词语大全 初露锋芒的意思_成语“初露锋芒”是什么意思
Posted 成语
篇首语:千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 初露锋芒的意思_成语“初露锋芒”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 初露锋芒的意思_成语“初露锋芒”是什么意思
成 语 | 初露锋芒 |
成语读音 | chū lù fēng máng |
成语解释 | 露:显露;锋芒:刀剑的刃口和尖端,引申为人的棱角与锐气。比喻刚显露出某种力量或才能。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 褒义词 |
成语结构 | 动宾式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语、宾语;比喻刚显露出来。 |
产生年代 | 现代 |
典故出处 | 《人民日报》1984.2.25:“舒同的墨海生涯从他十四岁在乡间初露锋芒时算起,已有六十五个年头了。” |
成语例句 | 他在这次活动中只不过是~而已。 |
近 义 词 | 崭露头角 初试锋芒 |
反 义 词 | 大器晚成 |
英文翻译 | display one’s talent for the first time |
俄文翻译 | впервые проявить свои спосóбности |
歇 后 语 | 铁锥子绱鞋 |
成语谜面 | 刀 |
词语大全 初露锋芒造句_初露锋芒中英文解释和造句
初露锋芒 chū lù fēng máng
他三十岁时初露锋芒担任了领袖。 He emerged as leader at the age of thirty.
他在文学史上的初露锋芒是奇特而意味深长的。 His first appearance in literary history is curious and significant.
十一黄金周期间,郊区商业地产开始初露锋芒。 Golden Week holidays, the beginning of fire directed suburbs mercial real estate.
他们在世界范围内的所造成的影响,只是初露锋芒而已。 The world has only just begun to feel the effects.
在雾霭笼罩的深蓝夜空下,云层相互推挤,星星初露锋芒。 Covers in the fog under the dark blue nighttime sky, the cloud layer pushes mutually, the star shows talent for the first time.
近年来精确制导炸弹在战争中初露锋芒,受到了普遍的重视。 Along with the appearance of precise guidance bomb, its correlative technologies are being developed with more recognition.
重点描绘她的少女时期直至在时装界初露锋芒这段时期的遭遇。 Emphasis depicting her teenage fashion emerged this until the period.
这位多才多艺的女演员还在十多岁时就在一部电影里初露锋芒。 eg. This versatile actress came to the fore in a film early in her teens.
协会满腔热忱的秘书马瑟斯·盖伊说:“在此初露锋芒的著名政治家不胜枚举。 The list of famous politicians who cut their professional teeth here is endless, ‘ says Matthew Guy, ‘ the enthusiastic secretary of the Union .
然而,本周美国的两位初露锋芒的经济学家却撰文讨论伊斯特林悖论并不存在。 This week, however, two of the brightest up-and-ing economists in America have produced a forthing paper that argues that the Easterlin Paradox doesn\\\\’t exist.
将召集世界各地初露锋芒的艺术家于5月初在新加坡举行为期4天的音乐盛会。 Taking place in Singapore in early May, the Gilles Peterson Worldwide Festival presents a 4-day musical bonanza with the very best in up-and-ing artists from all over the world.
有点年头的餐馆都占了上风,但新登陆的餐馆也借此机会在最佳新晋餐厅这个奖项上初露锋芒。 Established eateries dominated the awards, but the new kids had their chance to shine with the best new restaurant category.
虽然赖斯的家庭支持初露锋芒的民权运动,但与当时许多黑人中产家庭一样,他们并没有积极参与。 Though Rice’s family supported the burgeoning civil rights movement, like many middle-class blacks in that day, they were not active participants.
奥巴马初露锋芒时是哈佛法学院的一名激进的年轻法律学者,而他在索马里的行动却招来了法学院的指责。 The operation in Somalia earned Mr Obama a rebuke in the Harvard law faculty, where he first shone as a progressive young legal scholar.
他已经从曾经的初露锋芒成长成为现在拥有的引人注目表现,特别是在萨拉戈萨在西班牙国王杯的决赛中。 He has really begun to fulfil his potential this term, turning in a number of eye-catching displays, especially during Zaragoza’s run to the Copa del Rey final.
这场绵延了18个月的官司最后以双方和解告终,对在国际市场初露锋芒的华为来说,这是场不寻常的胜利。 The stretch of the 18-month lawsuit final settlement to the two sides ended in the international market Chulufengmang Huawei, it is not unusual field of victory.
这场绵延了18个月的官司最后以双方和解告终,对在国际市场初露锋芒的华为来说,这是场不平常的胜利。 This is continuous the lawsuit of 18 months reconciles with both sides finally end, right in international market display one’s talent for the first time China for for, this is a blazing victory.
全球化不仅为富裕世界的公司打开了新市场,而且孕育了一群植根于贫穷世界并迅速成长,锋芒初露的新生跨国公司。 While globalisation has opened new markets to rich-world panies, it has also given birth to a pack of fast-moving, sharp-toothed new multinationals that is emerging from the poor world.
她在20世纪70年代初期的“水门事件”丑闻报道中初露锋芒,当时在《邮报》报道的协助下,尼克松总统被迫下台。 She first gained true fame during the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s, when the Post’s reporting helped bring down President Nixon.
春季灯饰展于2009年初露锋芒,吸引了来自中国内地、香港、日本、韩国、台湾及美国的235家优质参展商,成绩斐然。 The Spring Edition made a highly successful debut in 2009, attracting 235 exhibitors from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the US.
罗纳尔迪尼奥在1998年与格雷米奥队签约,从此开始了正式的球员生涯。在那里他已初露锋芒,不久就吸引了全世界足球界的关注。 Ronaldinho began his footballing career with Gremio de Porto Alegre in 1998, where his burgeoning talent soon brought him to the attention of the international football world.
金长城大酒店从蹒跚学步到羽翼渐丰,从初露锋芒到高歌猛进,金长城将一步步走向坚强,走向自信;金长城将一步步走向执著,走向辉煌。 From toddle to almost fledged, Great wall hotel displayed its talent for the first time and is making phenomenal progress to bee stronger, more dedication and self-confident.
初露锋芒 chūlùfēngmáng初露锋芒的意思和解释:比喻刚开始显示出力量或才能。初露锋芒的出处初露锋芒的例子他在这次比赛中~,夺得第一名。初露锋芒造句那个青年人在科技界初露
初露锋芒 chūlùfēngmáng初露锋芒的意思和解释:比喻刚开始显示出力量或才能。初露锋芒的出处初露锋芒的例子他在这次比赛中~,夺得第一名。初露锋芒造句那个青年人在科技界初露
初露锋芒 chūlùfēngmáng初露锋芒的意思和解释:比喻刚开始显示出力量或才能。初露锋芒的出处初露锋芒的例子他在这次比赛中~,夺得第一名。初露锋芒造句那个青年人在科技界初露
初露锋芒 chūlùfēngmáng初露锋芒的意思和解释:比喻刚开始显示出力量或才能。初露锋芒的出处初露锋芒的例子他在这次比赛中~,夺得第一名。初露锋芒造句那个青年人在科技界初露