词语大全 救苦救难的意思_成语“救苦救难”是什么意思

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篇首语:业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 救苦救难的意思_成语“救苦救难”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 救苦救难的意思_成语“救苦救难”是什么意思

2、词语大全 救苦救难造句_救苦救难中英文解释和造句

词语大全 救苦救难的意思_成语“救苦救难”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音jiù kǔ jiù nàn
成语解释 救:援助,挽救。佛教语,拯救在苦难中的人。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 褒义词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作宾语、定语;常与“大慈大悲”连用。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》:“虽不会法灸神针,更胜似救苦救难观世音。”
成语例句 金庸《鹿鼎记》:“这个名字倒怪,我只听过大慈大悲、~观世音菩萨。”
近 义 词 助人为乐 救困扶危
反 义 词 杀人放火 投井下石 嫁祸于人
英文翻译 bring somebody out of the pit of misery
日文翻译 苦难中の人を救済する
歇 后 语 观音菩萨下凡
成语谜面 观音菩萨

词语大全 救苦救难造句_救苦救难中英文解释和造句

救苦救难  jiù kǔ jiù nàn






  • 海豚始终是一种救苦救难的动物。 The dolphin is a kind of saving always bitter saving the difficult animal.

  • 救苦救难大慈大悲南无观世音菩萨!! The south without Watch-voice Buddha.

  • 救苦救难的是菩萨,受苦受难的是大菩萨。 Those who aid and deliver the suffering are bodhisattvas, and those in the throes of suffering are great bodhisattvas.

  • 观世音菩萨大慈大悲救苦救难,故称大悲殿。 Jiukujiunan Merciful Buddha, the Great Mercy Temple said.

  • 发配食物给无家可归的人是救苦救难的行为。 Distributing food among the homeless is an act of mercy.

  • 发配食物给无家可归的人是救苦救难的行为。 Distributing food among the homeless was an act of mercy.

  • 发配食物给“无家可归”的人是救苦救难的行为。 Distributing food among the homeless was an act of mercy.

  • 所以民间才有“大慈大悲救苦救难的观世音菩萨”这种说法。 That’s the reason there are folk sayings such as ‘The Great Merciful Guanyin Bodhisattva Rescues the Needy and Helps the Distressed.

  • 被尊为「白衣大士」的观音菩萨,是民间救苦救难的希望寄讬。 Venerated as the “white-robed deity”, the Bodhisattva Kuan-yin bears the hopes of the people for salvation from distress.

  • 上帝唯祢,别无其他。祢是救苦救难者,自给自足者。”59。 There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. ” 59″

  • 因为此举与其个业因果无关,而是佛陀救苦救难无尽大业的一环。 Such deeds are unrelated to their personal karmas but rings in the endless chain of salvation activities of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

  • 其贞洁和救苦救难济世之心,感动上苍,遂修真升化(其犬同化)。 Jiukujiunan their virginity and to serve our heart, God moved, or was Xiuzhen of (their dogs assimilation).

  • 以慈悲喜舍之心,起救苦救难之行,与乐拔苦,缔造清新涤净之慈济世界。 Use Mercy and benevolence from the Heart, to preach the way to alleviate difficult and suffering.   Use Happiness to eradicate Suffering so as to create Purity &Harmonious world.

  • 佛教徒认为,观音菩萨是一位大慈大悲,救苦救难,法力无边,神通广大的菩萨。 To all Buddhist believers, the Goddess of Mercy is an omniscient and omnipotent god dedicated to the relief of afflicted and suffering humans.

  • 大慈与人乐,大悲拔人苦,观音菩萨在现实娑婆世界救苦救难的品格,使其成为慈悲的化身。 Daci and the music people, who suffer Taibei Stubbs, Goddess of Mercy in the real world suo PO Jiukujiunan the character to bee the embodiment of passion.

  • 传说观音瓶是大慈大悲救苦救难的观世音菩萨手中的宝瓶,它能给人间降下甘露,普渡众生。 Fable Goddess of Mercy bottle is in the view world sound Bodhisattva hand’s treasured vase which helps the distressed infinitely merciful, it can lower the manna to the world, universals restoration.

  • 64如果一个人没有苦难的感受,就不容易对他人给予同情。你要学救苦救难的精神,就得先受苦受难。 If someone doesn’t have any hardship before, and it is hard to show sympathize, you will have to suffer first and to learn the meaning of bitterness and hardship.

  • 当时大悲寺内塑有一尊高大的“大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨”,故称大悲寺,我国百姓最崇敬观音,香火旺盛。 Great Sadness at the temple with a large plastic “Merciful Jiugujiunan Guanyin Bodhisattva”, it said Great Sadness Temple, the most revered Chinese people Guanyin, incense exuberant.

  • 中国人相信身材肥硕的神能带来财运和福气,所以弥勒菩萨又是财富和运气的象征,他是中国人救苦救难的福音。 Chinese people believe that the fat and big god can bring wealth and happiness to them, so he became the symble of wealth and luck whom people rely on for expelling disasters and sorrows.

  • 佛教中的大慈大悲,救苦救难的观音菩萨,具有百求百应的广大灵感,崇拜观音菩萨能使世人多行多善,多遇善事,多得保佑。 Guan Yin: The goddess of mercy who is very kindly and helpful to the human being , and who is worshipped by the human being, blessing good.

  • 10多年来,慈济菲律宾分会和人医会长期为贫病百姓救苦救难,长期下来,因为志工的努力,吸引了许多新血加入志工的行列。 For more than 10 years, Filipino Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA doctors have been bringing long-term relief to the impoverished and ill throughout the islands they serve.

  • 乡亲们为了纪念这位助人为乐、救苦救难的好姑娘,便在岛上建庙奉祀,故名“祖庙”,这是世界上第一座妈祖庙,即今天的湄洲妈祖祖庙。 People built a temple named Zumiao (Ancestral temple) on the island in memory of this helpful girl. It is today’s Meizhou Mazu Ancestral Temple, the first Mazu temple in the world.

  • 普陀山是供奉观世音菩萨的圣地,佛教徒认为,观音菩萨是一位大慈大悲,救苦救难,法力无边,神通广大的菩萨。普陀山上一草一木、一洞一石,皆充满佛国的神秘色彩,山上山下,佛寺林立,到处是“观音圣迹”。 Mount Putuo, acclaimed as the “Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea”, is one of the four great sacred mountains of Buddhism in China, the others being Mount Wutai, Mount Jiuhua, and Mount E-mei.

  • 救苦救难造句相关



    词语大全 救苦救难的意思_成语“救苦救难”是什么意思


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