词语大全 粉身碎骨的意思_成语“粉身碎骨”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 粉身碎骨的意思_成语“粉身碎骨”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 粉身碎骨的意思_成语“粉身碎骨”是什么意思

2、词语大全 粉身碎骨造句_粉身碎骨中英文解释和造句

词语大全 粉身碎骨的意思_成语“粉身碎骨”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音fěn shēn suì gǔ
成语解释 粉:碎成粉末。全身粉碎。指为某种目的而丧命。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作谓语、定语、状语、宾语;用于人。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 唐·蒋防《霍小玉传》:“平生志愿,今日获从,粉骨碎身,誓不相舍。”
成语例句 周立波《参军这一天》:“为了我们的伟大的、亲爱的祖国,纵令是~,我也甘心。”
近 义 词 肝脑涂地 身首异处 杀身成仁
反 义 词 完好无损
英文翻译 be ground to dust <have one’s body smashed to pieces>
俄文翻译 разбиться вдрéбезги
日文翻译 艖命(しんめい)を惜(お)しまない,生命(せいめい)を犠牲(ぎせい)にすること
其他语言 <法>être brisé en morceaux <mourir de mort violente>
歇 后 语 螳螂挡车;浪头撞在礁石上
成语谜面 鸡蛋碰石头

词语大全 粉身碎骨造句_粉身碎骨中英文解释和造句

粉身碎骨  fěn shēn suì gǔ








  • 一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。 A grenade blew them both to bits.

  • 恐怖分子威胁说要把我们炸得粉身碎骨。 The terrorist threatened to blow us sky-high.

  • 许多人被炸得粉身碎骨,人肉撒满了广场。 Many were literally ripped to shreds, human flesh scattered over the square.

  • 风没有翅膀,却会飞翔,最终撞的粉身碎骨,全因为没有方向。 No wind wings, but it will fly, the final pieces of the plane, because we do not have any direction.

  • 如果你已被炸得粉身碎骨,并弄丢了钢盔,他们依然会给你寄账单。 If you get blown up and you lose your helmet, they still bill you.

  • 你的周围充满危险–你可以看见购物者进入购物中心,被炸得粉身碎骨。 With danger all around you – you see shoppers going into the shopping centre on a Friday and being blown to bits.

  • 我们一无所有,甚至我们自己就是无形,也许还漂浮着粉身碎骨后的粉末。 We had nothing, and even our own is invisible, and perhaps floating bits of powder.

  • 但走进去一看,老鼠乱窜,满地粪便,安装好的玻璃被砸得“粉身碎骨”。 But to enter one view, rats scurrying, Montreal excreta, glass smashed a good installation “die the most cruel death.”

  • 在这个队里,我们奋战为了那一寸…在这个队里,我们粉身碎骨为了那一寸… team, we fight for that inch… on this team, we tear ourselves and everyone else around us, to pieces for that.

  • 如果你对风险没有足够的防范意识,你最后可能会跌得粉身碎骨,变得不名一文。 If you aren’t risk-averse enough, you could end up blowing yourself up and losing all your money.

  • 人生路上,我们会无数次被自己的决定或碰到的逆境击倒、欺凌甚至碾得粉身碎骨。 In the human way out, we can be innumerable time the adverse circumstance which or bumps into by own decision to strike, the humiliation even grind but actually meet a cruel death.

  • 任何一个掉到地上,它们都会不可逆转地磨损,裂痕,缺失、破坏,甚至粉身碎骨。 If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered.

  • 人生路上,我们会无数次被自己的决定或碰到的逆境击倒、欺凌甚至碾得粉身碎骨。 Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make, and circumstances that e away.

  • 人生路上,我们会无数次被自己的 决定或碰到的逆境击倒、欺凌甚至碾得粉身碎骨。 S. dollars. Life on the road, we will many times by their own decision or knockout encounter adversity, bullying or even grind to pieces.

  • 请问,你美国“可伦比亚号”在天空粉身碎骨时,我们说“报应”,你们又该怎么想??? What would you Yankees think if we say it is a KARMA when your “Columbia” broke into pieces in space?

  • 我愿意把我从太阳那里受到的热放散出来,我愿意把自己烧得粉身碎骨给人间添一点点温暖。 I’ll radiate the heat that I have absorbed from the sun. I’ll burn myself to ashes t provide this human world with a little warmth.

  • 周四自杀炮弹袭击者粉身碎骨的同时,布托在驻防小镇拉瓦尔品第参选集会中刚刚演讲完毕。 Bhutto had just addressed a pre-election rally on Thursday in the garrison town of Rawalpindi when a suicide bomber blew himself up.

  • 即使是已死或濒死的恒星,也具有调节机制,使它们逐渐枯竭而亡,而非一下子就炸得粉身碎骨。 Even dead or dying stars have mechanisms causing them to peter out rather than blowing up.

  • 然后,以该俱乐部之名,为了这个俱乐部的利益,哪怕你要粉身碎骨又何妨,你会发展出这样的所谓忠诚。 And in the name of the club, for the sake of the club, even to blow yourself up who cares! That kind of loyalty you’ll build.

  • 现在那些无论是想用坦克导弹还是用背包或客机把敌人炸个粉身碎骨的人大多都是以上帝的名义这样做的。 Most of those now seeking to blow people up – whether with tanks and missiles or rucksacks and passenger planes – do so in the name of God.

  • 你也可以投身于战壕中,让炮火炸个粉身碎骨,但是如果没有一只人手的参与什么也造不出这激情的火花。 you can go to the trenches and be blown to bits; nothing will create that spark of passion if there isn’t the intervention of a human hand.

  • 大浪花不解地问它为什么,小浪花回答说:我刚看到另一个大浪花撞到岸上,它马上粉身碎骨,然后就消失了。 The big wave asked the little wave, feeling confused. The little was answered, “I just saw another big wave ran into the shore, then it crashed and disappeared.”

  • 人生路上,我们会无数次被自己的决定或碰到的逆境击倒、欺凌甚至碾得粉身碎骨。我们觉得自己似乎一文不值。 On the way of growing up, we will be knocked down, harassed even ground time and again by our decisions and adversities so that we feel ourselves have no value in the world.

  • “汤姆回答说: ”没有,我没有朋友在这里,但一个大男孩总是站,我在大门之外眼泪,我的机票得粉身碎骨“ 。 “Tom answered, “NO. I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my ticket to pieces.

  • 几秒钟后藤条往上把他拉紧时,我的心真的停止了跳动:他就像一条在钓鱼线上 抽搐的 鱼,若没有藤条他必然会摔得粉身碎骨。 And it does stop when, seconds later, the vines snatch him–like a twitching fish on a line–from what would surely have been a broken neck.

  • 这对丢人的活宝中有一个对他的朋友说,“我们以为(两个马栗子)中会有一个彻底的胜者可以继续在加速器中运动,另一个则会粉身碎骨。 One of the disgraced pair told a friend ‘We thought there would be a clear winner, with one conker smashed and the other carrying on going round and round the accelerator.

  • 1986年,密封环出错使得“挑战者”号粉身碎骨,2002年,一块脱落的绝缘泡沫破坏了返回地面过程中的“哥伦比亚”号机翼并造成失事。 Defective o rings doomed the Challenger flight in 1986, and a missing chunk of insulating foam fatally weakened the wing of Columbia on re-entry, in 2002.

  • 这一切无疑都是赤字政府的当头棒喝,可是我们却都回不了头了,就像由千丈高崖纵身跳下的人,他还没有粉身碎骨,他还在那儿随风飘,自由自在看似潇洒的活着。 All those are solid facts. However, we can’t reject the new civilization and capitalism system anymore. As if a man jumping down from the high cliff, he still is living and floating;

  • 我只想说说男人,一个男人之所以被称作男人,就因为他身上有上天赋予他的责任和义务,为爱情负责,为爱情尽义务,哪怕是让自己粉身碎骨,也要维护爱情的尊严! I want to say a man, a man was called the man, because he has given his duties and responsibilities, for love, for love, even let his consideration, also should maintain pieces in the dignity of love!

  • 还是天帝宝库前,将已成死敌的自己从粉身碎骨里的一拉?一丝一丝的想念,在岁月里叠叠相加。心头的第一次跳动,也许是在那人还情窦初开、失魂落魄地恋慕著师姐时,便已悄悄地发轫。 I knew I had said words that go agains your poer, but I always feel that believing a god is not important but doing that is right would give you the ticket to heaven.

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