词语大全 藏污纳垢的意思_成语“藏污纳垢”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:追风赶月莫停留,平芜尽处是春山。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 藏污纳垢的意思_成语“藏污纳垢”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 藏污纳垢的意思_成语“藏污纳垢”是什么意思

2、词语大全 藏污纳垢造句_藏污纳垢中英文解释和造句

词语大全 藏污纳垢的意思_成语“藏污纳垢”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音cáng wū nà gòu
成语解释 比喻包容坏人坏事。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作定语;用于坏人聚积的场所。
产生年代 近代
典故出处 清·孙雨林《皖江血·定计》:“收回那十八省剩水残山,洗尽这二百年藏污纳垢。”
成语例句 孙犁《文场亲历记摘抄》:“并闻自一位宣传部副部长言,这种团体已成~之所。”
近 义 词 藏垢纳污
反 义 词 藏龙卧虎
英文翻译 shelter evil people and countenance evil practices
成语谜面 垃圾车
成语故事 公元前594年,楚庄王率军攻打宋国。宋国派乐婴齐去晋国求救。晋景公看不惯楚国的恃强欺弱,准备出兵救宋。大夫伯宗认为晋国是鞭长莫及,他说:“谚曰‘高下在心’。川泽纳污,山薮藏疾,瑾瑜匿瑕,国君含垢,天之道也。”

词语大全 藏污纳垢造句_藏污纳垢中英文解释和造句

藏污纳垢  cáng wū nà gòu








  • 我们认为该处是藏污纳垢之所。 We think the place is a den of iniquity.

  • 键盘易藏污纳垢应如何清洁? How to Clean Keyboard Holding Dust and Germs?

  • 那家旅馆是个藏污纳垢之所。 That hotel is merely adequate.

  • 那家旅馆是个藏污纳垢之所。 That hotel is a sink of iniquity.

  • 拖把,是家中“藏污纳垢”最多的地方。 Mop, it is the home in ” shelter evil people and practices ” most place.

  • 但盆与台面的接合处 就比较轻易藏污纳垢。 But the joint place of basin and mesa shelters evil people and practices more easily.

  • 地下空间在某种程度上已经成了“藏污纳垢的地方”。 underground space in a way has bee “the place to carry out evil practices.”

  • 一条特别清洁法令禁止家庭主妇在住家的地毯下藏污纳垢。 A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling.

  • 电脑键盘凸凸凹凹的最轻易藏污纳垢了,清洁起来非常不方便。 Of biconcave of puter clavier biconvex sheltered evil people and practices the most easily, cleanness rises special inconvenience.

  • 我仔细地冲洗著身体的每一寸肌肤,特别是容易藏污纳垢的私处。 I am rinsing each inches of skin of the body carefully, the private parts that shelters evil people and practices easily especially.

  • 卧房门不宜正对储藏室之门,储藏室多有霉气、晦气,易藏污纳垢。 Bedroom door is unfavorable be opposite the door of storeroom, storeroom has mildew gas, unlucky more, shelter evil people and practices easily.

  • 蓝色是纯洁干净的颜色,既不象白色七彩斑斓,也不象黑色藏污纳垢。 Blue is chaste and clear colour. Neither does it seem white which is colorful, Nor does it seem black filth .

  • 俄国首席犯罪调查官员称它为莫斯科郊区「藏污纳垢、惹人嫌的地方」。 MOSCOW — Russia’s chief criminal investigator called it a “hell-hole” on the outskirts of Moscow.

  • 实现了生动的纹理,疑问也就产生,会不会轻易藏污纳垢、不易打理呢? Realized vivid grain, doubt also arises, can you shelter evil people and practices easily, be done not easily?

  • 空调系统里有 水分滞留,成为某些细菌、霉菌病毒的“藏污纳垢”之地; There are wet resorting in the air-condition system, this bees the “dirt-hiding place”.

  • 采用管道施釉工艺,管道光滑不藏污纳垢,2英坟大管径座便器,不易堵塞。 Adopting pipeline construct glaze craft, the pipeline cannot hide the dirt, it is difficult to jam for the 2inch enlarged pipe diameter.

  • 另外,“半拉子”楼房也带来了一系列的社会治安隐患,成了藏污纳垢的场所。 In addition, “half a” building has also brought a series of public order problems, a place to carry out evil practices.

  • 当时,老百姓称锦江(府南河)为“腐烂河”、沙河为藏污纳垢的“臭水沟”。 At that time, people said that George (Funanhe) as “deposed River, ” and to carry out evil practices Shahe “foul water.

  • 夏天气温高,人体汗液多,一些草席制品用得时间长了不免要藏污纳垢,很不卫生。 Summer enrages Wen Gao, juice of human body sweat is much, goods of a few straw mat is used time became longly unavoidable should shelter evil people and practices, very not wholesome.

  • 要防止地板产生缝隙、藏污纳垢,首先在安装时就要多加小心,争取从源头上堵住污染。 Should prevent a floor to produce gap, shelter evil people and practices, be about to add caution more when installation above all, strive for stem from fountainhead pollution.

  • 虽然地毯产品也具有柔软和吸音的功能,但是它最大的缺点是轻易藏污纳垢,不易于清洁。 Although carpet product also has softness and sound-absorbing function, but its biggest drawback is to shelter evil people and practices easily, not easy Yu Qingjie.

  • 贴图灌水区与新手区一样,向来就是“藏污纳垢”常发地点,直接的、擦边的,屡禁不止。 The water district map with novice area, has always been “evil” often send locations, direct, and to wipe a long-standing.

  • 一切有积极意义的东西才是值得我们提倡的聊吧应该是明亮的而不是藏污纳垢的一抹鸽灰。 When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t e up with a handful of mud either.

  • 他的小说以民间话语叙述“藏污纳垢”的民间社会生活,高扬原始生命强力,自由自在的个性生命。 His novels narrated the folk social life in folk discourse which heltersvil things and people, highly put up the primitive and strong life, the free and fortable personality.

  • 全市每年发生的房屋租赁税费流失约为3。8亿元,个别“黑房”也成为不法分子藏污纳垢的窝点。 The annual rental housing tax loss of about 3. 8 billion individual “dark room” has bee a lawless elements to carry out evil practices of the dens.

  • 保持卧室、卧具的清洁,床下不堆积杂物,以免藏污纳垢,招致蚊虫鼠蚤的繁殖与滋生,干扰睡眠。 the cleanness that maintains bedroom, bedding, do not pile up below the bed sundry, lest shelter evil people and practices, bring about the breed of mosquito rat flea and cause, disturb Morpheus.

  • 以前,唐人街被认为是藏污纳垢的地区,白人在那里的大烟馆里吸食鸦片,逃避来自非华人社会的压力。 In the past, Chinatowns were seen as sleazy area where white people would go to spend time in opium dens and escape the pressures of non-Chinese society.

  • “因为怪物表演是很可怕的,”他说,“他们表面上弄得像正常的马戏团一样,实际上是藏污纳垢的地方。 “Because freak shows were terrible, ” he said. “They pretended to be like proper circuses but they were cess pits of evil.

  • 用心去检视自己耳、鼻以及身体上其他的孔窍,会发现他们其实大同小异,不过是身体的上的小洞,里头还藏污纳垢。 If we contemplate the holes and entrances of our nose and ears and the rest, we can see that they are all the same, just orifices filled with unclean substances. Or are any of them clean?

  • 承租公房的出租是社会治安最为薄弱的地方,有些出租屋成为“藏污纳垢”之地,给社会治安、计划生育等带来了隐患。 Single occupancy is public houses by the local public security is weak, some rental housing has bee a “to carry out evil practices”, to social security, family planning has brought hidden dangers.

  • 藏污纳垢造句相关



    词语大全 藏污纳垢的意思_成语“藏污纳垢”是什么意思


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    藏污纳垢  cángwūnàgòu藏污纳垢的意思和解释:污、垢:肮脏的东西。比喻隐藏或包容坏人坏事。藏污纳垢的出处《左传·宣公十五年》:“川泽纳污,山薮藏疾。”藏污纳垢的例子这个地

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