea policy to sign people to ensure that nobody else gets their hands on them”.
于是,就来个先下手为强,派人以诈降之计把雌栗糜给刺杀了。 As a result, to a preemptive, Zha Jiang plans to send the female to the assassination of Li Mi.
我们的目标是在他们进球之前扳平,所以我们应该先下手为强。 We aim to equalise before the other team score. We should get our retaliation in first.
当他们麻烦缠身,打算从赌博中解套时,别家早就先下手为强了。 When it got into trouble and had to start unwinding its bets, others sold first.
消磨时间的理由:我不消磨它,它也会消磨我,何不先下手为强? Why should I kill time? Because it will kill me anyway. So I must take the initiative.
底线:要是那些迷信的混蛋要对我们不利,我们一定要先下手为强… Bottom line: The supernatural bastards are trying to kill us, so we’re going to kill the hell out of them first…and probably with missiles.
那些有钱的大俱乐部正在越来越多的关注著沃罗宁,我们决定先下手为强。 He is getting more and more of the spotlight from bigger clubs with more money, and time really is a factor.
古老的哲学所说的“先下手为强”在今天的社会中并不能获得尊敬或实质意义。 The old philosophy that says “It’s better to strike first” has no respect or relevance in the world today.
其他新援里,阿毛里的转会非常艰苦,有许多球队在追逐他,但我们先下手为强。 As for the other arrivals, landing Amauri was tough, he had lots of suitors, but we had the upper hand because we approached him first.
这给了我们足够的时间去选择是缓和局势,或是防卫,甚至是可能的先下手为强。 It would allow the sharp-witted time to choose appeasement, defence or possibly even preemptive attack.
也许,这只是一个自我保护的方法:当感觉到对方不喜欢自己时,我们先下手为强。 Actually one is striking first to gain the advantage when one feel oneself in disfavor——a means of self-protection in essence .
不完全是这样。伊拉克没有攻击我们…不过它可能那样子做。我们决定先下手为强。 first. Just in case Iraq used those weapons we were talking about.
知道傲慢的人是缺乏安全感的人。他们害怕被人管辖和控制,所以他们会先下手为强。 Know that arrogant people are really quite insecure . They seek to dominate and control because they are afraid of being dominated and controlled.
我就喜欢先下手为强的那种人,反正死人不咬活人,这就是我的看法——阿门,就这样吧。 Him as strikes first is my fancy; dead men don’t bite; them’s my views – amen, so be it.
不完全是这样。伊拉克没有攻击我们…不过它可能那样子做。我们决定先下手为强。以防万。 Not exactly. Iraq didn’t attack us … but it might have. We decided to get in.
我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
有报道说巴西主帅邓加将在里皮有机会征召阿毛里之前,先下手为强,取得这位尤文射手的信任。 There are reports that Brazil boss Carlos Dunga will secure Amauri’s allegiance by calling the Juventus striker up before Marcello Lippi gets a chance to.
国内和海外的购房者在中国的某些城市展开了一场“先下手为强”的购房竞争,彼此都认为“我买后你再买我就升值”。 Domestic and overseas property buyers in certain cities in China launched a “preemptive” real petition, both think “I bought them to buy another I would appreciate after you.
旁白:盖达和他的同僚们想在自己被旧的***体制摧毁之前,先下手为强,把经济改革作为摧毁对方的一个政治武器。 NARRATOR: Gaidar and his team wanted to use economic reform as a political weapon to smash the old munist system before it destroyed them.
不完全是这样,伊拉克没有攻击我们…不过它可能那样子做。我们决定先下手为强。以防万一伊拉克真的使用了那些武器。 Not exactly. Iraq didn’t attack us … but it might have. We decided to get in first. Just in case Iraq used those weapons we were talking about.
词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨的意思_成语“翻手为云,覆手为雨”是什么意思
词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨 [fān shǒu wéi yún,fù shǒu wéi yǔ]什么意思
翻手为云,覆手为雨 [fānshǒuwéiyún,fùshǒuwéiyǔ][翻手为云,覆手为雨]成语解释形容人反复无常或惯于耍手段。[翻手为云,覆手为雨]成语出处唐·杜甫《贫交行
词语大全 翻手为云,覆手为雨 [fān shǒu wéi yún,fù shǒu wéi yǔ]什么意思
翻手为云,覆手为雨 [fānshǒuwéiyún,fùshǒuwéiyǔ][翻手为云,覆手为雨]成语解释形容人反复无常或惯于耍手段。[翻手为云,覆手为雨]成语出处唐·杜甫《贫交行
成语词典>>先下手为强的意思解释成语先下手为强发音:xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng 释义:在对手没有准备好的时候首先动手,取得主动地位。 出处:《隋书·元胄传》
先下手为强 xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng先下手为强的意思和解释:在对手没有准备好的时候首先动手,取得主动地位。先下手为强的出处《隋书·元胄传》:“兵马悉他家物,一先下手
先下手为强 xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng先下手为强的意思和解释:在对手没有准备好的时候首先动手,取得主动地位。先下手为强的出处《隋书·元胄传》:“兵马悉他家物,一先下手
词语大全 先下手为强 [xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng]什么意思
先下手为强 [xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng][先下手为强]成语解释在对手没有准备好的时候首先动手,取得主动地位。褒义[先下手为强]成语出处《隋书·元胄传》:“兵马悉他家