词语大全 摧枯拉朽的意思_成语“摧枯拉朽”是什么意思
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词语大全 摧枯拉朽的意思_成语“摧枯拉朽”是什么意思
成 语 | 摧枯拉朽 |
成语读音 | cuī kū lā xiǔ |
成语解释 | 摧:破坏;枯:枯草;拉:折断;朽:朽烂的木头。摧折枯枝朽木。比喻轻而易举地办到。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指毫不费力地摧毁。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 《晋书·甘卓传》:“将军之举武昌,若摧枯拉朽,何所顾虑乎?” |
成语例句 | 熊召政《张居正》第一卷第24回:“都以为这一下肯定是~青史留名了。” |
近 义 词 | 势如破竹 不堪一击 |
反 义 词 | 坚不可摧 |
英文翻译 | (as easy as) crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood <destroy something already in a state of ruin> |
日文翻译 | 枯 (か)れ枝 (えだ)をへし折 (お)り,朽木 (くちき)を拉 (ひし)ぐようにたやすくぶちこわす |
其他语言 | <德>(eine wackelnde Macht) ohne Mühe zerstǒren <alles überwǎltigend> |
歇 后 语 | 锯子锯掉烂木头 |
成语谜面 | 锯子锯掉烂木头 |
成语故事 | 晋武帝司马炎的女婿王敦因建立东晋居功自傲,在晋元帝时以杀刁协清除皇帝身边的恶人为名起兵反叛朝廷。他一边拉拢梁州刺史甘卓联合起兵,湘州刺史司马承派副将邓骞劝甘卓出兵攻打王敦,形容甘出兵打王像摧枯拉朽一样容易。 |
词语大全 摧枯拉朽造句_摧枯拉朽中英文解释和造句
摧枯拉朽 cuī kū lā xiǔ
兔妹妹哭得柔肠寸断,摧枯拉朽。 Kude Rouchangcunduan rabbit sister, Cuikulaxiu.
他(只是)火力全开而且摧枯拉朽地投篮。 He’s open and he’s knocking down shots.
民间的记忆、底层的涌动总是具有摧枯拉朽的力量。 Civilian memory, rock-bottom emerge use the power that always has as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.
我的整个成年生活的焦点摧枯拉朽地一去不复返了。 What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.
正视和面对医药产业摧枯拉朽、快速洗牌的残酷现实。 Face up to and face the medical industry as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, cruelty that shuffles quickly reality.
大金风云万象的历史狂飙旋转向辽国的疆域,摧枯拉朽。 With a strong hurricane of history, Jin stormed into Liao and swept obstacles in the way.
19世纪初摧枯拉朽的工业化革命彻底颠覆了这种格局。 The onslaught of industrialization in the early 19th century changed all of that.
难道火箭队现在看起来不像一支摧枯拉朽飞驰而过的火箭吗? Don’t the Houston Rockets look like they are just having a blast?
伴随它而来的一阵摧枯拉朽,却遭到当前的经济萧条过份夸大。 It is bringing a great deal of disruption in its wake that is being exaggerated by the current downturn.
坚忍十年的勾践趁此良机,率领越国以摧枯拉朽之势一举打败吴国。 Goujian took the opportunity to defeat State Wu. To celebrate the triumph, Yue folk milled the remaining parboiled paddy and cooked.
自出新裁、别立新宗几个方面,并且具有摧枯拉朽的巨大的艺术力量。 from the new CD, do not establish a new case of several aspects, and has Cuikulaxiu tremendous artistic power.
第4回合,库托的进攻摧枯拉朽,两次放倒詹宁斯,现场观众欢呼声如潮。 Cotto blasted Jennings around the ring in the fourth round, putting him down twice as the crowd roared its approval.
革命要流血,革命势不两立,革命不容妥协,革命摧枯拉朽,清除一切障碍。 Revolution is bloody, revolution is hostile, revolution knows no promise, revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way.
战争或其他一些灾难如摧枯拉朽般将发育不良、茍延残喘的压力集团一扫而光。 A war or some other catastrophe sweeps away the choking undergrowth of pressure groups.
摧枯拉朽:摧折枯朽的草木。形容轻而易举。也比喻摧毁腐朽势力的强大气势。 Easily acplished: Breaks off vegetation which decays dry. Describes easily. Also the analogy destroys the decayed influence the formidable imposing manner.
当改革的浪潮以摧枯拉朽之势席卷旧的司法鉴定制度时,我国司法鉴定的一个新的时代拉开了序幕。 When the reform wave sweeps the old judicial expert system, the cause of our judicial expertise is led to a new era.
“先锋”的意义莫过于针对历史的摧枯拉朽与面向未来的义无返顾的革新精神与对理想执著的追求。 The meaning of “pioneering” lies nowhere but in the sharp slash on the history, the reckless innovative enthusiasm and the perseverant pursuit of one’s ideals.
巨大无比的水墙摧毁了北印尼海岸,摧枯拉朽般横扫一切阻挡它前进的事物,势不可挡的向内陆进发。 A wall of water that erupted off the northern Indonesian coast and destroyed all in its path as it surged inland.
我认为两年后阿根廷将呈摧枯拉朽之势,那时马斯切拉诺专管破坏,而加戈则做着从前雷东多做的一切! I think in two years Argentina will be brutal when Mascherano is in to destroy and Gago is there to do what Redondo once did!
中国队以摧枯拉朽之势折桂绝对在情理之中,可是当“黄金一代”告别之后女排如何成功过渡依然存疑。 Chinese team won Cuikulaxiu trend is absolutely reasonable, but when the “golden generation” after the women how to bid farewell to the success of the transition is still in doubt.
当这个(白人右翼)形象被大多数美国民众以摧枯拉朽之势加以否定后,右翼人士的思维根本无法运作了。 When this image was repudiated by a majority of Americans in a massive landslide, it simply didn’t pute.
这场中韩之战,堪称一场一边倒的比赛,中国女排以摧枯拉朽之势连胜韩国队三局,三局比分对手仅得到40分。 China and South Korea this war, can be called a one-sided match, the Chinese women’s volleyball Cuikulaxiu to force South Korea’s three-game winning streak, three opponents scored only 40 points.
走在柳树中间,随风蝶舞的叶子在空中打着旋飘飞著,而后随一阵秋风席卷而去,阵阵啸声中有一种摧枯拉朽气势。 Walking in the middle of willows, the wind Splendor leaves in the air Da Zhaoxuan Piaofei forward, and then swept away with the burst of autumn, blowing and howling there is a Cuikulaxiu momentum.
还有那些斑驳的榆树、常青树、以及别的摧枯拉朽的东西吗?在短短的十二个月里,它们由荣至枯,接而又复苏了生机。 and the crumbling elms and evergreens and other crumbling things that spring and fade and cast their bloom within a simple twelve months?
七段:“野人献曝”式——骂人艺术到了七段,则任何人的铜墙铁壁,亦可摧枯拉朽,但看来却是轻描淡写,妙手空空。 Qiduan: “Savage Xian exposed” style – a curse to art Qiduan, no one impregnable fortress, or Cuikulaxiu, it appears that it is an understatement, Miaoshoukongkong.
改变的结果是,新赛季开赛17场过后,他们摧枯拉朽般的豪取15胜,而作为对比去年他们前17场比赛的战绩是9胜8负。 As a result, the Lakers have stormed out of the gate by winning 15 of their first 17 games—a stark contrast from the 9-8 record they had through their first 17 games last season.
侵略战争和之后的内战已经吞噬了太多生命,死亡数量之多,再没有人愿意这样一场混乱血腥、摧枯拉朽的实验发生在自己身上。 The invasion, and the civil war that followed it, killed far too many Iraqis for anyone else in the region to wish such a chaotic, bloody and destructive experiment on themselves(4).
它们对现代主义或者更广泛一些,对西方传统,进行了一场战争,一次摧枯拉朽的革命,它们的形式与这场轰轰烈烈的征战是相对应的。 They declared war and staged a violent revolution against Modernism in particular and Western tradition on general. The free forms that resulted are evidence of an ambitious campaign.
巫妖王重新赐予了他自由,以换取他在对抗铁卫军的远征中为巫妖王效力。他手舞巨锚,以摧枯拉朽之势劈荆斩棘,在敌军的包围开始前便已粉碎其阵形。 Now released by the Lich King to aid in his crusade against the Sentinel, he cleaves through waves of enemies with his mighty anchor, breaking enemy sieges before they even begin.
要是我有此能力,要是我能让全国都听到我的呼声,今天我就会以滚滚巨流之势发出我尖刻无情的嘲笑、粉碎一切的谴责,摧枯拉朽的讽刺,声色俱厉的训斥。 had I the ability, and could I reach the nation’s ear, I would today pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke.
摧枯拉朽 cuīkūlāxiǔ摧枯拉朽的意思和解释:枯、朽:枯草朽木。摧折枯朽的草木。形容轻而易举。也比喻摧毁腐朽势力的强大气势。摧枯拉朽的出处《后汉书·耿弇传》:“归发突骑,以
摧枯拉朽 cuīkūlāxiǔ摧枯拉朽的意思和解释:枯、朽:枯草朽木。摧折枯朽的草木。形容轻而易举。也比喻摧毁腐朽势力的强大气势。摧枯拉朽的出处《后汉书·耿弇传》:“归发突骑,以