词语大全 冲昏头脑造句_冲昏头脑中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 冲昏头脑造句_冲昏头脑中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 头脑冷静   [tóu nǎo lěng jìng]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 冲昏头脑造句_冲昏头脑中英文解释和造句

冲昏头脑  chōng hūn tóu nǎo







  • 不要让胜利冲昏头脑,忘乎所以。 Don’t get dizzy with success and forget yourselves.

  • 我们决不会被巨大的胜利冲昏头脑。 We’ll never be carried away by our great success.

  • 一些人被胜利“冲昏头脑”。 Some people were swollen by victory.

  • 先生,您被权力冲昏头脑了! Sir, you’ve gone mad with power!

  • 你不能让这一成功冲昏头脑。 You must n’t let this success go to your head.

  • 我们必须取胜,但不能就此冲昏头脑。 We have to win but we cannot lose our heads.

  • 所以他有点被冲昏头脑了。 So he’s got his head stuck on.

  • 我们永远也不能让一时的成绩冲昏头脑。 We must never let any accidental success go to our heads.

  • 她没有让成功冲昏头脑。 She has not allowed success to turn her head.

  • 罗迪克成长了许多,他不会被胜利冲昏头脑。 Roddick has grown up a lot and refuses to get carried away with his success.

  • 无奈,被热潮冲昏头脑的展览公司并未接受教训。 Helpless, gets swell by an exhibition pany did not accept the lessons.

  • 这位好看的姑娘得到这么多的奉承,这使得她冲昏头脑。 The pretty girl got so much flattery that it quite turned her head.

  • 我们也不应该被别人的赞赏冲昏头脑,因为会有其他人对此谴责。 Nor need their applause turn our head, for there will surely be others to condemn.

  • 也许我要求太高,毕竟不是男人,不会被那竖起的东西冲昏头脑。 It is a good thing I wore panties, else it could be much worse. Much worse for me that is.

  • 一只蚂蚁走到河边的扑灭它干渴,和被冲昏头脑的小溪,正被淹死。 An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning.

  • 尽管小沈阳很年轻,但是他却似乎并没有被突如其来的成名而冲昏头脑。 Young as he is, Xiao Shenyang seems to be unfazed by his sudden fame.

  • 但在繁荣期,容易冲昏头脑;金融市场的有力表现往往被视作是经济基础坚实的信号。 But it is easy to get carried away during a boom; the strength of financial markets tends to be seen as a signal that the economy is soundly based.

  • 尽管允许参加竞选,但也不该被一个获胜的机会冲昏头脑,毕竟还谈不上是大权在握。 Permission to be a contender, however, should not be confused with an opportunity to win, and still less to govern.

  • 第二次浪潮宣传者把他们描写成天真,不关心美元现实情况,被一些价值极微技术冲昏头脑人。 Second Wave propagandists regularly picture them as na& iu ml; ve, unconcerned with dollar realities, and bedazzled by blue-sky technology.

  • 当民间社会陷入无止境的会议、被所谓的“协商”冲昏头脑的时候,我们就成了问题的一部分。 When civil society is snared in endless conferences and flattered at “consultations” we bee part of the problem.

  • 为了避免有人当场冲昏头脑,官员们表现的都十分谨慎,毕竟这样宏伟的计划不是一夜间能够实现的。 Lest anyone get too carried away, officials were on hand to caution that such grand plans would not happen overnight.

  • 他们或许最后会成为森林队的一个很大的补充,或许会破格挤进一线队,不过千万不可为此而冲昏头脑。 But while they might end up being a big plus for Forest, might break into the first team and do a job, lets not get carried away.

  • 正如圣雄甘地说过的, 假如我们在面对问题时总是无法去变通地考虑, 就会很快被愤怒和仇恨冲昏头脑。 If we were all regularly to put into effect such an inflexible approach, we would all soon be blind, as Gandhi pointed out.

  • 当我想起姚明生命中这五个方面时,我很钦佩他。作为一个名人,他能够做到平易近人,不会让名气冲昏头脑。 When I think about these five aspects of Yao’s life, I admire him as an example of someone who is down-to-earth and has not let fame go to his head.

  • 在这个到处都被小玩意冲昏头脑的世界里,很少有消费品像高清晰电视一样让人激动人心同时又令人哭笑不得。 In a world besotted with gadgetry, few consumer products have generated as much excitement — and head-scratching — as high-definition television.

  • 关键我们已经准备好了,我们要关注于比赛,赛前言多无用,赛后也许我们还要保持冷静而不被胜利冲昏头脑。 the key we already prepared, we must pay attention in the petition, the match foreword are useless, perhaps after the game we must maintain calm and are not turned one’s head successfully.

  • 所以今天我也就把目前网赚的黑幕或潜规则告诉给大家,希望你不要被眼前的虚幻冲昏头脑去做糊涂羔羊被人宰割! So today I put the current Wangzhuan Inside Story of the unspoken rules or to tell you that I hope you will not be immediate illusory Chonghuntounao do stupid lambs were slaughtered!

  • 我们在欧洲、在无数国家市场以及在我们的第二故乡中国都取得了成功,但从来没有因成为了一个大型全球企业而冲昏头脑。 For all our success in Europe, numerous national markets and our second home market of China, we have never let our role of global player go to our heads.

  • 即使胜利也不能冲昏头脑,西班牙人在此前多次表示,雷诺赛车和法拉利还有迈凯轮都有很大差距,自己能够在比赛中取得第五名就是个奇迹。 Even if victory can not be carried away by the Spaniards in the earlier repeatedly said that the Renault car was also McLaren and Ferrari have a big gap, he can get in the fifth game is a miracle.

  • 彬格莱先生本来并没有给虚荣心冲昏头脑,,吉英目前所受的种种痛苦,以及将来还要受下去的痛苦,都得归罪于他,归罪于他的傲慢和任性。 If his own vanity, however, did not mislead him, he was the cause, his pridecaprice were the cause, of all that Jane had suffered, still continued to suffer.

  • 冲昏头脑造句相关


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    头脑冷静   [tóu nǎo lěng jìng]




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