词语大全 家道中落的意思_成语“家道中落”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:沧海横流,方显英雄本色;青山矗立,不堕凌云之志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 家道中落的意思_成语“家道中落”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 家道中落的意思_成语“家道中落”是什么意思
成 语 | 家道中落 |
成语读音 | jiā dào zhōng luò |
成语解释 | 家道:家庭经济状况;中落:半途衰落。家业衰败,境况没有从前富裕。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 主谓式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指家业衰败。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第14回:“虽然他家太爷做了任官,而今也家道中落,那里一时拿的许多银子出来?” |
成语例句 | 宗璞《东藏记》第一章:“亮祖父亲早亡,~,全凭自己奋斗。” |
近 义 词 | 家势中落 |
反 义 词 | 家道从容 |
英文翻译 | One’s family fortunes declined. |
词语大全 家道中落造句_家道中落中英文解释和造句
家道中落 jiā dào zhōng luò
很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落。 Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis.
很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落。 Many rich families are brought low by the financial crisis.
到成年,家道中落,便以治印和雕影为业。 To adulthood, jia dao zhong luo , then the shadow rule for India and carving industry.
他是个富人家的儿子,看上去已经家道中落了。 He was the son of a wealthy man, but the family looks declining.
他是个富人的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。 He is the son of the rich man , However look that the family financial situation was worsening .
他是个富人的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。 He is the son of a richman, but his family seems not doing well recently.
他是个富人的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。 He is the son of a wealthy family, but he seems to have e down in the world.
他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。 he is a son of rich people, but looks like a Jiadaozhongluo.
3他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。 He is the son of a wealthy family, ugg mini, but he seems to have e down in the word.
他生于晋朝,本是富家子弟,后来家道中落,变得一贫如洗。 He was born in the Jin dynasty, this is the rich kids, and later Jiadaozhongla bee penniless.
他原来经营自己的买卖,现在不得已去当小职员,可谓家道中落了。 Having to work as a clerk is a bit of a e down after running his own business.
新一代中产阶级的兴起改变了世界。如果他们家道中落,又会如何? The rise of a new middle class has changed the world. What if they sink back into poverty?
幼年丧父,家道中落,早年的坎坷经历,造就了孔子坚毅执著的性格。 When Confucius was very young, his father died, so the family began to decline. He developed a firm and persistent character owing to the early years’ experience of frustrations.
出身于富商家庭,少年丧父,家道中落,其母为陈娶妻李氏,生子陈龙。 From a wealthy family, the juvenile death of his father, Jiadaozhongla, for the mother to get married and Chen Li, Chen and have children.
家道中落之前,他们无法想象自己会对住小房子、吃干面包、喝白开水的简朴生活也很知足。 Before they came down in the world, they couldn’t imagine that they would content themselves with the simple life: a small room, dry bread and plain boiled water.
彩云国物语讲述秀丽是彩云国数一数二的名门贵族,红家的千金小姐,无奈家道中落,导致生活拮据。 Choi countries with colorful story tales is one of the countries, the red house of noble young, helpless, to live from hand to mouth.
她也是个有梦的女孩,本应该出入上流社会风光无限的她却不知道是因为家道中落还是自身的原因过上了不理想的生活,更可怕的是,还是一个人,一直都是。 But I also think that Vera also put herself in the first place when making choice. She is a practical and realistic girl. She has received good education and lived in a higher class world.
家道中落 jiādàozhōngluò家道中落的意思和解释:家业衰败,境况没有从前富裕。家道中落的出处家道中落的例子晚年诸子不孝肖,~,先时遗物斥卖略尽。(《儿女英雄传·序》)家
家道中落 jiādàozhōngluò家道中落的意思和解释:家业衰败,境况没有从前富裕。家道中落的出处家道中落的例子晚年诸子不孝肖,~,先时遗物斥卖略尽。(《儿女英雄传·序》)家
词语大全 家道中落造句 家道中落の例文 "家道中落"是什麼意思
家道中落造句家道中落の例文"家道中落"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!很多富
词语大全 家道中落 [jiā dào zhōng luò]什么意思
家道中落 [jiādàozhōngluò][家道中落]成语解释家业衰败,境况没有从前富裕。[家道中落]成语出处《儿女英雄传·序》:“晚年诸子不孝肖,家道中落,先时遗物斥卖略尽。”