词语大全 察言观色的意思_成语“察言观色”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:书籍是朋友,虽然没有热情,但是非常忠实。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 察言观色的意思_成语“察言观色”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 察言观色的意思_成语“察言观色”是什么意思
成 语 | 察言观色 |
成语读音 | chá yán guān sè |
成语解释 | 察、观:仔细看;言:话;色:脸色。观察别人的言语和脸色,以揣度对方的心意。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指观察与揣度对方。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 春秋·鲁·孔子《论语·颜渊》:“夫达也者,质直而好义,察言而观色,虑以下人。” |
成语例句 | 吴强《红日》第九章:“很会~的田原感到连长有了烦躁的情绪。” |
近 义 词 | 察颜观色 鉴貌辨色 |
英文翻译 | check what one says against what he does <observe the words and gestures of somebody; watch a person’s every mood> |
俄文翻译 | следить за словáмн и выражéнием лицá человéка |
日文翻译 | 口ぶりと颜色(かおいろ)から人の心(こころ)を探(さぐ)る |
其他语言 | <法>déceler la pensée intime à son air et à ses paroles <l’observer pour surprendre ses sentiments> |
成语谜面 | 选购水彩 |
词语大全 察言观色造句_察言观色中英文解释和造句
察言观色 chá yán guān sè
她善于察言观色,理会经理的心思。 She is good at watching the manager’s every mood and guessing his thoughts.
察言观色对巴杰莉护士来说也同等重要。 It would be equally important for Sister Badgery to observe.
事实上,我今天就给他上了察言观色第一课。 Murphy: I gave him his first lesson in sensitivity just today, actually.
在中国人们从幼年开始就耳濡目染,渐渐学会察言观色。 In china, people learn to perceive things and act according to it when they are still infants.
然我并不是当真的空心人,很早以前,我就有了察言观色的本领。 However I am not the hollow person seriously, long before, I had the ability which watches a person’s every mood.
他整天都在察言观色,常独自躲在角落处静静咀嚼受到伤害的痛苦。 He is in all the day carefully watch what sb is doing and saying, often hide in corner office to chew stealthily alone the anguish that is harmed.
觉察:该“镶额眼”持续给予佩戴者“察言观色”检定+10能力加值。 Perceive: This third eye continually grants the wearer a +10 petence bonus on Sense Motive checks.
灵敏的长耳朵——能激起很多不善察言观色的宇航员傻乎乎地放声大笑。 long attentive ears — have prompted many an ill-advised guffaw from an insensitive spacer.
最后,避免成为乏味的谈话者,察言观色,看看别人是否希望你继续说下去。 During a dinner conversation, if you are the only person who still has a plate full of food, stop talking.
哈罗德先生没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心领神会,这是他的特点。 Characteristically, Mr. Harold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.
他整天都在察言观色,小心翼翼地猜度著又会有什么样的伤害落到自己的身上。 He is in all the day carefully watch what sb is doing and saying, guess wears cautious ground to again can what kind of harm falls to his body.
例如,那些在家庭生活中脾气暴躁型父亲的子女在成长的过程了学会了如何察言观色。 Children of the “time-bomb” father, for example, who explodes in anger at his family, learn how to read people and their moods.
在看房时要察言观色,为保险起见,还可以审查房东的真实身份,并且向其单位求证。 To be running in the house for insurance purposes, the landlord can also review the true identity of their units and evidence.
但是,精明的商人都是察言观色的好手,他们根据询问你家装预算来了解你的购买力。 However, smart businessmen are running the show, they ask you Jiezhuang budget on the basis of the purchasing power of your understanding.
结果是,孩子常常通过察言观色、捕捉父母谈话中的只言片语,从中了解大人的工作。 The result is that children get many ideas about the work world from observing their parents and overhearing bits and pieces of conversations.
大自然孕育了人类,而人类对于大自然也必须懂得察言观色,才能更好地掌控自己的生活。 Mother Nature gave birth to humans so humans must learn how to carefully take note of her actions and utterances in order to have better control over their own lives.
就此,文章从“察言观色”的角度出发,为英文导游员的讲解工作提供一些有意义的建议。 In light of this, the article from “watches a person’s every mood” angle embarking, provides some meaningful suggestions for English guide’s explanation work. key word: Watches a person’s every mood”;
尽管不善于察言观色,他发现事情起了一些变化,这种变化超出了他小小的分析能力之外。 Shallow as was his mental observation, there was that in the things which had happened which made his little power of analysis useless.
用洞察检定可以让你察言观色,读出言外之意,理解他人的情绪和态度,或者看出对方是否诚实。 You make an Insight check to prehend motives, to read between the lines, to get a sense of moods and attitudes, and to determine how truthful someone is being.
用洞察检定可以让你察言观色,读出言外之意,理解他人的情绪和态度,或者看出对方是否诚实。 Insight is not an exact science or a supernatural power; it represents your ability to get a sense of how a person is behaving.
他们找个借口叫莎拉来,察言观色:假如她向伯杰斯先生出卖了他们,从她的行为举止就能看得出来。 They would call Sarah in, on a pretext, and watch her face; if she had been betraying them to Mr. Burgess, it would show in her manner.
在人类的孩子还在襁褓之中倍受呵护的年龄,它们已经不得不用简单的小脑瓜学会察言观色,讨人欢心。 When the babies of human beings are too young to take care of themselves, the baby pets have to learn how to get along with and curry favor with their masters.
让你的问题显得聪明一些,直截了当,对坐在桌子对面的那个人察言观色,了解自己问地是不是足够了。 Make yours intelligent, to the point, and watch the person across the desk for visual cues whether you’ve asked enough.
技能:巫妖获得如下技能加成:+8听觉,+8搜寻,+8察言观色,+8侦察。其他的和基础生物一样。 Skills: Liches gain a +8 racial bonus on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise, same as the base creature.
我很孤单的长大,在这种孤独的成长状态下,我学会了很安静的察言观色,但是却不知怎样真正与人沟通。 I grew up lonely and I learned to observe people carefully and silently, However I did not know how to municate with people.
在表达式节目中,主持人要善于沟通营造谈话氛围,并且要乐于倾听,在谈话过程中察言观色及时做出反馈。 In Express-style programs, the host must be good at creating an atmosphere of conversation and to be heard in the conversation make timely feedback.
女性大脑的沟通交流能力特别发达,她们细致、敏感,能够通过察言观色来了解对方的心理,直觉也很灵敏。 Female brain munication and munication skills developed, they are meticulous, sensitive, and able to understand how the wind blows the other’s psychology, intuition is also very sensitive.
最佳妙计就是老老实实回答,不过千万注意要察言观色,随后你就可以因某种致命疾病的发作而摔倒在地了。 The best technique is to form an honest yet sensitive opinion, then collapse on the floor with some kind of fatal seizure.
其实,我们再怎么煞费苦心对孩子隐瞒实情或者在他们面前粉饰太平,他们也还是能够察言观色,通过我们的一举一动和我们的情绪感知到真相。 In truth, the information we’re trying so hard to hide or dress up for our kids probably doesn’t matter nearly as much to them as how they see us behaving and feeling.
察言观色 cháyánguānsè察言观色的意思和解释:察:详审。观察别人的说话或脸色。多指揣摸别人的心意。察言观色的出处《论语·颜渊》:“夫达也者,质直而好义,察言而观色,虑以
察言观色 cháyánguānsè察言观色的意思和解释:察:详审。观察别人的说话或脸色。多指揣摸别人的心意。察言观色的出处《论语·颜渊》:“夫达也者,质直而好义,察言而观色,虑以
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感谢13的投递时间:2016-12-2109:40来源:本站查询 ,
...力量,去改变一个我们不能接受的情况。 小贴士:学会察言观色,当你发现老板已经有发火的迹象,只要不是必须要找他,就避开风头吧,也许明天他就恢复