词语大全 子虚乌有造句

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词语大全 子虚乌有造句







词语大全 子虚乌有造句_子虚乌有中英文解释和造句

子虚乌有  zǐ xū wū yǒu








  • 这些当然只是人们的幽默和子虚乌有。 This is all humbug and good humor of course.

  • 萨维奥拉称,他与尤文之间的谈判纯属子虚乌有。 Barcelona ace Javier Saviola has denied that he has been in contact with Juventus.

  • 请消防队来扑灭一场子虚乌有的大火是一种低级骗局。 is a crude form of deception which no self-fespecting student would ever indulge in.

  • 那公司全属子虚乌有,所谓的创办计划是胡编乱造出来的。 The pany was bogus, the prospectus was all got up.

  • 这个传言也许和其他的一样是真的,但也许只是子虚乌有。 Like so much else about him, it may have been true, but it was probably just razzle-dazzle.

  • 甚至迟至今日,人们依然认为缺失中心的结构仍系子虚乌有。 And even today the notion of a structure lacking any center represents the unthinkable itself.

  • 亲民党团总召刘文雄也斩钉截铁地说,民亲合作「子虚乌有」。 People First caucus total Zhao Liu also says that the pro-China cooperation “false”.

  • 有些报道说我曾经在伯纳乌与皇马商谈此事,这纯属子虚乌有。 There have been reports that I have been at the Bernabeu negotiating with Madrid but that is false.

  • 据接触过泰安市国资委的投资界人士表示,该传闻纯属子虚乌有。 Tai’an City have been in close contacts, according to the SASAC’s investment professionals said that the rumors are purely fictitious.

  • 这些个人会被人敌视,甚至受到暴力伤害,这个危险决非子虚乌有。 The risk that individuals will experience acts of hostility and even violence directed against them is real.

  • 本来这只不过是一个子虚乌有的想法…至少那时候的我是这样想的… the idea was nothing more than the product of an idle mind. At least at the time.

  • 如果电视购物企业为产品捏造一个子虚乌有的生产企业,消费者只能是申诉无门。 If TV shopping pany is a product concoctive the manufacturing pany of a fictitiousing zero, consumer can be appeal does not have the door only.

  • 你可能也注意到,空客公司也在前不久做出了澄清,称有关报道是“子虚乌有”的。 You may have noticed that the Airbus Company has also made clarification on the issue, saying that the relevant report is sheer fiction.

  • 没有这种担保,这种事纯粹是子虚乌有。我无论何时转会,都从不曾提出过这种要求。 There is no such thing as a guarantee, that has never been the case. Whenever I’ve moved, I’ve never made that demand.

  • 昨在无锡拍电影《刺陵》的林志玲说:“关于这些子虚乌有的传闻,不做任何回应。” ” Yesterday in Wuxi film “Tomb thorn” of chiling said: “The rumor of these non-existent, will not do anything to respond to .

  • 但是新的研究表明,所谓中国餐馆综合症实为子虚乌有,那只不过是一种城市传说而已。 But new research suggests that the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome is nothing more than urban legend.

  • 因此,根本问题在于:宣称气候立法会扼杀经济发展与声称气候变暖系子虚乌有一样可鄙。 So here’s the bottom line: The claim that climate legislation will kill the economy deserves the same disdain as the claim that global warming is a hoax.

  • 接着你会装作子虚乌有的通话对方不得不撂电话,突然将你单独晒在一边,看起来挺伤心。 And then you should pretend your fake caller has to go, leaving you abruptly along. Look sad.

  • 否则惩罚小木偶的不再是子虚乌有的仙女,而是世界各地千千万万热爱大自然的潜在顾客。 Otherwise, the punishment is not given from the goddess but thousands of potentials customers throughout the world.

  • 事实上,8月18日当天甘孜藏族自治州一切如常,所谓“140多人死亡”纯属子虚乌有。 In fact, on August 18 Garze Tibetan Autonomous Region all as usual, so-called more than 140 people die at the same day are purely fictitious.

  • 实际上,地址是随便冒用的,客服电话就是他们花钱买的两个号码,工商注册号更是子虚乌有。 Actually, the address is to be risked casually use, customer service phone is two number that they spend money to buy, industrial and mercial registering name is fictitiousing zero more.

  • 难道我们已经变得如此空虚,情愿去相信子虚乌有的事情,而不愿相信一种比我们强大的力量吗? Have we bee so spiritually bankrupt that we would rather believe in mathematical impossibility than in a power greater than us?

  • 关于非洲疫情的着重叙述有助于澄清一些子虚乌有的说法,例如,贫困某种程度导致了艾滋病蔓延。 Rightly he focuses on Africa and helps to dispel some myths, such as the claim that poverty somehow spreads AIDS.

  • 对那个不真实的人来说,整个宇宙都是虚伪的——都是难以触摸的,在他的把握之中化为子虚乌有。 To the untrue man, the whole universe is false- it is impalpable- it shrinks to nothing within his grasp.

  • 有人爱虚名,尤爱名贵木材制成的实木地板,便有人造出许多自然界极其稀罕或子虚乌有的“名”木来。 Somebody loves undeserved reputation, love the real wood floor board that rare wood makes especially, man-made gives a lot of nature extremely rare or of fictitiousing zero ” renown ” wood es.

  • 3月20日,安瓦在伦敦的一次讲话中坚称,2008年由其前任男助理提出的鸡奸指控纯粹是“子虚乌有”。 Speaking in London on March 20th, Mr Anwar insisted there was “not a shred of evidence” for the sodomy accusation, made in 2008 by a former male aide.

  • 当地人权运动者坚信这项反该中心及其工作人员的指控是子虚乌有,是当地官方骚扰原住民争取土地权的模式。 Local human rights activists assert that the claims against KIRDTI and its activists are baseless and are part of a pattern of official harassment of adivasis campaigning for land rights.

  • 周三媒体报道称,中国抗气候变化高级官员发表申明反驳中国今年或明年将会成为世界 上温室气体排放量最大国的说法为“完全是子虚乌有”。 Reports that China is on course to bee the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gases this year or next is “utter nonsense, ” a top Chinese climate change official was quoted on Wednesday as saying.

  • 一位19世纪的动物学家居维叶男爵认为独角兽不是仅仅的子虚乌有,而是不可能存在的物种,因为它中间的独角只有可能从头骨中间的缝隙中长出来。 Baron Cuvier, a 19th-century zoologist, thought the unicorn not only mythical, but impossible, for its single central horn would have to grow out of a suture in the skull.

  • 子虚乌有的谈资不同,真正让甲壳虫乐队与众不同的是他们之间亲密的伙伴关系,他们新鲜的声音,当然还有人们认可的、创作美妙音乐唱片的能力。 What set the Beatles apart, amid all those fabled acts, was their dazzling interpersonal chemistry, their novel sound and of course their awesome facility for making ravishing hit records.

  • 子虚乌有造句相关



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    化为乌有  huàwéiwūyǒu化为乌有的意思和解释:乌有:哪有,何有。变得什么都没有。指全部消失或完全落空。化为乌有的出处汉·司马相如作《子虚赋》:“楚使子虚使于齐,王悉发车骑

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    化为乌有  huàwéiwūyǒu化为乌有的意思和解释:乌有:哪有,何有。变得什么都没有。指全部消失或完全落空。化为乌有的出处汉·司马相如作《子虚赋》:“楚使子虚使于齐,王悉发车骑

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    词语大全 化为乌有造句
