词语大全 酒地花天的意思_成语“酒地花天”是什么意思

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1、词语大全 酒地花天的意思_成语“酒地花天”是什么意思

2、词语大全 花天酒地造句_花天酒地中英文解释和造句

词语大全 酒地花天的意思_成语“酒地花天”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音jiǔ dì huā tiān
成语解释 花:比喻美女、青楼女子。形容沉迷吃喝嫖赌的酒色生活。
常用程度 一般
感情色彩 贬义词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作谓语、定语、状语;指酒色生活。
产生年代 近代
典故出处 清·张春帆《宦海》第11回:“当着那一面柳州失守、王观察捐躯致命之时,正是这一边风月珠江木大人酒地花天之际。”
成语例句 李大钊《大哀篇》:“~,以资其结纳挥霍者,果谁之脂膏耶?”
近 义 词 花天酒地
反 义 词 节衣缩食
英文翻译 go on the loose <be out on the tiles>

词语大全 花天酒地造句_花天酒地中英文解释和造句

花天酒地  huā tiān jiǔ dì








  • 你却在我床上和青楼女子花天酒地! You’re in my bed with some tramp!

  • 这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地。 What these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and helling around.

  • 没有男人,没有灯红酒绿,没有花天酒地。 No man, no false picture, there is no porn and alcohol.

  • 中国媒体常常报道男足球员的花天酒地的生活。 The Chinese news media often report on the flashy lives that many soccer players apparently lead.

  • 穷人忍饥挨饿,另一些人都过著花天酒地的生活。 The poor people starved, while a few lived off the fat of the land.

  • 他过著花天酒地的生活,末了逃不过爱滋病魔这一关。 Leading a dissipated life, he could hardly escape the Aids rap in the end.

  • 我年轻的时候不是那种花天酒地的人,是相当正派的。 I was not one of those who sow a large crop of wild oats. I was a fairly decent youth.

  • 以后的几天,鲍总和这几个朋友都到夜总会里花天酒地。 A few days later, the sum of abalone are to these friends in a nightclub in porn and alcohol.

  • 个人没有任和的权力来开支一笔资金来娱乐和花天酒地! Individual in the department would not have authority to spend a single penny for entertainment!

  • 他的青春是在享乐这中度过的——花天酒地,沉湎声色。 His youth was spent in having a good time-plenty of wine, woman, and song.

  • 而她自己在外除了工作,就是和她的那帮朋友花天酒地。 Carol goes to work and hangs out with her friends.

  • 在旧社会,这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地的生活。 In the old society what these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and heeling around.

  • 甚至也没有任何关于他训练,或者其他花天酒地的流言蜚语。 There hasn’t even been any rumors of his workouts/clubbing/love love posted anywhere.

  • 资金开始涌入保盛丰之后,彭日成花天酒地的生活方式有增无减。 Mr. Pang ratcheted up his already free-spending lifestyle after the money started pouring into PEMGroup.

  • 据媒体透露孙志浩婚前既是花天酒地之辈,婚后半年闹一次离婚! As the media report that Sun zhihao was abandon himself to pleasure prenubile. and said should divorce every half year after marriaged .

  • 花天酒地是一种享受?那可能是那些40-50人士的生活方式。 Wines and girls , Are they an enjoyment? Perhaps, for those who are at the ages of theirs 40s and 50s.

  • 我们靠《每日电讯报》的出差费过日子,当然谈不上过花天酒地的生活。 We certainly had little chance of living it up on our Daily Telegraph expense accounts.

  • 接下来的一个多月,他每天过著花天酒地的生活,被抓时,已把钱花得精光。 The next month or so, he lived a life of porn and alcohol, was arrested when the money has Jingguang.

  • 他的年青时代也并非完全沉溺于花天酒地之中,他也曾多次过著平静正常的生活。 Neither was his whole time devoted to riotous extravagances of youth. He enjoyed many lucid intervals.

  • 金钱可以充实物质,可以过花天酒地的生活,却买不到真正的情感。真正的爱情。 Money can enrich the material can be over the life of porn and alcohol, but can not buy true feelings.

  • 我告诉乔伊他应该停止这种放荡的生活,不要再和他那些狐朋狗友在一起花天酒地。 I told Joe he ought to stop sowing his wild oats, wasting his time and money drinking with his buddies.

  • 我整天困在这里,你才回来陪了我们几秒钟就要出去跟朋友花天酒地?这样不行喔,先生。 I’m stuck here all day, and then you e in and spend two seconds with us and then expect to go off gallivanting with your friends?

  • 不必花天酒地,亦无须相从过密,两盏清茶,一夕畅谈,实在是胜过太多虚浮的繁文缛节。 Do not have to live a debauched life, we need not phase from cross-dense, two tea, talked about overnight, it is better than too much red tape and impractical.

  • 晋武帝司马炎统一全国后,自认为功劳巨大,因此生活荒淫、花天酒地,志满意得,完全沉迷在荒淫生活里。 Jin Dynasty after the reunification of the country, since that great credit, so dissolute life, porn and alcohol were satisfied with the chi plete indulgence in the dissolute life.

  • 新年好!衷心祝福妳_上帝保佑妳!真主关心妳!菩萨爱护妳!要云得云,要雨得雨。花天酒地,黄金遍地。 Happy New Year! You wish: God bless you! God Cares! Buddha love you! To a cloud cloud, rain to get rain. Porn and alcohol gold over and over.

  • 基督教改革者把巴比伦描述为一个猥亵,沉沦于花天酒地的民族。马丁。路德把他那时的罗马形容为古巴比伦时代。 Reformation Christians depicted Babylon as a whore, dedicated to orgies and feasting; Martin Luther pared the Rome of his day with ancient Babylon.

  • 诸葛亮:(严肃的,作报告语气)关羽同志,在战斗中没有什么表现,据说躲到荆州特区成天的花天酒地,你该当何罪! Liang: (serious tone of the report) Guan Yu rades in battle is no performance is said to hide in Jingzhou Special Administrative Region of porn and alcohol all day long, you Hezui satisfied!

  • 有那么多孩子上不了学,那么多的人还在贫困线上挣扎,他们却拿着大把的钞票去花天酒地。)到最后,却是越来越不入流的局面。 So Many children can not learn, so many people are still struggling in poverty, they took a lot of money to porn and alcohol. ) In the end, it is less and less inflow.

  • 我从未将投资者的钱放到我自己的口袋里……我要是行骗,早就会过上花天酒地的日子……你见过那一个骗子会住在我这种破房子里? I’ve never taken investors’ money into my own pocket… If I was a fraudster, I would have enjoyed a lavish lifestyle… Have you ever seen a fraudster who lives in such a humble house?

  • 毕竟,当前一个一百万美元的投资组合如果投资到美国国债上的话每年也只会有3万美元的收入,并没有给花天酒地的生活方式留下太多的空间。 After all, a portfolio of $1m these days would generate an ine of only $30, 000 if invested in Treasury bonds, which does not leave much scope for the playboy lifestyle.

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