词语大全 紧锣密鼓的意思_成语“紧锣密鼓”是什么意思
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篇首语:满堂花醉三千客,一剑霜寒十四洲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 紧锣密鼓的意思_成语“紧锣密鼓”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 紧锣密鼓的意思_成语“紧锣密鼓”是什么意思
成 语 | 紧锣密鼓 |
成语读音 | jǐn luó mì gǔ |
成语解释 | 锣鼓点敲得很密。比喻公开活动前的紧张气氛和舆论准备。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作宾语、定语、状语;用于大事开始前。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 刘绍棠《狼烟》:“绿树葱茏的太子镇里,传出一阵阵紧锣密鼓的喧响。” |
成语例句 | 熊召政《张居正》第一卷第16回:“皇太子朱翊钧的登基大典也在~地进行。” |
近 义 词 | 密锣紧鼓 呼之欲出 |
英文翻译 | a din of drums and gongs |
俄文翻译 | громкие звуки гонгов и барабáнов |
词语大全 紧锣密鼓造句_紧锣密鼓中英文解释和造句
紧锣密鼓 jǐn luó mì gǔ
41年设定一开始就紧锣密鼓。 The ’41 scenario starts off with a bang.
各项入伙准备工程正在紧锣密鼓地进行。 Occupation is redoubling its efforts to prepare the project.
奥运村第一条街区正在紧锣密鼓的建设中。 Construction work is well underway on the first blocks of the Olympic Village.
美国与俄罗斯也在紧锣密鼓地削减核弹头。 America and Russia are busy cutting warheads.
目前该中心已开始紧锣密鼓地筹划建设工作。 At present, the center has already begun intensive planning for construction job.
世茂地产的ipo工作正在紧锣密鼓的进行中。 Besides, the” Shimao Property” has been engaged in the process of IPO .
两个新的轿车也正在紧锣密鼓的2012年释放。 Two new sedans are also in the pipeline for a 2012 release.
人文色彩浓厚的第二轮开发建设正在紧锣密鼓当中。 Human development and construction of the second round of strong colors are being vigorously.
新股发行的紧锣密鼓,令投资者有了连续打新的机会。 New shares issued in full swing, so that investors have to fight for new opportunities.
经过紧锣密鼓的竞选和数月的政治斗智之后,投票结果即将揭晓。 The vote es after a tightly controlled campaign and months of political maneuvering.
因此一支由澳洲人和越南人组成的研究队伍正在紧锣密鼓的展开工作。 So the recent work of an Australian and Vietnamese research team is being followed closely.
由于欧盟制宪运动仍在紧锣密鼓地进行中,其最终的结果如何还有待于观察。 Because the process is under way, the final results should be observed in the future.
北京的城市建设正在紧锣密鼓的进行,地铁对城市交通与物业格局的影响越来越大。 Beijing’s municipal construction is being carried out, the MTR to urban traffic patterns and the impact of increasing property.
白宫声称,总统巴拉克。奥巴马正与国会紧锣密鼓的着手商讨截止或召回AIG分红。 The White House says President Barack Obama is working closely with Congress to find ways to block the bonuses at AIG or recoup that money.
自2003年初“房地产泡沫”的争论开始,国家对房地产政策调整的进程可谓是紧锣密鼓。 From the beginning of the 2003, the “financial bubble in house” gives rise to much controversy. Since then, the adjustment of policy and regulation were even more continually.
百度公司,这家中文搜索引擎公司本周即将在紧锣密鼓的浩大声势和市场的巨大期待中上市。 Baidu panies, which will be home this week in the Chinese search engine pany’s strong momentum amid great expectations, and market listing.
引证泄漏的情报报告,许多分析家认为远程弹道导弹试验或又一次核爆炸准备正在紧锣密鼓地进行。 Citing leaked intelligence reports, many analysts believe that preparations to test another long-range ballistic missile or to explode another nuclear device are under way.
第二部电影正在制作中,剧组正紧锣密鼓不惜一切代价要赶在丹尼尔·拉德克利夫变声前制作完成。 A second movie is now in production, which the producers are desperately trying to plete before child actor Daniel Radcliffe’s voice breaks.
随着汽车制造商都在紧锣密鼓地开发高效环保低排放的汽车,喷气动力电能引擎这一概念已不再新鲜。 With automakers racing to develop the most efficient, environmental friendly cars with minimal emissions, the concept of turbine-powered electric vehicles is not new.
尽管已经把席尔瓦排除夏季的计划,贝尼特斯强调幕后还是紧锣密鼓进行,下赛季前转会目标将会浮现。 Despite ruling an approach for Silva out of his summer plans, the boss insisted work is gathering pace behind the scenes to identify targets ahead of next season.
随着关、日和欧盟就含铅釬料建立相应立法之后,各国都在紧锣密鼓地开展绿色环保无铅产品的研发工作。 With the establishment of green lead-free solder legislation, which declared by US, Japan and EU. more and more countries and panies are engaging in R&D of lead-free solder.
眼下,由于李明博总统不情愿提供无条件援助,朝鲜对韩国的态度越来越强硬了:远程导弹测试正在紧锣密鼓地进行中; Now North Korea has grown shrill towards South Korea, which under President Lee Myung-bak does not want to give unconditional aid.
实际上,近日正在紧锣密鼓拍摄的电影《成都我爱你》,这部被认为是高圆圆转型之作的电影也是陈果今年的强力作品。 Actually, was in recently intense filmed film ” I love Chengdu you ” , this make movie that is considered as tall round round transition also is Chen Guo the puissant work this year.
交通上中环线及M8线在紧锣密鼓地修建当中,拉近了杨浦与各区的距离,而北部新江湾城的开发更是让人们看到了该区的潜力。 Central Link and traffic in the busy M8 line construction, and the distance between the railway and district and the northern city of the new development is unearthed let people see the potential.
有关方面正在紧锣密鼓地测试一款新式的安全带。测试的结果显示,如果安全带安装正确的话,意外事故可以减少百分之四十五。 The authority has done extensive testing on a newly designed seat belt. Results show that accidents can be reduced by as much as 45% when the belt is properly installed.
当国家首脑和央行行长们聚集在伦敦紧锣密鼓地筹划经济复苏的时候,抗议者们却用行动表明了他们的态度,那就是“就业,公正,气候”。 As leaders and central bankers gather in London to chart an economic recovery course, protesters seek action on “jobs, justice and climate”.
当世界仍然沉浸在对北京奥运会的无穷回味中时,奥运会的会旗已经转交给伦敦。伦敦目前正在紧锣密鼓地为2012年夏季奥运会作准备。 While the world ponders the legacy of the Beijing games, the Olympic flag has been handed over to London where the hard work is underway in preparation for the 2012 summer games.
弗拉基米尔•普京一手提拔的德米特里•梅德韦杰夫有望当选俄国新任总统。经过紧锣密鼓的竞选和数月的政治斗智之后,投票结果即将揭晓。 Victory appears near for the new president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, hand-picked by Vladimir Putin. The vote es after a tightly controlled campaign and months of political maneuvering.
据经纪人马克传闻湖人队正在紧锣密鼓的寻找费舍尔的替补,其中流动大户丹-迪考、发展联盟艾迪-吉尔以及布雷克-阿赫恩都是湖人考虑的对象。 Journeyman Dan Dickau and D-Leaguers Eddie Gill and Blake Ahearn are among the point guards the Lakers have inquired about, agent Mark Bartelstein said last week.
第三部分介绍了经理股票期权制度在中国的实践,从政府积极扶持的政策到各种性质企业实施经理股票期权的情况分析说明经理股票期权制在中国已经紧锣密鼓,谨慎而有序的推进。 From the positive government policy to the actualization of stock option by all kinds of firms which is totally telling us that the executive stock option has been carried out bit by bit .
紧锣密鼓 jǐnluómìgǔ紧锣密鼓的意思和解释:锣声紧,鼓点密。戏曲开台前的一阵节奏急促的锣鼓。比喻为配合某人的上台或某事的推行而制造的气氛、声势。紧锣密鼓的出处紧锣密鼓的例
紧锣密鼓 jǐnluómìgǔ紧锣密鼓的意思和解释:锣声紧,鼓点密。戏曲开台前的一阵节奏急促的锣鼓。比喻为配合某人的上台或某事的推行而制造的气氛、声势。紧锣密鼓的出处紧锣密鼓的例
词语大全 紧锣密鼓 [jǐn luó mì gǔ]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
紧锣密鼓 [jǐnluómìgǔ][紧锣密鼓]成语解释锣鼓点敲得很密。比喻公开活动前的紧张气氛和舆论准备。[紧锣密鼓]成语出处刘绍棠《狼烟》四:“绿树葱茏的太子镇里,传出一阵阵紧
锣拼音luó 部首钅笔画13五行金繁体锣五笔QLQY[锣]基本解释一种乐器,铜制,像盘,用槌子敲打出来:~鼓经(戏曲打击乐各种谱式的泛称)。~鼓喧天。紧~密鼓。[锣]详细解释〈名〉带卷边的青