词语大全 叫苦连天的意思_成语“叫苦连天”是什么意思
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词语大全 叫苦连天的意思_成语“叫苦连天”是什么意思
成 语 | 叫苦连天 |
成语读音 | jiào kǔ lián tiān |
成语解释 | 连声叫苦。形容十分痛苦。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 偏正式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语;用于陷于困境或极为痛苦。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 明·吴承恩《西游记》第16回:“你看那众和尚,搬箱抬笼,抢桌端锅,满院里叫苦连天。” |
成语例句 | 茅盾《子夜》三:“当此丝业中人大家~之时,吴荪甫的境况最好。” |
近 义 词 | 叫苦不迭 长吁短叹 |
反 义 词 | 眉开眼笑 乐不可支 喜出望外 |
英文翻译 | one’s cry for bitterness is heavenly high |
俄文翻译 | без концá жáловаться на свою судьбу |
日文翻译 | しきりに悲鸣(ひめい)を上げる |
其他语言 | <法>se lamenter à longueur de journée <se répandre en lamentations> |
歇 后 语 | 黄连树下喊上帝 |
成语谜面 | 黄连树上喊老天 |
词语大全 叫苦连天造句_叫苦连天中英文解释和造句
叫苦连天 jiào kǔ lián tiān
叫苦连天的往往不是最吃亏的人。 Those who cry loudest are not always the most hurt.
修路工程使当地居民叫苦连天。 The road-works caused much plaint among local neighbours.
修路工程使当地居民叫苦连天。 The road-works caused much plaint among local neighbors.
文法课真令人叫苦连天。 Grammar lessons are a red fag.
再看看我们,平时遇到一点小困难,我们都叫苦连天。 Again has a look us, usually meets slightly is difficult, we all plain incessantly.
再看看我们,平时遇到一点小困难,我们都叫苦连天。 Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all plain incessantly.
我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天—许多人的家境更糟。 We shouldn’t plain about being poor —many families are much worse off.
而市场的变化会令那些货币升值的国家的出口商们叫苦连天。 And market movements can send exporters in countries with rising currencies screaming for help.
必须承认,虽然登山让我叫苦连天,但真的很庆幸有到黄山去。 I must admit, although climbing the mountains was hell, I am really glad I came here.
不要叫苦连天啦,你还是把车钥匙给他们,等天一亮你再去挂失。 Character 2: “Don’t be bitter, just give them your car keys and report it stolen the next day. “”
准备,必定,叫苦连天,就是:全球范围,所有国家,所有地区。 prepare, necessarily, cry to heavens, be: world scope, all nations, all region.
个位数的通胀率已让人人叫苦连天,但是,相比津巴布韦可谓小巫见大巫。 Single-digit inflation rate had people who suffer, however, is nothing pared to Zimbabwe.
但有人即使偶尔失眠,也是叫苦连天,情绪一落千丈,严重影响工作与学习。 But somebody although now and then insomnia, also be reaching the sky of plain of suffering, mood suffer a disastrous decline, affect the job and study badly.
我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天–许多人的家境(比起我们来)还要糟得多呢。 We shouldn’t plain about being poor many families are much worse off (than we are).
我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天————许多人的家境比起我们来还要糟得多呢。 We shouldn’t plain about being poor ————many families are much worse off than we are.
受世界金融风暴影响,广州出租行业面临巨大的生存考验,近段时间出租车司机叫苦连天。 Affected by the global financial crisis, the taxi industry in Guangzhou is going through a survival crisis.
有些人对任何事情,都叫苦连天,不可救药地诉不完的苦,因为据他们说,他们是尽了他们的职责的。 There are some who plain most energetically and inconsolably of any, because they are, as they say, doing their duty.
母亲不见则已见了叫苦连天,她说自己宁可不要孩子也不愿有头驴,并且还想把他扔进河里让鱼吃掉。 When the mother saw it she wept and wailed. She would sooner have no child at all than a donkey, and she said that they should throw it into the water and let the fish eat it.
知情人士透露,现在众多的中小开发企业都在为资金叫苦连天,对销售回款已经到了十分饥渴的程度。 The insider disclosed that now the numerous small development enterprise in plains incessantly for the fund, to sold the funds already to arrive at hungry the very thirsty degree.
我从来没想过爷爷过的那种日子如果换成是我该如何面对,哪怕只是一点点小事我也肯定要叫苦连天。 I’ve never had the kind of life my grandfather, if I replace the how to deal with, even if only a little bit small and I am sure to suffer badly.
游戏玩乐的且不说,我身边的最清醒最闷蛋最勤劳的朋友、同事也一样叫苦连天,而且不断尝试登上MSN。 No to mention cutting off from internet game, even my most hardworking and boring friends, they were plaining and had been trying to log in their MSN.
这,还很有可能因此而伤害了同志之间的情感、彼此的信任度,所以说同志之间总是在叫苦连天完全是你们这些人造成的。 This also is likely to be hurt feelings between rades, trust each other, so that is always between rades in suffering is caused by these people.
虽然以高铁以三百公里的时速呼啸而过,迅速拉短台湾南北距离,不过位于桃园芦竹的这一栋社区大楼,住户可是叫苦连天。 But what’s viewed as progress for the island was experienced as a big, screaming headache by these residents of Taoyuan’s Lujhu Township.
这对有学过语言学的同学可能比较容易上手,许多没有语言学背景知识也没有文法概念的母语者,这门课可是上的叫苦连天。 It is easier for students who have studied linguistic before, and most of my classmates find it very stressful because of lack of knowledge in linguistics.
就在开发商叫苦连天的时候,让他们意想不到的销售热潮来了,不但新推的项目抢手,连一些空置的老项目都被市场重新认识。 As the developers suffer, let them unexpected upsurge in sales, the project sought after not only the new push, and even some old projects were vacant market to understand.
此前,上海曾推出了对差价部分征收营业税的做法,引得投资者叫苦连天,而这条最新的“国字头”新政显然又要比上海严厉得多。 Earlier, Shanghai has launched to spread the practice of levying business taxes attract investors to suffer, and this latest “State prefix” group is also much more severe than Shanghai.
对那些正在面对苦难重担,在生命的无奈下叫苦连天的人,我有大好消息告诉你们,主耶稣复活后应许常与我们同在,直到世界的末了。 After the resurrection, Jesus promised, “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. ” This is encouragement for the discouraged, hope for the hopeless, help for the helpless.
虽然有时他可能会对英国的天气叫苦连天,但既使他可以转换话题,既使别国的天气不那么多变,但他也不会把话题转到谈论别国的天气上。 And though he sometimes plains bitterly of it, he would not, even if he could, exchange it for the more predictable climate of other lands.
从市场表现来看,从建筑商转做开发商的,比较成功的只有中海一家,其他的表现平平,甚至有的生产出滞销的房地产,叫苦连天的不在少数。 market performance, from the developers to make developers more successful only in a sea of other mediocre performance, and even some produce unsalable real estate, suffer a far from a minority.
无论生活意味着什么,你都要去面对和生存下去,不他要选择回避和叫苦连天,他不是你所想的那么坏当你变得最富有的时候,生活看上去是最贫乏的。 However mean your life is, meet it and live it ; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest.
叫苦连天 jiàokǔliántiān叫苦连天的意思和解释:不住地叫苦。形容十分痛苦。叫苦连天的出处明·吴承恩《西游记》第五十五回:“你怎么正战到好处,却就叫苦连天的走了?”叫苦
叫苦连天 jiàokǔliántiān叫苦连天的意思和解释:不住地叫苦。形容十分痛苦。叫苦连天的出处明·吴承恩《西游记》第五十五回:“你怎么正战到好处,却就叫苦连天的走了?”叫苦
词语大全 叫苦连天 [jiào kǔ lián tiān]什么意思
叫苦连天 [jiàokǔliántiān][叫苦连天]成语解释不住地叫苦。形容十分痛苦。[叫苦连天]成语出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“王恺大惊;叫苦连天。”[叫