词语大全 臭名昭著的意思_成语“臭名昭著”是什么意思
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篇首语:不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 臭名昭著的意思_成语“臭名昭著”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 臭名昭著的意思_成语“臭名昭著”是什么意思
成 语 | 臭名昭著 |
成语读音 | chòu míng zhāo zhù |
成语解释 | 名:名声;昭著:显著,明显。坏名声谁都知道。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 主谓式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指名声很坏的人。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章:“他们是贺衷寒系统的人,在前方打狗吃,臭名昭著。” |
成语例句 | 王朔《许爷》:“许立宇与那个~的日本流氓确实不认识。” |
近 义 词 | 声名狼藉 臭名远扬 |
反 义 词 | 大名鼎鼎 赫赫有名 |
英文翻译 | hit the headlines <to achieve notoriety; notorious > |
俄文翻译 | печáльно известный |
日文翻译 | 悪名高い,悪名をはせた |
其他语言 | <德>berüchtigt <verrufen><法>sa mauvaise réputation est connue de tous |
歇 后 语 | 粪堆上插旗子 |
成语谜面 | 屎壳郎扛大旗 |
词语大全 臭名昭著造句_臭名昭著中英文解释和造句
臭名昭著 chòu míng zhāo zhù
该市因为犯罪率很高而臭名昭著。 The city was condemned for its high crime rate.
秦桧耍过很多臭名昭著的阴谋。 Qinhui played lots of infamous plots.
该州是臭名昭著的“家族”败毒团伙的基地。 The state is the base of the notorious “La Familia” gang.
这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了公司最高层。 Such a notorious person has got to the top of the pany.
远东地区是一个伪造美元,特别是臭名昭著的来源。 The Far East is a particularly notorious source of counterfeit dollars.
这个古怪的诗人在文学圈内”。’臭名昭著‘。”。 The eccentric poet was a byword in literary circles.
1919年美国棒球锦标赛传来棒球史上最臭名昭著的丑闻。 The 1919 World Series resulted in the most famous scandal in the baseball history.
臭名昭著的恐怖分子宣称负责企图在圣诞节炸毁美国的客机。 Notorious terrorist claims responsibility for bid to blow up U. S. airplane at Christmas.
那些日子里镇上所有的人都在谈论那个臭名昭著的凶手和他的帮派。 Those days everyone in the town was talking about the notorious murderer and his gang.
我现在因为玩牌作弊而臭名昭著,英格兰的每一扇门都将对我关闭了。 I was now known to be a cheat at cards and every door in England would be closed against me .
在承认关于数十亿美元的诈骗之后,这位臭名昭著的金融家被投入了监狱。 The disgraced financier has been taken to jail after pleading guilty to a multi-billion-dollar swindle.
根据真实故事改编,讲述了美国联邦调查局如何捣毁底特律最臭名昭著的犯罪集团。 Based on the true story of how the FBI brought down one of Detroit’s most notorious mobsters.
他很快就和另两个有着愚蠢名字的家伙组成了迈阿密最为臭名昭著的毒品贩卖三人组。 He quickly teamed up with Sammy Falconetti and Bobby Mazur to form one of Miami’s most notorious drug smuggling trios.
地理位置:臭名昭著的黑色沼泽处于赤脊山脉的正东方,一直延伸到艾泽拉斯的东海岸。 Geography: The infamous Black Morass is located due east of the Redridge Mountains, running down to the east coast of Azeroth.
进来橡胶和优质皮革的混合,起动以臭名昭著的吴特性氏族商标为特色在侧面板和在脚跟。 Coming in a mix of rubber and premium leathers, the boot features the infamous Wu-Tang Clan logo both on the side panel and on the heel.
历史上,美国因对土著印第安人实行种族灭绝、贩卖黑人和对黑人实行血腥奴役而臭名昭著。 The United States, as a matter of fact, was notorious for genocide against aboriginal Indians, trade of African blacks and black slavery.
1945年的此时,在臭名昭著的雅尔塔会议上,斯大林欺骗罗斯福同意了苏联对波兰的占领。 Those are the dates of the infamous Yalta conference in 1945, when Stalin bamboozled Franklin Roosevelt into accepting the Sovietisation of Poland.
结果,在以社会不公而臭名昭著的巴西,现在的收入分配比过去30年中任何时候都更加公平。 The result is that in a country notorious for its inequalities, ine is more equally distributed today than at any time in the past 30 years.
重截自其原始版本,这个臭名昭著的里程碑电影暴行正在提交第一次在美国的所有血液四溅的荣耀。 Heavily censored since its original release, this infamous landmark of cinematic brutality is being presented for the first time in America in all its blood-splattered glory.
这个机场因其背山面海的短跑道而一度臭名昭著,即使经验丰富的飞行员在降落时也会觉得不比刺激。 The airport was once infamous for its short runway which, surrounded by high mountains and the ocean, made it a tricky landing for even the most experienced of pilots.
数十年间,她大致研究了美国一些最臭名昭著的罪犯,并且她是退役军人,原来是华盛顿德尔塔的狙击兵。 For a decade she has profiled some of America’s most notorious criminals and she’s a veteran of Washington D. C. Delta way sniper case.
甚至有传言武装党卫队的战斗单位作为臭名昭著的“最终解决方案”的一部分参与了对犹太人屠杀和驱逐。 Even the supposed Waffen-SS bat units participated in the mass killing and deportation of Jews as part of the infamous “Final Solution”.
当她是共生解放军一员时曾参与一起严重的银行抢劫案,该组织最臭名昭著的行动是绑架报业大亨之女芭迪·赫斯特。 She admitted taking part in a deadly bank robbery while she was a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, most notorious for kidnapping newspaper heiress Patty Hearst.
不,没有。当然不是,“布朗,谁参与了臭名昭著的车队指令事件巴里切罗在2002年在奥地利后表示,周日的比赛。 “Nope, no. Absolutely not, ” Brawn, who was involved in the infamous team orders scandal involving Barrichello at Austria in 2002, said after Sunday’s race.
西印度群岛上最恶劣的窃贼和海盗都可以在那里随意落脚,犯有各种罪行的人均可在那里任意安家,它确实是个臭名昭著的地方。 Indeed, it was notorious for giving a wele to all the worst thieves and pirates in the West Indies, men guilty of every kind of crime, who were invited to make their home there.
尽管遭受了过去一个多世纪的悲惨的殖民压迫以及臭名昭著的鸦片贸易,中国人仍视这些即将离去的英国人为朋友,而不是原来的殖民者。 In spite of over a century of sordid colonial oppression, and the ignoble opium trade, the Chinese still view the departing British not as ex-colonial masters but as friends.
有一些臭名昭著的人物也曾“榜上有名”,比如1938年的当选者是阿道夫·希特勒。《时代》周刊2004年年度人物是美国总统布希。 Some selections have been notoriously unpopular with Time readers, such as Adolf Hitler in 1938. Time’s 2004 Person of the Year was U. S. President George W. Bush.
1930年六月通过的臭名昭著的斯姆特-霍利法案提高了900多项进口商品关税,因而该法案被认为是导致其后世界贸易崩盘的重要原因。 The infamous Smoot-Hawley act, which was passed in June 1930 and increased nearly 900 American import duties, is usually viewed as central to the collapse in world trade that followed.
布哥布分水岭阵地的德军预备队是“警卫旗队”师和“希特勒青年”师的一部分,他们将会在臭名昭著的约瑟夫“塞普”迪特里希的指挥下作战。 In reserve on the Bourguebus ridge were the Leibstandarte and part of the Hitlerjugend Divisions, and these units were to go into action under the mand of the notorious Josef “Sepp” Dietrich.
在巴西,市面上的面粉和糖不一定有条形码标记,而里约热内卢一个臭名昭著的贩毒团伙供应的可卡因包装上却堂而皇之地打上了条码,挂上了价签。 Flour and sugar sold in Brazil don’t always have them, but packages of cocaine offered by a notorious Rio de Janeiro drug gang are now showing up plete with bar codes and price tags.
臭名昭著 chòumíngzhāozhù臭名昭著的意思和解释:坏名声人人都知道。臭名昭著的出处臭名昭著的例子臭名昭著造句该市因为犯罪率很高而臭名昭著。Thecitywascond
臭名昭著 chòumíngzhāozhù臭名昭著的意思和解释:坏名声人人都知道。臭名昭著的出处臭名昭著的例子臭名昭著造句该市因为犯罪率很高而臭名昭著。Thecitywascond
词语大全 臭名昭著 [chòu míng zhāo zhù]什么意思
臭名昭著 [chòumíngzhāozhù][臭名昭著]成语解释坏名声人人都知道。贬义[臭名昭著]成语出处郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章:“他们是贺衷寒系统的人;在前方打狗吃;臭名昭著。
词语大全 臭名昭彰 [chòu míng zhāo zhāng]什么意思
臭名昭彰 [chòumíngzhāozhāng][臭名昭彰]成语解释昭:显著。形容坏名声尽人皆知。亦作“臭名昭著”。[臭名昭彰]百科解释臭名昭彰形容坏名声尽人皆知。亦作“臭名昭著