词语大全 出类拔萃的意思_成语“出类拔萃”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:胸怀万里世界, 放眼无限未来。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 出类拔萃的意思_成语“出类拔萃”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 出类拔萃的意思_成语“出类拔萃”是什么意思
成 语 | 出类拔萃 |
成语读音 | chū lèi bá cuì |
成语解释 | 出:超过;类:同类;拔:超出;萃:草丛生的样子,引申为同类聚集。指人的品德才能超出同类之上。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 褒义词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语、定语;用于人或事物。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 战国·邹·孟轲《孟子·公孙丑上》:“圣人之于民,亦类也。出于其类,拔乎其萃,自生民以来,未有盛于孔子也。” |
成语例句 | 孙犁《保定旧事》:“她非常聪明,各门功课都是~的。” |
近 义 词 | 鹤立鸡群 超群绝伦 |
反 义 词 | 滥竽充数 碌碌无能 |
英文翻译 | the pick of the bunch <outstanding; be out of the mon run> |
俄文翻译 | из ряда вон выходящий |
日文翻译 | 拔群(ばっぐん)だ,ずばぬけている |
其他语言 | <德>ausgezeichnet <hervorragend><法>surpasser tous les autres <talent éminent> |
歇 后 语 | 鸡群里的鸭;花园中的牡丹 |
成语谜面 | 谷子地里长棵高粱 |
成语故事 | 公孙丑向老师孟子请教孔子与伯夷、伊尹的人格问题,孟子告诉他。孔子足以使天下太平,因为他看到一个国家的礼制就明白它的政治,圣人的能力要大大超出平民的,孔子的道理可以千古流传,德行可以与天地相比。 |
词语大全 出类拔萃造句_出类拔萃中英文解释和造句
出类拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì
希腊人的最终目标是出类拔萃。 The final Greek goal was to be the best.
众多学生中,以你最出类拔萃! All of students , You are the top best !
这所大学的教师翻译都是出类拔萃的。 The teaching staff of this college is/are excellent.
她的音乐才能很出类拔萃。 Her musical talent is quite exceptional.
毕业生们,你们的未来一定是出类拔萃的。 Graduates, you have an extraordinary role to play in our future.
与同时代作家相比,狄更斯更为出类拔萃。 Dickens is in a different class from most of his contemporaries.
我弟弟可是一个出类拔萃的人–一个杰出的演员。 My brother is a most distinguished man-and great actor.
在心理学研究方面,王教授在同龄中是出类拔萃的。 Professor Wang is a lulu in the field of psychology among those of his age.
“品德体现我们的尊严,出类拔萃的品质谢绝平淡”! “Quality represents our esteem, third-class products are refused by excellent quality”.
在这方面,他是出类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者望尘莫及。 In this field he is facile princeps, and has left all petitors behind.
160H出类拔萃的生产力和耐用性是您投资的最好回报。 The 160H maximizes the return on your investment with outstanding productivity and durability.
看……我们在生活中所做的一切就是学习如何成为出类拔萃。 Look… all that we do in our life is learn how to bee outstanding.
事实很清楚,在整个执行计划中他是出类拔萃的驾驶员之一。 It is cleat that he was one of the outstanding plots in the whole program.
罗斯福对于管理科学的贡献,就足以使他成为一位出类拔萃的总统。 Roosevelt’s contributions to the science of administration alone would entitle him to distinction among the Presidents.
他年轻的时候是个出类拔萃的美男子,如今到了五十四岁仍然一表人才。 He had been remarkably handsome in his youth, and at fifty-four was still a very fine man.
最好的选择,就是把自己的长处发挥得更加淋漓尽致,努力争取出类拔萃。 The best choice, is displays own strong point incisively, strives for to stand out diligently.
兰花出类拔萃,卓然不群,奋力舒一丛碧绿,尽情吐满腔芳馨,是那么的高雅。 Orchid outstanding, Zoran not base, struggling to a bundle of green ash, all filled with spit is so elegant.
对于新签入的球员我不是很了解,但是我知道他们都是自己国家中出类拔萃的球员。 The new purchases I do not know well, but I know that they are players who have done well in their nation.
我亲眼目睹了画家的创作,并且确认其才华已然出类拔萃,才相信了其绘画大师的地位。 Not only have I witnessed I believe the status of Master painter achieved but the talents go well past the normal.
足球,不在我的生活里,但艺术永存。虽然我技术不出类拔萃,但我会继续对足球热爱! Football, not my life, but eternal art. Although the technology is not my best, but I will continue to love football!
要想在工作中出类拔萃,你应该每天都读一小时的专业书籍,培养一种认真记笔记的好习惯。 In order to stay on top of your job, you should read in your field at least one hour per day, underlining and taking good notes.
他说得没错。我们从来就不是出类拔萃的那种,命中注定会成什么事。我看得到我们的未来。 He’s right; we were never special or destined or anything at all. I saw a whole other future.
精益求精,当然出类拔萃,公司在原有的技术基础上,不断引进台湾、欧美的先进技术和管理方法。 Better, of course, outstanding, the pany on the basis of the original technology, the introduction of Taiwan, Europe and the United States of advanced technology and management methods.
如果你希望出类拔萃,也希望生活方式与众不同,那么,你必须明白一点———是你的习惯决定着你的未来。 If you want to distance yourself from the masses and enjoy a uni Lifestyle, understand this——your habit will determine your future.
然而维吉尔加盟安菲尔德的期望非常高,他已经变成出类拔萃天才,贝尼特斯希望以租借的形式有助于他继续成长。 When Weijl first arrived at Anfield expectation was high that he would develop into a major talent and Benitez will hope that a loan will assist his progress.
敬业:精益求精当然出类拔萃,企业的每一件产品都是盛丰人至诚至爱的奉献,同时也溶入了盛丰人尽善尽美的服务。 Responsibility:Keeping improving leads to be outstanding. What we made is the contribution of ShengFeng People. Meanwhile, it is melt with the best service of ShengFeng people.
只要你能做到,能正确无误地指认出福特所运用到的原则,就几乎可以在适合自己的任何行业里,和他一样地出类拔萃。 Ifyou can do this , if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry Ford rich , you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited .
如果一个动机触及你的内心深处的某个理想目标,毫无疑问你会改变一切,取得成功。做出类拔萃的人是没有年龄限制的。 If a cause touches something inside you, there is no doubt that you’ll be successful in making a difference. There is no age requirement for doing something extraordinary.
罗布说:“这将能让那些最出类拔萃的人们从事干细胞的研究工作,这是应当做的工作,这项工作被搁置的时间太久了。” “This is going to allow the best and the brightest to do the work that needs to be done and has not been done for so long, ” Robb said.
对于你,一个士兵来说,政委就是信仰的最高象征;同样地,想要成为帝国信条的忠实拥护者,你就应当服从政委出类拔萃的领导。 For you, as a trooper, they are the highest example of faith, and to be a full adherent to the Imperial Creed you should follow their peerless lead.
出类拔萃 chūlèibácuì出类拔萃的意思和解释:拔:超出;类:同类;萃:原为草丛生的样子,引伸为聚集。超出同类之上。多指人的品德才能。出类拔萃的出处《孟子·公孙丑上》:“出
出类拔萃 chūlèibácuì出类拔萃的意思和解释:拔:超出;类:同类;萃:原为草丛生的样子,引伸为聚集。超出同类之上。多指人的品德才能。出类拔萃的出处《孟子·公孙丑上》:“出
出类拔萃 chūlèibácuì出类拔萃的意思和解释:拔:超出;类:同类;萃:原为草丛生的样子,引伸为聚集。超出同类之上。多指人的品德才能。出类拔萃的出处《孟子·公孙丑上》:“出
出类拔萃 chūlèibácuì出类拔萃的意思和解释:拔:超出;类:同类;萃:原为草丛生的样子,引伸为聚集。超出同类之上。多指人的品德才能。出类拔萃的出处《孟子·公孙丑上》:“出