词语大全 此起彼落的意思_成语“此起彼落”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:不怕读得少,只怕记不牢。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 此起彼落的意思_成语“此起彼落”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 此起彼落的意思_成语“此起彼落”是什么意思

2、词语大全 此起彼落造句_此起彼落中英文解释和造句

词语大全 此起彼落的意思_成语“此起彼落”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音cǐ qǐ bǐ luò
成语解释 这里起来,那里落下。形容接连不断。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 联合式
成语用法 作谓语、状语;形容接连不断。
产生年代 现代
典故出处 毛泽东《中国革命战争的战略问题》第五章第七节:“时大时小时缩时伸是经常的,此起彼落也往往发生。”
成语例句 杨沫《青春之歌》第二部第四章:“他们分成了两组,~地围在校长室外声嘶力竭地喊著叫着。”
近 义 词 此起彼伏 接连不断
英文翻译 As one falls,another rises.
歇 后 语 水里按葫芦;大年夜的爆竹声
成语谜面 跷跷板

词语大全 此起彼落造句_此起彼落中英文解释和造句

此起彼落  cǐ qǐ bǐ luò







  • 夜里鞭炮声此起彼落,整夜不绝。 Firecrackers at night after another, all night we do not.

  • 一团混乱,尖叫声、哭闹声,此起彼落。 A mass of confusion, screaming, crying sound, one after another.

  • 此起彼落的声音犹如小鸡咯咯的喧闹声。 Each voice, rising and falling like the clamorous cackling of chickens.

  • 校园里此起彼落的黄桷树,构筑著别样的风景。 trend manifests itself in the campus to build a landscape otherwise.

  • 不用说,此起彼落的尖叫声也淹没了他的声音! Needless to say, incessant screams drowned his voice.

  • 时大时小时缩时伸是经常的,此起彼落也往往发生。 Our base areas are constantly expanding and contracting, and often as one base area falls another rises.

  • 这算是一项改进,不过听到响铃后开炮声仍是此起彼落。 This was an improvement, but the guns still went off at various times during the sounding of the buzzer.

  • 街道繁忙和噪音此起彼落虽然耐人寻味,但在我看来可不美丽。 The busy streets and loud noises were fascinating, but I did not think them beautiful.

  • “欢迎孙中山先生光荣归里”、“孙先生好”的欢呼声此起彼落。 “Wele to the glorious Sun Yat-sen, ” and “Mr. Sun” cheers after another. Dr.

  • 当有人拿着你去称量金银的时候,就是快乐悲伤此起彼落的时候。 When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.

  • 斗牛、斗雀、跳芦笙、拔河、打球等比赛场上,喝彩声此起彼落。 Bull, fighting birds, Lusheng jump, tug-of-war, playing games such as pitch, bravoes one after another.

  • 夜市里的其他人也因为害怕这头横冲直撞的大象而尖叫声此起彼落。 Other people in the night market yelled in fear of the rampaging elephant.

  • 然后在尖叫声中,他出现了…闪光灯此起彼落…他以日文向影迷们问好。 there were screams and etc …and then …he e out …and flash lights and he greet them in japanese.

  • 不材小渝儿走进大厅时震耳欲聋的“仔仔”声此起彼落!!场面好不壮观!!! The deafening sound of “ZaiZai” are everywhere! ! ! The scene is very magnificent! ! !

  • 而这不是唯一的障碍,当反日情绪席卷中国,针对金融中心设计的质疑此起彼落。 But that was not the only setback. With anti-Japanese sentiment swelling in China, questions began to be asked about the Shanghai building’s design.

  • 富家女的运途亦多坎坷,两人此起彼落的遭遇,构成一个引人关怀又动人情感的故事。 Yun passers-by are more rough, the two happened one after another, constitute a matter of concern for the emotional and touching story.

  • 一停下来,我只听到自己的心脏狂跳不已,四周的叫喊声此起彼落,每过一秒船声就越近。 Once we were still, all I could hear was my heart pounding, the yelling all around me, the roar of a boat ing closer closer every second.

  • 一停下来,我只听到自己的心脏狂跳不已,四周的叫喊声此起彼落,每过一秒船声就越近。 Once we were still, all I could hear was my heart pounding, the yelling all around me, and the roar of a boat ing closer and closer every second.

  • 接下来的30分钟,老师和学生们轮流将手指放入口中来“交谈”,口哨声在教室中此起彼落。 The room reverberates with whistles for the next 30 minutes as teacher and students take turns putting their fingers in their mouths to “speak.”

  • 去年三月至今,中国多次血腥镇压西藏人民的反抗运动,促成国际支持西藏自由的行动此起彼落。 Since March last year, China has violently cracked down on Tibetan people’s resistance, which resulted in worldwide actions to support the Tibetan freedom movement.

  • 然而真实的海面有起伏变化的“地形”,真实的海面变化过程是海面地形此起彼落、时快时慢的变化。 Obviously, actual sea surface is not level, and its changeable course is sometimes lower or higher, quicker or slower.

  • 估计到敌后斗争的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗争与非法斗争具有很大的变动性。 With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle.

  • 麦克笔书写时发出的尖锐声和宣告主题的叫喊声此起彼落:『消费与回收』、『举发人:我们如何找回诚实公正的形象?』 Squeaking felt-tip markers pete with voices announcing topics: “Consumption and Recycling, ” “Whistleblowers: How Can We Be Known Again as an Honest Agency?”

  • 近几年来大陆职工因拖欠薪资或退休金等情况,致使生困厄所酿成的示威抗与堵街活动,在各省市区此起彼落、从未间断。 Because wages or pensions have been overdue in recent years, disgruntled workers have staged demonstrations, protests, and street blockages in many provinces and municipalities.

  • 近几年来大陆职工因拖欠薪资或退休金等情况,致使生困厄所酿成的示威抗与堵街活动,在各省市区此起彼落、从未间断。 Their appeals have so far been economic ones and there have not yet been any movements jointly launched by workers from cities of different provinces or municipalities.

  • 对于即将出现的完全市场化的房地产行业,行业、企业之间的结构性调整呼之欲出,企业的此起彼落也将不可避免地出现。 For emerging markets, the real estate industry entirely, trade, structural adjustment Troops among enterprises, enterprises never will inevitably arise.

  • 在音乐片段衔接的空档之间,我的眼睛也没闲著,眼光随着沿着房间内三面墙上此起彼落的缓和灯光,观赏著各种专题展示。 During the “break”, my eyes were following the spotlights, browsing through every single themed exhibits on the three walls.

  • 你在注视什么?一双踌躇不安的手,还是那一连串连绵不断、此起彼落的「当下」,最终迷失在「现在」与「然后」的胡同之中? What are you looking at? – a pair of hands, their fidgeting, or a string of “the continuous present” superseding one another, lost in the circuits of “now” and “then”?

  • 估计到敌后斗争的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗争与非法斗争具有很大的”。’变动性’。”。 With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle.

  • 烧祭品时,「阿姐收�﹗家姐收�﹗师父收�﹗」之声此起彼落,各人情绪激动,痛哭落泪,其中苏小姐哭得最厉害,安仔亦�紧拳头… When they were burning the things, they shouted: [Ah Jei collect things. C-fu, collect things. ] All looked very emotional and cried. Among them Miss So cried most badly.

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