词语大全 初出茅庐的意思_成语“初出茅庐”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴惰寸功。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 初出茅庐的意思_成语“初出茅庐”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 初出茅庐的意思_成语“初出茅庐”是什么意思

2、词语大全 初出茅庐造句_初出茅庐中英文解释和造句

词语大全 初出茅庐的意思_成语“初出茅庐”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音chū chū máo lú
成语解释 茅庐:草屋。原指诸葛亮刚离开南阳茅庐打了胜仗。后比喻刚进入社会或工作岗位,缺乏经验。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 动宾式
成语用法 作谓语、宾语、定语;用于刚出道。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第39回:“博望相持用火攻,指挥如意笑谈中,直须惊破曹公胆,初出茅庐第一功。”
成语例句 毛泽东《中国革命战争的战略问题》第一章第四节:“做一个真正能干的高级指挥员,不是~或仅仅善于在纸上谈兵的角色所能办得到的。”
近 义 词 初露头角 乳臭未干 初露锋芒
反 义 词 老成持重 老马识途
英文翻译 wet behind the ears <as green as grass; lacking experience of the world of life; young and inexperienced >
日文翻译 初めて世间(せけん)に出(で)る
其他语言 <德>jung und underfahren<法>débutant <bec jaune>
歇 后 语 诸葛亮别隆中
成语谜面 诸葛别隆中
成语故事 东汉末年,刘备三顾茅庐请出在河南南阳的诸葛亮作军师。曹操派大将夏侯淳领兵十万进军新野,诸葛亮派关羽、张飞领兵埋伏在博望坡一带,叫赵云、刘备引兵诱敌。夏侯淳中诸葛亮的火攻围剿计大败而逃,诸葛亮取得首场胜利。

词语大全 初出茅庐造句_初出茅庐中英文解释和造句

初出茅庐  chū chū máo lú








  • 对于政治他可是初出茅庐,没有经验。 He was a babe in the woods regarding politics.

  • 他是个初出茅庐的作家。 He is a fledgling writer.

  • 作为一名初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。 As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world.

  • 其中既包括初出茅庐的菜鸟,也包括久经沙场的老将。 Chuchumaolu which includes both the rookie, but also well-battlefield veteran.

  • 她是一个好驾驶,但是她只是个初出茅庐的修车技工。 She is a good driver, but as a mechanic, she is just a babe in the woods.

  • 现在的年青人不能骂,我们初出茅庐时,哪敢给上司脸色看? Now young people can criticize, we Fledglings, objected to the supervisors face?

  • 大学生们初出茅庐,对未来及职业生涯都勾画了宏伟的蓝图。 Undergraduates are wet behind the ears, reach professional career to future draw the outline of grandiose blue print.

  • 因为他们初出茅庐、毫无经验,是很多广告针对的主要目标。 It is so because they are new and inexperienced and are the prime targets of many advertisements.

  • 既有有着演出经验的演员,也有初出茅庐挑战自我的普通人。 Also has the performance experience’s actor, also has makes a debut challenges the self-average person.

  • 初出茅庐,往往眼高手低,心高气傲,大事做不了,小事不愿做。 Inexperienced, often Yangaoshoudi, Xingaoqiao, events do not, do not want to do small things.

  • 哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy’s just being blooded, so we don’t expect him to be very good at the game.

  • 初出茅庐,只身行走,有一种素质至为重要,这种素质,我把它叫做定力。 Entering the society initially, you need a precious quality called “posure”.

  • 五十年前,当计算机初出茅庐时,人们以为它很快就能够处理所有这一切。 Fifty years ago, when puters were young, people assumed that they’d quickly be able to handle all these kinds of things.

  • 作为一个初出茅庐的的新人,她一出道便得到如此待遇,着实让人吃惊非小。 As a fledgling new to her debut will be a such a treatment, non-small indeed shocking.

  • 8月27日,安倍曾改组内阁,用一帮自民党的元老代替了他那一票初出茅庐的兄弟。 On August 27th a cabinet shuffle replaced Mr Abe’s callow band of brothers with a team of LDP heavies.

  • 中投公司这家初出茅庐的主权财富基金目前尚未赚到大钱,国内的舆论对它也是贬多褒少。 The young sovereign wealth fund hasn’t netted great returns so far, yielding more criticism at home than praise.

  • 就像愤世嫉俗的编辑对初出茅庐的记者说:“如果你妈妈说她爱你,那就去确认一下吧。” It’s like the cynical editor who tells the cub reporter “If your mother says she loves you check it out.”

  • 在参加北京奥运会的阵容中,只有、王峰和3人参加过雅典奥运会,其余7人都是初出茅庐。 To participate in the Beijing Olympic Games line-up, only, and Wang Feng 3 people took part in the Athens Olympic Games, and the remaining 7 are inexperienced.

  • 尽管价值评估的需求是清晰的,在一个迅速变化的业务汇总,估价仍然是一个初出茅庐的尝试。 Although the need for valuation is clear, it’s still a fledgling effort in a rapidly changing business.

  • 历史上,任何一个伟大的魔法师初出茅庐之时跟我们现在没什么两样。他们能办到,凭什么我们就不能呢? Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we’re now. If they can do it, why not us?

  • 但巴拉格是个初出茅庐的年轻人,而他的母星正面临灾祸,要是他没被这套鬼话唬住,那还真是个奇迹了。 But Burak was an untried youth whose planet was near disaster, and to him it was something of a miracle that he hadn’t been swallowed up by it already.

  • 如果你是一个初出茅庐的年轻人,你的学历很重要,因为用人单位是否雇佣你的决定很大程度上都基于这个。 If you’re a young person, your educational history is probably quite important, because that’s what an employer will base a lot of his decisions on.

  • 他的对手则是初出茅庐,几乎不为人所知,在立法上没有点滴成就可以夸耀,而且还是一位有着奇怪名字的黑人。 He was running against a virtually unknown novice, with barely any legislative achievements to boast of – and a black man with a funny name, to boot.

  • 另一方面,要想制定实施健全的政策,也需要官僚机构精英们的加持,主要因为绝大多数民主党政客都是初出茅庐的新手。 On the other, it needs to harness bureaucrats’ talents if it is to formulate and carry out sound policy, particularly since so many new DPJ politicians are wet behind the ears.

  • 下半场,一队的教练(似乎是个初出茅庐的教练)把所有的队员都替换下场,换上替补队员,只留下他最好的球员来守门。 In the second quarter, the Team One coach pulled out what must have been his first team and put in the scrubs, except for his best player who now guarded the goal.

  • 在秘鲁的亚马逊河畔,一只翼展达3英尺(约1米)长的初出茅庐的红色金刚鹦鹉,展开它美丽如彩虹的翅膀在风中第一次滑翔。 On rainbow wings almost three feet (one meter) across, a fledgling scarlet macaw in the Peruvian Amazon rides the wind for the first time.

  • 这位前红军后卫宣称他愿意放弃08-09赛季的任何奖杯,目的是他队中初出茅庐的新星中的一个能进入拉法·贝尼特斯的一线队。 The former Reds defender claims he would forgo any silverware in 2008-09 in order for one of his fledgling stars to break into Rafa Benitez’s first team.

  • 如果没有足够激励的话,事实上当我在1981年击败皇马夺冠还是初出茅庐的小伙子,只有坐板凳的份,而这次的决赛对我意义非凡。 If that wasn’t incentive enough, then the fact I was the 17th man when we had beaten Real Madrid in 1981 made it all the more important to me.

  • 如果你是管理方面的人才或是初出茅庐的有志青年,也毋须失望,只要你相信自己的能力,职业生涯就一定会有一个决定性的起点或转折。 If you are a management professional or an ambitious youth, there is no need for you to feel disappointed. At SCCIP, you may find a decisive starting point or turning point in your career path.

  • 他认出她了,猜透了她的心思,懂得她是个初出茅庐的新手,他想起她在窗台上的谈话,便带着愉快的面部表情走到伯爵夫人罗斯托娃跟前。 He recognised her, guessed her feelings, saw that it was her debut, remembered what she had said at the window, and with an expression of pleasure on his face he approached Countess Rostov.

  • 初出茅庐造句相关



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    词语大全 初出茅庐造句_初出茅庐中英文解释和造句

    初出茅庐  chūchūmáolú初出茅庐的意思和解释:茅庐:草房。原比喻新露头脚。现比喻刚离开家庭或学校出来工作。缺乏经验。初出茅庐的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三九回:“直须惊

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