词语大全 好好先生的意思_成语“好好先生”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:一身转战三千里,一剑曾百万师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 好好先生的意思_成语“好好先生”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 好好先生的意思_成语“好好先生”是什么意思
成 语 | 好好先生 |
成语读音 | hǎo hǎo xiān shēng |
成语解释 | 指不问是非曲直、一团和气、只求相安无事的人。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 偏正式 |
成语用法 | 作主语、宾语;指没有原则的人。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 元·无名氏《水仙子·冬》曲:“只不如胡卢兄弟每日相逐趁,到能够吃肥羊饮巨觥,得便宜是好好先生。” |
成语例句 | 郁达夫《回忆鲁迅》:“他满脸泛著~的微笑说:‘你这个人真坏!’” |
近 义 词 | 明哲保身 |
反 义 词 | 混世魔王 凶神恶煞 |
英文翻译 | a duck soup <a person who offers no resistance; a pushover> |
其他语言 | <德>ein Mensch,der keinem zu nahe treten will<法>homme débonnaire qui dit Amen à tout <brave homme> |
成语谜面 | 最好的男人 |
成语故事 | 东汉末年,刘备投奔荆州牧刘表后,深感要扩大自己的实力,必须要有智谋人士辅佐,他去拜访襄阳地区有名的好好先生司马徽。司马徽善于识别人才,经常装糊涂,从不说人短处,凡事都说好。不过他推荐诸葛亮和庞统是真心说好。 |
词语大全 好好先生造句_好好先生中英文解释和造句
好好先生 hǎo hǎo xiān shēng
鲍勃是一个好好先生,从不生气。 Bob is sweetness personified and never seems to let his feathers get ruffled.
新来的经理怎么样?——他是个好好先生。 How’s the new manager? – He’s duck soup.
真可以邀请“往昔”这位好好先生来参加。 Goodman Days of Yore might have been invited to it.
哈尔克是一位好好先生,一位上进的球员。 Daniel Jarque was a good person and a promising young player.
我是说,你应该不希望一群好好先生围着你。 I mean, you obviously don’t want ‘yes’ people around you.
当你找到好好先生的时候,才是。我估计要去相亲了。 It is when you find your Mr. Right. I guess I should go for the blind dating.
这位好好先生必须在这儿住下去,站稳脚跟,受人尊敬。 This good fellow has got to live here, and hold his own, and be respected.
大家都认为我是个好好先生,但我有时也会自愿当一回笑料。 Every one looks at me as a goody-two-shoes but I can be up for a right laugh as well.
麦凯恩:众所周知我在美国议员和行政部门都不是好好先生。 MCCAIN: It’s well-known that I have not been elected Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate nor with the administration.
不是,是别人安排的初次见面,我希望能找到我的好好先生。 Nope, it is a blind date, i hope to find my Mr. Right.
我猜测通过取消这应用的程式是唯一的方法。好好先生!您能首先尝试。 I guess the only way by deleting this application. Good man! You can try firstly.
在工作场合,我们确实很难听到反对的声音,因为大家都愿意作好好先生。 Voices of opposition are often missing in many workplaces because too many eager employees want to be “yes” men and women.
一位狱卒,他在监狱外可能是一个好好先生,一位慈祥的父亲,有趣的朋友。 A jailer maybe is a good man, a kind father, and a funny friend when he is out of the jail.
理想对象 希望他身体健康,诚实稳重,温柔体贴, 善解人意的好好先生。 Ideal mate Hoped that his health, honest steady, sympathizes, good guy who gently is with good intention.
可是如果这种人才可以用,那种人才也可以用,那曹操不就成了好好先生了吗? But if such talent can be, the kind of talent can also be used, and that Cao Cao has bee the nice guy does not it?
她把自己重塑为一个走中间路线的“好好先生”,与重要的保守派共同支持议案。 She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives.
而最糟糕的局面是大家都热衷于做办公室的好好先生,而漠视了工作和我们本身的要求。 At worst, we’re so busy playing the office sweetheart that we lose sight of the demands of the job and our needs.
好好先生事不能赢得部署的信任的。必须事品德和能力兼备的领导者,才可望使部署心悦诚服。 Trust is not earned by being a nice guy. It es with character and petence.
传统的商业经在很长一段时间内都认定好好先生(或女士)在职场晋升的斗争中会输给那些残酷的竞争对手。 Conventional business wisdom has long held that the nice guy — or gal — won’t get as far up the corporate ladder as the cutthroat petitor.
相反,拥有女性特征长相的男性则被视为好好爸爸和好好先生,在工作上更努力同时在情感上也更能够支持伴侣。 Those with more feminine faces were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates.
嗯,我比较多愁善感,脾气波动比较大,一点小事我都会看得很重的,而他呢,总是以好好先生的身份教会了我好多东西。 Ah, I am more sentimental, more volatile temper, a small matter I will see very heavy, and him?The bottom line is always to the identity of the church many of the things I had.
孩子们最喜欢“好好先生”米奇,因此迪斯尼想把唐老鸭塑造成一个成年人喜爱的更加活泼有趣的角色,而结果出人意料的成功。 While goody-two-shoes Mickey was most appealing to children, Disney sought to create in Donald Duck a more piquant character with adult appeal – and succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
5那是好消息,坏消息是,睾丸素含量高的男人更有可能爱你、离开你,所以你也许希望勉强接受好好先生以及他那更女性的长相。 5That is the good news. The bad news is that a man with high testosterone is more likely to love you and leave you, so you might want to settle for Mr Nice-guy and his more effeminate features.
没错,这是那位好好先生送给我的带着花儿滴枝条。当我一回到家中便决定在那些枝条寄给我位于亚洲的朋友前先将它的美给拍摄下来。 Indeed, the gentleman gave me the cutting with the flower attached. Once I got home, I decided to capture its beauty before mailing it to the Asian friend.
我们的态度很好啊,我在学校里是出名的好好先生,音调温和,用词文明,人家就是不愿意每个月从口袋里掏85块钱给我,我有什么办法? We have a very good attitude ah, my school is well-known nice guy, a moderate tone, the word civilization, people are not willing to pay a monthly pocket money for me 85, I have what way?
这儿应该交代一下:杜叟太太家里的那些“好好先生”是用蜡做的,在伦敦经常有很多人去欣赏。这种蜡人做得活象真的,就只差会说话罢了。 Madame Tussaud’s ‘people, ‘ let it be said, are of wax, and are much visited in London; speech is all that is wanting to make them human.
格兰特是一名经验丰富的好教练,他是一个好好先生,所以希望在这场比赛后,他的工作顺利,赛季初他们的麻烦不断,但是他的经验可以弥补。 Avram Grant is a good manager with experience. He is a nice person, so hopefully he will do well after this game. They had problems earlier but his experience will be helpful.
好好先生。一个年轻人如果没有自己的主意,无论别人要求什么事情都一一答应,尽管可以认为他脾气好,但同时也会被人们认为是一个十分愚蠢的年轻人。 A young fellow who seems to have no will of his own, and who does everything that is asked of him, is called a very good-natured, but at the same time, is thought a very silly young fellow.
“如果不论对方做什么,甚至是错的,你也总是表现得像个‘好好先生’,那么对方就不会意识到自己是错的”,达赖喇嘛强调“指出对方的错误是非常重要的”。 “If you act like a ‘Yes minister, ‘ whatever the other is doing, even something wrong, then the other thinks it is OK, ” he said, stressing it was “important to point at the others’ mistakes.
事实上,温格根本不曾为阿森纳之外的球队想过半分/温格从来都只是站在阿森纳的立场上来看问题,很明显,他也不可能摇身一变成为了提议稳定冠军联赛赛程的好好先生。 In fact, Wenger made no attempt to see beyond Arsenal’s point of view at all. Noticeably, he is no advocate of settling Champions League fixtures in such a slapdash manner.
好好先生 hǎohǎoxiānshēng好好先生的意思和解释:与人无争,只求相安无事的人。好好先生的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》“南郡庞士元闻司马德操在颍川”刘孝标注引
好好先生 hǎohǎoxiānshēng好好先生的意思和解释:与人无争,只求相安无事的人。好好先生的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》“南郡庞士元闻司马德操在颍川”刘孝标注引
词语大全 好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名),好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名)
谜面:好好先生常教我(打一《西游记》人名) 谜底:嫦娥
词语大全 好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名),好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名)
谜面:好好先生常教我(打一《西游记》人名) 谜底:嫦娥
词语大全 好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名),好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名)
谜面:好好先生常教我(打一《西游记》人名) 谜底:嫦娥
词语大全 好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名),好好先生常教我 (打一《西游记》人名)
谜面:好好先生常教我(打一《西游记》人名) 谜底:嫦娥
活菩萨 [huópúsa][活菩萨]基本解释1.比喻心地善良,能解救别人急难的人。2.比喻明哲保身的好好先生。[活菩萨]详细解释比喻心地善良,能解救别人急难的人。张天翼《儿女们》