词语大全 劫富济贫的意思_成语“劫富济贫”是什么意思
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词语大全 劫富济贫的意思_成语“劫富济贫”是什么意思
成 语 | 劫富济贫 |
成语读音 | jié fù jì pín |
成语解释 | 劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语、宾语;指均贫富。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 曾朴《孽海花》第35回:“老汉平生最喜欢劫富济贫,抑强扶弱,打抱不平。” |
成语例句 | 瞿秋白《乱弹·吉诃德的时代》:“草泽的英雄,结果不是做皇帝,至多也不过~罢了。” |
近 义 词 | 除暴安良 杀富济贫 |
反 义 词 | 为虎作伥 助纣为虐 |
英文翻译 | rob the wealthy to aid the needy |
俄文翻译 | грáбить богáтых и помогáть бедным |
词语大全 劫富济贫造句_劫富济贫中英文解释和造句
劫富济贫 jié fù jì pín
劫富济贫的税收政策为什么是错误的呢? to tax the rich to help the poor?
他从有钱人那里拿了些东西给了穷人(劫富济贫)。 He took from the rich and gave to the poor.
阿里巴巴开导四十大盗劫富济贫,并静候推番蒙古统治的良机。 Alibaba guidance Sishitaidao Jiefujipin and pushed savages awaiting the opportunity to rule Mongolia.
而现在,奥巴马这种劫富济贫式的改革会让他们进一步收紧银根。 And now, his Robin Hood crusade will encourage them to pull back even further.
劫富济贫、广受尊崇的侠盗罗宾汉,其传奇故事仍为人津津乐道。 This is the tale of the famous English outlaw who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
三鹿集团重组不应采取劫富济贫、政府包办的方式,应该让市场说话。 San Lu Group should not be taken to re-rich, the government arranged the way, the market should be allowed to speak.
奥巴马的当选及其劫富济贫的左派经济政策让更多美国年轻人关注政治。 His election and his leftist economic policy that ‘robs the rich to give to the poor’ has drawn more attention of American young people to politics.
如前所述,税之所以被接受是因为大众相信罗宾汉的经济理论,即劫富济贫。 As I said, the passage of taxes was only possible because the masses believed in the Robin Hood theory of economics, which was to take from the rich and give to everyone else.
他们劫富济贫,专门与欺压穷人的贪官诺丁汉郡长作对,因而成了平民百姓的英雄。 Robin Hood fought the sheriff of Nottingham, a corrupt official who treated the poor badly. So he became a hero of the mon people.
墨西哥人就维拉到底是他自己所声称的劫富济贫的大侠不是只是一般的强盗而有过争论。 Maxi-cans have argued whether Villa was the Robin Hood he claimed to be or just an ordinary hood.
世界上最肥的,含乳脂最高的肥油”他说,“这让我们今晚的行动颇有罗宾汉劫富济贫的感觉。” “The richest, creamiest fat in the world, the fat of the land, ” he says. “That makes tonight a kind of Robin Hood thing.
欧洲人对社会财富如何分配锱铢必较,而美国人则更希望自己能由贫变富,而不是去“劫富济贫”。“ Whereas Europeans fret about the way the economic pie is divided, Americans want to join the rich, not soak them.
一旦销赃成功,他们会将钱财用于非洲的发展上,从艺术品收藏家那里得到钱,达到劫富济贫的目的。 Once they have disposed of the goods, the group donates its millions to development projects in Africa, taking money from “eccentric art collectors” and giving it to the poor.
西班牙罪犯杜兰劫富济贫,即便他接济的并不是穷人,至少也是与银行系统不共戴天的社会活动机构。 Spanish outlaw Duran steals from the rich and gives, if not to the poor, at least to the activist groups who are sworn enemies of the banking system.
主人公迭戈是一个侠盗罗宾汉式的凡人英雄,他本是地主的儿子,却愿意行侠仗义、除暴安良、劫富济贫。 Diego is a hero Robin Hood-style heroes mortal, he is the son of the landlord, but is willing to Hangxiazhangyi, Chubaoanliang, rich.
梁山聚义的宋江先生,号称替天行道,劫富济贫的草莽首领,面对招安政策,仍然是选了当官入仕的路子。 Mr. Song Jiangof Liangshan, known as rich head of the uncultivated land, in the face of招安policy, elected officials are still entering political stratum of the road.
和奥巴马一样,麦凯恩也把竞选的重点放在经济上,他并且继续攻击奥巴马的税收计划,他说,奥巴马的经济计划等于是劫富济贫。 Like Obama, McCain kept his focus on the economy and continued his attack on Obama’s tax plan, which he said would amount to a redistribution of wealth from rich to poor.
穷人和中产阶级尽力去拥有一切,但最后却不得不支付给政府和那些乐于起诉有钱人的小市民们,这些小市民们也从罗宾汉的故事中学到了劫富济贫。 try to own everything and lose it to the government or to fellow citizens who like to sue the rich. They learned it from the Robin Hood story: Take from the rich, give to the poor.
劫富济贫 jiéfùjìpín劫富济贫的意思和解释:劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。劫富济贫的出处劫富济贫的例子会因南北统一,所谋未遂,乃想学王天纵的行为,~,自张
劫富济贫 jiéfùjìpín劫富济贫的意思和解释:劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。劫富济贫的出处劫富济贫的例子会因南北统一,所谋未遂,乃想学王天纵的行为,~,自张
劫富济贫 jiéfùjìpín劫富济贫的意思和解释:劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。劫富济贫的出处劫富济贫的例子会因南北统一,所谋未遂,乃想学王天纵的行为,~,自张
劫富济贫 jiéfùjìpín劫富济贫的意思和解释:劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。劫富济贫的出处劫富济贫的例子会因南北统一,所谋未遂,乃想学王天纵的行为,~,自张