词语大全 垂死挣扎的意思_成语“垂死挣扎”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:内心简单,知足常乐,便是余生最美好的养生。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 垂死挣扎的意思_成语“垂死挣扎”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 垂死挣扎的意思_成语“垂死挣扎”是什么意思
成 语 | 垂死挣扎 |
成语读音 | chuí sǐ zhēng zhá |
成语解释 | 垂:快要,接近;挣扎:勉力支撑。临死前的挣扎作最后的反抗。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 偏正式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语;形容最后的反抗。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 浩然《艳阳天》第127章:“他这会儿真的熬到了垂死挣扎的时刻。” |
成语例句 | 冯德英《迎春花》第17章:“炸成重伤的蒋子金,~地用手里的小剜刀去刺她的腿。” |
近 义 词 | 负隅顽抗 困兽犹斗 |
反 义 词 | 束手待毙 束手就擒 |
英文翻译 | put up a last-ditch (or desperate) struggle <be in one’s death throes> |
俄文翻译 | агóния |
日文翻译 | 频死(ひんし)のあがき |
其他语言 | <德>verzweifelte Anstrengungen machen<法>se débattre avant la mort |
歇 后 语 | 断气前嚎叫;中了夹子的老鼠 |
成语谜面 | 杀死的公鸡扑棱翅 |
词语大全 垂死挣扎造句_垂死挣扎中英文解释和造句
垂死挣扎 chuí sǐ zhēng zhá
木材业和造纸业也在垂死挣扎。 The lumber and paper industries are moribund.
一系列连续不断的垂死挣扎。 a series of death struggles with small time in between.
街垒的垂死挣扎即将开始。 The death agony of the barricade was about to begin.
这个“总动员令”,只是表示蒋介石的垂死挣扎。 The “Order for General Mobilization” was merely his dying kick.
最终目的是:想出一个让通用免去垂死挣扎的生存方案。 Bottom line: GM is scrambling to find a survival plan.
与自由为敌的人正在那里垂死挣扎,他们必须被就地歼灭。 Enemies of freedom are making a desperate stand there — and there they must be defeated.
在这个中心避难的灾民正在垂死挣扎,但是没有人来救他们。 People are dying at the center and there is no one to get them.
犹如在走象棋,明明早给人将死,依然要垂死挣扎,走上一步。 It was like trying to make a move at chess when you were already mated.
但这并没有给他们赢得多少时间来进行”。’垂死挣扎‘。”。 But this did not win them much time in their death-bed struggle.
穿孔的,损坏的机器摇晃翻滚,不停泄露出气体和火焰,垂死挣扎。 Holed and damaged machines tumbled and spun, leaking atmosphere and flame, and dying.
它说诈骗犯会扮作银行新主,或者被控对垂死挣扎的机构失察的联邦机构。 It said it expected fraudsters to pose as the new owners of banks or the federal agencies charged with oversight of struggling institutions.
那家伙立即沉下去了,但又马上浮起来在水里上下翻腾,拚命作垂死挣扎; Immediately he sunk down into the water, but rose instantly and plunged up and down as if he was struggling for life;
在他的记忆里有个窟窿,一个黑暗的场所,一个被四个月的垂死挣扎掘成的深渊。 There was a void in his memory, a black spot, an abyss excavated by four months of agony.
他喝着苦汁,无情的海水前仆后继,定要把他淹没,浩瀚的泽国拿他的垂死挣扎来取乐。 he drinks in the bitterness, the cowardly ocean attacks him furiously, to drown him, the enormity plays with his agony.
当然,干稻草不可能让人浮在水面上,所以这种垂死挣扎是徒劳的——不会有任何作用。 Of course, dry straw could never keep anyone afloat, so such a desperate effort is futile-it will do no good.
这份报告中有关雷曼兄弟篡改资产负债表的部分则展现出该行在破产前垂死挣扎的隐秘细节。 The report’s sections on Lehman’s efforts to manipulate its balance sheet provide previously unknown details on the investment bank’s efforts to stave off collapse.
长风将要入睡的那一刻,电话忽然垂死一般尖叫起来,仿佛一只被老鼠夹夹住的老鼠一样,垂死挣扎著。 Changfeng is about to fall asleep, the phone rings desperately as if a rat is struggling to get off the clip.
于是他请来左邻右舍帮忙,决定尽快将井中的驴子用沙土埋掉,以便减少牠垂死挣扎的痛苦,早早解脱。 Then he asked help from his neighbors and they decided to quickly bury the donkey with soil, because this would stop it struggling to relieve the pain of dying.
这在一个靠石油产品飞速发展起来的国家里是常有的事,在改善垂死挣扎的医疗系统方面几乎没什么作为。 This was not unmon in a country whose impressive recent growth, driven by soaring oil production, has done little to improve its moribund health-care system.
地主们妄图牺牲自己女眷的肉体来阻挡这股强大的社会力量的奔腾向前,这种卑劣的手段是他们的垂死挣扎。 These crude efforts to stop the on sweep of a mighty social force with the bodies of their womenfolk were the dying gasps of the and lords.
又过了一些年,第二棵树每天只不过是在一条普通的小河里航行,在它的甲板上堆满了翻来覆去垂死挣扎的鱼。 Years went by and the second tre found himself daily sailing the waters of an ordinary lake. Net loads of fish flipped and flopped on his deck.
约翰也这样说。他支持奥巴马,在当地拥有一家建筑公司,公司正在垂死挣扎,但他却不愿意向客户道出实情。 “Things are going badly, ” says John, who owns a struggling local construction business and supports Mr Obama but prefers not to advertise the fact to his clients.
你想说什么我还真不知道,只是觉得好笑。每次看你为美车的垂死挣扎而泄斯里底的时候我就忍不住了,就这么简单。 Don’t know what I’m trying to say? I just don’t want to be rude, bur really a jerk, maybe a smart jerk.
中国的环境灾难不仅威胁著中国人–每年都有几十万人在空气和水质严重污染的环境中垂死挣扎—而且会波及整个人类。 China’s environmental disaster threatens not only the Chinese people — who are dying in the hundreds of thousands every year from staggering levels of air and water pollution — but all humanity.
妈妈又作垂死挣扎硬将不合身的牛仔裤套在她已发胖的身子上,偶尔还听她跟爸说“冬天里衣服缩水了”,爸爸笑的很尴尬。 Today I saw mummy was trying hard to put herself into some tight jeans, sometimes she said to daddy “winter make clothes shrink” , daddy returns with a funny smile.
他们最后的狂怒没有任何作用,除了进一步证明他们垂死挣扎的软弱以及为了防止其政权崩溃所做的最后的没有退路的努力。 Their frantic recourse to the policy of strength is nothing but the deathbed frenzy of the weak and the last-ditch effort to prevent their ruling system from its collapse.
燃油成本飙升让德尔塔在破产边缘垂死挣扎,劳资关系虽然得到了改善,公司并未因此获救,反而于2005年9月选择破产。 Improved relations with employees could not save the pany from entering bankruptcy in September 2005, however, when surging fuel costs helped to tip Delta over the edge.
它似乎在对电影圣山致敬。片首人们以各种可怕的方式垂死挣扎,例如流出红颜料般的血等等,接着镜头才转向现实生活的场景。 It is apparently a homage to the film The Holy Mountain, and sees people dying in gruesome ways before the whole thing changes to normal everyday scenes instead, with red paint for blood etc.
在雷曼兄弟起死回生后高盛经历了一段垂死挣扎的时期,但其后不久,在数月获得超过30亿美元的利润,加固了高盛作为华尔街王中王的地位。 Minting more than $3 billion in as many months, so soon after its own near-death experience in the wake of Lehman Brothers’ demise, will enhance Goldman’s reputation as Wall Street’s overachiever.
垂死挣扎 chuísǐzhēngzhá垂死挣扎的意思和解释:垂:将近。临死前的挣扎,妄想延长生命。垂死挣扎的出处垂死挣扎的例子不料,炸成重伤的蒋子金,~地用手里的小剜刀去刺好的腿
垂死挣扎 chuísǐzhēngzhá垂死挣扎的意思和解释:垂:将近。临死前的挣扎,妄想延长生命。垂死挣扎的出处垂死挣扎的例子不料,炸成重伤的蒋子金,~地用手里的小剜刀去刺好的腿
词语大全 垂死挣扎 [chuí sǐ zhēng zhá]什么意思
垂死挣扎 [chuísǐzhēngzhá][垂死挣扎]成语解释垂:将近。临死前的挣扎,妄想延长生命。比喻行将灭亡之时的孤注一掷。贬义[垂死挣扎]成语出处穆欣《南线巡回·滇南追歼战