词语大全 宠辱不惊的意思_成语“宠辱不惊”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:高山之巅,方见大河奔涌;于群峰之上,更觉长风浩荡。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 宠辱不惊的意思_成语“宠辱不惊”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 宠辱不惊的意思_成语“宠辱不惊”是什么意思

2、词语大全 宠辱不惊造句_宠辱不惊中英文解释和造句

词语大全 宠辱不惊的意思_成语“宠辱不惊”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音chǒng rǔ bù jīng
成语解释 宠:宠爱;辱:羞辱。受宠受辱都不感到惊讶、无动于衷。指把个人得失置之度外。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 主谓式
成语用法 作谓语、宾语;形容人豁达的性格。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 《新唐书·卢承庆传》:“承庆嘉之曰:‘宠辱不惊,考中上。’其能着人善类此。”
成语例句 陆文夫《秋钓江南》:“久经此种锻炼,可使人能应付世界上各种巨变,可以~。”
近 义 词 置之度外
反 义 词 患得患失 宠辱若惊
英文翻译 remain indifferent to other’s opinion
成语故事 唐太宗时期,官吏卢承庆奉命调查漕运船只失事的责任问题,先后三次给漕运官更改考评政绩,该官吏表现出宠辱不惊。后来卢本人也大起大落,命运坎坷,他的心情始终平静如水,并不因起落无常而改变自己的为人原则。

词语大全 宠辱不惊造句_宠辱不惊中英文解释和造句

宠辱不惊  chǒng rǔ bù jīng








  • 宠辱不惊,闲看庭前花开花落; To remain indifferent, leisurely watch the flowers bloom and fade;

  • 所以对物质世界,保持一个好心态,才能得失傲然,宠辱不惊。 Only when they keep a peaceful heart can they face both favors and humiliations with posure.

  • 希望自己能做到宠辱不惊,但这很难做到,但还是在天天进步。 I hope I can be in condition of detachment whether in glory or in disgrace, which is very hard for me to achieve. However I’m making progress everyday.

  • 面对逆境与鲜花宠辱不惊,都能静若止水,即是人生较高的悟性。 Are indifferent to personal gains and losses facing the adverse circumstance and the fresh flower, can static, if stops the water, is the life high perception.

  • 搞对象是一种博弈。打牌的时候,要面无表情,宠辱不惊,呆若木鸡。 poker face A blank expression that does not reveal anything about the cards being held.

  • 这种人能够在商海沉浮中坐怀不乱,宠辱不惊,由卑下的起点走向伟大的成功。 It takes a special kind of person to set an idea in motion, riding the highs and lows from humble beginnings to ultimate success.

  • 当地投资者宠辱不惊,回想着以往的好时光,将此次经历视为一次失败的赌注。 Local investors were stoical, looking back at the good times and regarding the experience as a lost bet.

  • 安切洛蒂已经打造出了一支攻入了许多进球,拥有出色防守,宠辱不惊的球队。 Ancelotti has given an equilibrium to a team that scores many goals and has a great defense.

  • 淡泊要耐得住寂寞,守得住清贫,要宠辱不惊,得失不计,洗尽奢华,抛却浮躁。 Indifferent to endure loneliness, poor to Rain or shine, remain, excluding gains and losses, luxury, far from impetuous.

  • 人生总会遇到得意和失意。只有宠辱不惊。才会进退有度。才能够保持宁静的平常心。 You will encounter exultation and frustration in all your life. only remain indifferent to other’s opinion. you will know how to advance & retreat and keep your heart peacefully.

  • 孟子所说的不动心之道,即仁义礼智根于心、宠辱不惊之道。要得不动心之道则要养心; The approach of keeping mind still is to root the humanity, courtesy and wisdom in mind, which is also the way of cooling before glory or insult.

  • 你总会受到赞美和责备,但是不要它们影响你的心态定位——那就是,宠辱不惊,平和无躁。 You will always be getting praise and blame, but do not let either affect the poise of the mind: follow the calmness, the absence of pride.

  • 搞对象是一种博弈。打牌的时候,要面无表情,宠辱不惊,呆若木鸡。更有甚者,可以假面欺诈别人。 A blank expression that does not reveal anything about the cards being held. Often used outside the world of poker.

  • 不知道别人如何,我觉得这样平心静气宠辱不惊的爱,大概只有“神”能做到,是凡人达不到的境界。 It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

  • 林宥嘉昨日是第一次来成都,清秀随和的他,对成都歌迷的热情似乎在意料之中,一副宠辱不惊的样子。 Lin Yu-chia is the first time yesterday to Chengdu, delicate and pretty easy-going, he’s on the enthusiasm of fans in Chengdu seems to be expected, Rain or shine, remain a look.

  • 宜选用仙鹤草的芳香,让人置身其中,仿佛漫步于风轻云淡的诗意田园,使心境变得淡泊宁净,宠辱不惊。 are advised to use the fragrant friends, the people involved, as a stroll in the beautiful clear Pastoral poetry, the spirit of sacrifice for peace talks bee net, Chongrubujing.

  • 我有感于菊花的美,我有感于她们的恬静淡然,我有感于她们对环境的适应力,我有感于她们的宠辱不惊…… I am Feeling the beauty of Chrysanthemum, I am Feeling indifferent to their quiet, I am perplexed by their adaptation to the environment, I am perplexed by their Chongrubujing … …

  • 世界本应多元化,眼下的时尚女子以瘦为美,但保不准10年之后的规矩,便让她们个个胖得风情万种宠辱不惊。 The world should be diversified, the current fashion for the woman to thin America, but to defend the rules to 10 years will allow them to Customs million Chongrubujing each count.

  • 所谓知足常乐,懂得拥有,懂得珍惜,就能宠辱不惊、风轻云淡地面对都市这片土壤最易滋长出的种种喧嚣和聒躁。 You will feel happy when you have understood how to hold and treasure, it can make you face the noise and troubles in this modern city easily.

  • 虽然目前的境况有些糟糕,但我一直渴望能够成为一名上场比赛的球员,而当你作为一名球员的时候,你应该学会宠辱不惊。 It is frustrating, of course it is. But I always wanted to be a footballer and when you’re a footballer you have to take the rough with the smooth.

  • 在张友谊班主任邹正明老师的眼里,张友谊是个“宠辱不惊”的学生,写得一手大气的文章,而他的从容淡定更是让人印象深刻。 in Zou Ming Zhang friendship class teacher’s eyes, Zhang friendship is a “Rain or shine, remain” the students, written first-hand the atmosphere of the article, and his calm淡定is impressive.

  • 宠辱不惊造句相关



    词语大全 宠辱不惊的意思_成语“宠辱不惊”是什么意思


    词语大全 宠辱不惊造句_宠辱不惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱不惊  chǒngrǔbùjīng宠辱不惊的意思和解释:宠:宠爱。受宠受辱都不在呼。指不因个人得失而动心。宠辱不惊的出处晋·潘岳《在怀县》诗:“宠辱易不惊,恋本难为思。”宠辱不

    词语大全 宠辱不惊造句_宠辱不惊中英文解释和造句

    宠辱不惊  chǒngrǔbùjīng宠辱不惊的意思和解释:宠:宠爱。受宠受辱都不在呼。指不因个人得失而动心。宠辱不惊的出处晋·潘岳《在怀县》诗:“宠辱易不惊,恋本难为思。”宠辱不

    词语大全 宠辱不惊   [chǒng rǔ bù jīng]什么意思

    宠辱不惊  [chǒngrǔbùjīng][宠辱不惊]成语解释宠:宠爱。受宠受辱都不在乎。指不因个人得失而动心。褒义[宠辱不惊]成语出处《新唐书·卢承庆传》:“宠辱不惊;考中上。其

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