词语大全 劫后余生的意思_成语“劫后余生”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:没有失败,只有暂时停止成功。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 劫后余生的意思_成语“劫后余生”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 劫后余生的意思_成语“劫后余生”是什么意思

2、词语大全 劫后余生造句_劫后余生中英文解释和造句

词语大全 劫后余生的意思_成语“劫后余生”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音jié hòu yú shēng
成语解释 劫:灾难。经历灾难以后幸存下来的人。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 偏正式
成语用法 作谓语、定语、宾语;指灾后幸存。
产生年代 近代
典故出处 清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞》:“归飞越鸟恋南枝,劫后余生叹数奇。”
成语例句 王朔《我是你爸爸》:“你那点事夏经平都跟我哭诉过,你也算~。”
近 义 词 九死一生 死里逃生
反 义 词 吉人天相 洪福齐天
英文翻译 life after surviving a disaster <a brand from the burning>
日文翻译 大灾难に生きのびた余生(よせい)

词语大全 劫后余生造句_劫后余生中英文解释和造句

劫后余生  jié hòu yú shēng







  • 劫后余生的他又开始了新的生活。 Being a survivor of a disaster, he began a new life.

  • 这是大卫·科波菲尔劫后余生的个人事迹。 It’s the Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield.

  • 可是他毕竟还是个孩子,劫后余生的悲痛… He is only a child. His grief.

  • 这是大卫。科波菲尔劫后余生的个人事迹。 It’s the Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield.

  • 无比欢欣的劫后余生。 The exultant joy of survival.

  • ——质疑当代万国城:“劫后余生”的房子能卖吗? Questioned Dangdaimoguocheng : “rescued” the house to sell?

  • 劫后余生的六只小鸳鸯,其存活和成长在杭州是破天荒的第一回。 The survival and growth of the remaining six mandarin ducks made history in Hangzhou.

  • 许多劫后余生的人都有一种奇特的想法:庆幸自己遭受过那样的劫难。 Many people who have suffered great calamities have queer ideas that they are lucky to encounter those misfortune and disasters.

  • 劫后余生的那些人也很少从战后的德国政府获得作为遭受迫害的补偿。 Very few who survived ever received pensation from post-war German governments for the persecution they suffered.

  • 在影片《劫后余生》中,汤姆•汉克斯扮演了一位名叫查克•露兰的人。 In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland.

  • 他们的脸上写着疲惫,也有着劫后余生的欣慰,更有对亲人无尽的思念。 On their faces we could see fatigue, the fort of surviving the earthquake, but more, the endless thoughts about the beloved ones that they have lost.

  • 在影片《劫后余生》中,汤姆·汉克斯扮演了一位名叫查克·露兰的人。 In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland.

  • 劫后余生的我们今天能做的也只是忘记过去,总结经验,而坦然面对当下。 All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it.

  • 在他第二次背着沉重的药品、水和奶粉进入灾区途中,遭遇山体滑坡,劫后余生。 In his second carrying heavy drugs, water and milk on their way into the disaster area, experienced mountain landslide, Jiehouyusheng.

  • 汽车制造业也许平添劫后余生之感,今年年初本来打算经历的过程比现在更为糟糕。 The industry may feel it has e through a near-death experience in better shape than it could have hoped at the beginning of the year.

  • 汶川5•12地震诱发了大量的次生地质灾害,直接威胁著劫后余生的灾区人民的性命。 The “5•12” Wenchuan earthquake has induced many secondary geological disasters and directly threatens the life of the victims.

  • 村庄里的所有建筑现在都不宜居住;在地震中劫后余生的人现在住在帐篷和附近的田地里。 All the buildings in the village are now uninhabitable; the people who survived the quake are living in tents and in a nearby field.

  • 地震后的一个月,持续的余震意味着极少数人已经重返家园,甚至对那些劫后余生的人所言。 A month after the quake, continuing aftershocks mean that very few people have returned to their homes, even to ones left standing.

  • 我重视输赢,也不重视输赢。我重视规则,也不重视规则。更喜欢的是劫后余生的感觉,新生。 I take the victory and loss, also does not take the victory and loss. I take the rule, also does not take the rule. What likes is survivor of disaster the feeling, newborn.

  • 劫后余生的“归来者”诗人和“朦胧诗”人在各自的创作中都把“文革”作为他们写作的文化资源; As the survivors from disasters, poems of “Guilaizhe” and” Menglong” take “the Cultural Revolution” as the cultural source of their writing.

  • 地震结束了,就在劫后余生的人们无助地哭喊,乞求上天的时候。第二道黑色能量波从异界之门出现。 Now the earthquake has gone, leaving desperation in it’s path. The few survivors will probably be praying for salvation. Now another black wave erupts from the portal.

  • 小测验:为鲁宾逊克鲁索画一个产能界限图。他是一个海难劫后余生的水手,靠采集椰子和捕鱼为生。 QUICK QUIZ: Draw an example of a production possibilities frontier for Robinson Crusoe, a shipwrecked sailor who spends his time gathering coconuts and catching fish.

  • 在上个星期,当日本央行近六年来第一次将零利率重新调高时,像千寻一样,日本也体会到了劫后余生的解脱。 Japan enjoyed a similar deliverance last week, when its central bank turned its back on an interest rate of zero for the first time in almost six years.

  • 如今,劫后余生的“猪坚强”快乐、健康成长,体重达340斤面对猪坚强,人们或许会说:任何时候,都不要放弃! Today, survivors of the”strong pig” happy, healthy growth of body weight up to 340 jin.

  • 在一系列的节目中,生还者和救难人员与观众一起分享他们曾亲身经历过世上最诡异最可怕的暴风雨,以及他们的劫后余生录。 In this series, survivors and rescuers discuss what it was like to experience some of Earth’s most bizarre and deadly storms and live to tell about them.

  • 龙卷风带来的危害防不胜防,不过更精准的预测将挽救更多的生命,让遭遇过地球上最猛烈风暴后的劫后余生者有机会重建家园。 Little can prevent the damage caused by tornadoes, but better forecasting could save more lives, giving survivors the chance to rebuild after living through one of the most violent storms on earth.

  • 佛罗�达的一名54岁的奥林奇公园男子身中两弹却没有命归西天,劫后余生的他归功于口袋�放的两本圣经,它们不偏不倚地挡住了子弹。 A 54-year-old Orange Park man credits two small Bibles in his shirt pocket for saving his life when they stopped a bullet.

  • 你曾经抢劫许多国家的人民,现在那些劫后余生的人要抢劫你;因为你杀人,你侵犯了世上的人和他们的城市(或译:土地、城巿,那里的住民)。 Because thou hast plundered many nations, all the remnant of the peoples shall plunder thee, because of men’s blood, and for the violence done to the land, to the city and to all that dwell therein.

  • 在这两次大灾难,给那些劫后余生的人们留下了阴影,他们清醒地认识到重建工作之艰辛。美国海岸持续数周的洪水;四川省目前面著临余震和“堰塞湖”。 Both disasters left trouble in their wake that slowed recovery work. The US coast remained flooded for weeks. Sichuan Province is facing aftershocks and “quake lakes. “”

  • 像其他的地震受害者一样,他们每个月收到政府300块钱政府补助,一对美国夫妇,在纽约时报上看了他们在五月劫后余生的故事后,给了他们一笔小的捐款。 Like other earthquake victims, they get a government subsidy of $44 a month. An American couple who read the tale of their survival last May in The New York Times gave them a small donation.

  • 劫后余生造句相关



    词语大全 劫后余生的意思_成语“劫后余生”是什么意思


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    劫后余生  jiéhòuyúshēng劫后余生的意思和解释:经历灾难以后幸存下来的生命。劫后余生的出处清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞·寄怀许仙屏中丞四首》:“归飞越鸟恋南枝,劫后余生叹

    词语大全 劫后余生造句_劫后余生中英文解释和造句

    劫后余生  jiéhòuyúshēng劫后余生的意思和解释:经历灾难以后幸存下来的生命。劫后余生的出处清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞·寄怀许仙屏中丞四首》:“归飞越鸟恋南枝,劫后余生叹

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    劫后余生  jiéhòuyúshēng劫后余生的意思和解释:经历灾难以后幸存下来的生命。劫后余生的出处清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞·寄怀许仙屏中丞四首》:“归飞越鸟恋南枝,劫后余生叹

    词语大全 劫后余生   [jié hòu yú shēng]什么意思

    劫后余生  [jiéhòuyúshēng][劫后余生]成语解释劫:灾难;余生:侥幸保全的生命。经历灾难以后幸存下来的生命。褒义[劫后余生]成语出处清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞》:“归

    词语大全 劫后余生的意思

    劫后余生的意思  参考学习资料一:  劫后余生  [意思]劫:灾难。经历灾难之后幸存下来的人。  [语出]清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞》:“归飞越鸟恋南枝;劫后余生叹数奇。”  [例句]南京大屠杀~者向

    词语大全 劫后余生的意思

    劫后余生的意思  参考学习资料一:  劫后余生  [意思]劫:灾难。经历灾难之后幸存下来的人。  [语出]清·丘逢甲《岭云海日楼诗钞》:“归飞越鸟恋南枝;劫后余生叹数奇。”  [例句]南京大屠杀~者向