词语大全 冷眼旁观造句_冷眼旁观中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 冷眼旁观造句_冷眼旁观中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 冷眼旁观造句_冷眼旁观中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 冷眼相待造句_冷眼相待中英文解释和造句

词语大全 冷眼旁观造句_冷眼旁观中英文解释和造句

冷眼旁观  lěng yǎn páng guān








  • 这种小资产阶级个人主义者对人民的事业总是抱着冷眼旁观的态度。Such petty-bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side-lines at the people’s cause.
  • 尽可能冷眼旁观它们的来来去去。 Watch them e and go as dispassionately as possible.

  • 甚至要打架、我都可以冷眼旁观了! Even have to fight, I can watch the cold!

  • 当我冷眼旁观时,生命是一只蓝色的蛹; When I watch critically, the life is a blue color cocoon;

  • 而其他的人冷眼旁观,甚至毫无支援的意思。 And the other people would take a look at it without not — with not even support.

  • 我就是无法冷眼旁观。 I just can’t stand by and watch you.

  • 告诉我为什么(为什么,为什么,我们冷眼旁观?) Tell me why (why, why do we stand and stare?

  • 女医生时而冷眼旁观别人的秀,时而不得不参与表演。 Women doctors sometimes show others stand aside with arms folded, and sometimes forced to participate in performances.

  • 命运之神把我们的剧中人握在她的手里,正冷眼旁观呢。 Destiny stands by sarcastic with our dramatis person folded in her hand.

  • 在台湾的我们,其实不必对法国有过多的苛责与冷眼旁观。 We here in Taiwan should actually not overly rebuke France and look on coldly.

  • 不要原谅我就这样放开你的手,从此以后,请对我冷眼旁观。 never forgive me, just let me go and let it be.

  • 许多欧盟成员国对他们的组织进一步扩大都保持冷眼旁观的态度。 Many EU members have cold feet about further enlargement of their club.

  • 如果谴责汉娜,就无法原谅她冷眼旁观任几百人活活烧死的罪行。 if the condemnation of Hannah, you can not forgive her sit on the sidelines any of hundreds of people burned alive crimes.

  • 你可以冷眼旁观一些不再和你密切相关的事态发展,从中可以得到很多乐趣。 You can get a good deal of fun out of observing the course of events in which you are no longer intimately concerned.

  • 平时冷眼旁观,充分的了解到四周环境的真实情况,因而遇事应付裕如、轻松自在。 Standing by and aloof, he knows well real situations around him, so he takes it easy to deal with them.

  • 对待清贫的朋友我不会冷眼旁观,我会发自内心地关心他们,哪怕只是一句安慰的话语。 I will not be cold and indifferent to my poor friends , and I will show concern for them , even if it is only a forting word .

  • 基于这些因素,主流机构很可能继续持冷眼旁观的态度,这无疑将对的发展构成明显制约。 Based on these factors, the mainstream agencies are likely to continue to be cold-shouldered look on the attitude that this development will undoubtedly pose a clear constraints.

  • 我,只能冷眼旁观,只能像个娃娃般的被控制,只能看着别人在自己身上刻下一道道伤痕。 I, can only watch critically, can only look like a baby to control, can only look that others engrave the next scar on their body.

  • 角色常具有复调特色,他们受困在罪恶的宿命中,而神冷眼旁观角色的苦难,未曾伸出援手。 Each character often contains polyphonic images. The characters get trapped in the fate of sins, with God giving no hands on the sidelines and watching coldly at their sufferings.

  • 基于这些因素,主流机构很可能继续持冷眼旁观的态度,这无疑将对行情的发展构成明显制约。 Based on these factors, the mainstream agencies are likely to continue to be cold-shouldered look on the attitude that this will undoubtedly constitute a clear market development constraints.

  • 老赫索格这个生意人,冷眼旁观著这些罪恶残忍的外国佬、警察和粗俗的胖女人,站在也是这样的桌子中间。 Father Hercog, the businessman, musing at these aliens of vice and brutality, police and barbarous obese women, stood among such tables.

  • 冷眼旁观:这个年月,当个好丈夫真是够难的,太冷淡了易被指斥为不体恤妻子,太热情了易被讥讽为怕老婆。 I look on coldly:This exergue, be a good husband is really enough difficult of, too apathy is blame easily in order to don’t take pity on a wife, too enthusiasm drive easily Ji Feng for be henpecked.

  • 那些冷眼旁观的人没有认识到他们脚下的大地已经移动——那些长期以来空耗我们的精力的陈腐政治观点已经过时。 What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that h**e consumed us for so long no longer apply.

  • 那些冷眼旁观的人没有认识到他们脚下的大地已经移动——那些长期以来空耗我们的精力的陈腐政治观点已经过时。 18\\What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

  • 那些冷眼旁观的人没有认识到他们脚下的大地已经移动――那些长期以来空耗我们的精力的陈腐政治观点已经过时。 What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them ―that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

  • 那些冷眼旁观的人没有认识到他们脚下的大地已经移动——那些长期以来空耗我们的精力的陈腐政_治观点已经过时。 What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

  • 一边是集体暴富的现实,一边是税收黑洞的指责,对于一些冷眼旁观的业内人士来说,这样的争论似乎并没有什么意义。 side is the reality of collective wealth, the tax black hole is the side of the accused, some of the industry altogether apathetic, this argument does not seem to have any meaning.

  • 但是在前苏联解体18年以来,俄罗斯和美国为了在这个资源丰富的地区扩大影响力,展开激烈的竞争时,中国当时尚在冷眼旁观。 But for most of the 18 years since the Soviet Union’s break-up, China has taken a back seat in the fierce petition between Russia and America for influence in this resource-rich region.

  • 新任州长在其前任颇为不忿的冷眼旁观下,开始了20分钟的就职演讲,他说纽约州仿佛经历了“黄粱一梦,这一睡就是近十年”。 With his predecessor, George E. Pataki, gamely looking on, Governor Spitzer said in his 20-minute inaugural address that New York, “like Rip van Winkle, ” had “slept through much of the past decade.

  • 她们既未结婚又非守寡,便乐得向那些康复者大举进攻,据思嘉冷眼旁观,于是连那些很不好看的姑娘,也是不难找到订婚对象的了。 Unhampered by matrimony or widowhood, they made vast inroads on the convalescents, and even the least attractive girls, Scarlett observed gloomily, had no difficulty in getting engaged.

  • 冷眼旁观造句相关


    词语大全 冷眼相待造句_冷眼相待中英文解释和造句

    冷眼相待  lěng yǎn xiāng dài






  • 我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待。 We got a cold shoulder from the older members of the club.

  • 我的爱万水不能冷眼相待。 My love is such that Rivers cannot quench.

  • 为什么兄弟之间总是冷眼相待,互相争吵呢? Why are the brothers grow cold and often quarrel with each other?

  • 我们受到俱乐部里那些深于世故的老会员冷眼相待。 We got a cold shoulder from the older, more sophisticated members of the club.

  • 我每次和劳拉打招呼她都冷眼相待的样子,这让我难以忍受。 I couldn’t bear the way Lora gives me the fish-eye every time I greet her.

  • 我选择在一个离家很远的大学上学,遭到我父亲的冷眼相待。 Im in my fathers black books because I chose a university thats far away from my family.

  • 这几天我们一直被凯西冷眼相待,因为上个星期我们吵了一架。 We keep getting the cold shoulder from Cathy because of that argument we had last week.

  • 我们可能要感谢新任财长不像国防部长,选择了与中国发展关系而不是冷眼相待。 I suspect we will be very grateful that our new Secretary of the Treasury, unlike our Secretary of Defense, chose to cultivate relations with the Chinese rather than give them the cold shoulder.

  • 冷眼相待造句相关



    词语大全 冷眼旁观造句_冷眼旁观中英文解释和造句

    冷眼旁观  lěngyǎnpángguān冷眼旁观的意思和解释:指不参与其事,站在一旁看事情的发展。冷眼旁观的出处宋·朱嘉《朱文公文集续集·一·答黄直卿》:“故其后复申炎所陈,荐举

    词语大全 冷眼相待造句_冷眼相待中英文解释和造句

    冷眼相待  lěngyǎnxiāngdài冷眼相待的意思和解释:用冷淡的态度接待。比喻不欢迎或看不起。冷眼相待的出处冷眼相待的例子冷眼相待造句我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待。We

    词语大全 冷眼相待造句_冷眼相待中英文解释和造句

    冷眼相待  lěngyǎnxiāngdài冷眼相待的意思和解释:用冷淡的态度接待。比喻不欢迎或看不起。冷眼相待的出处冷眼相待的例子冷眼相待造句我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待。We

    词语大全 冷眼相待造句_冷眼相待中英文解释和造句

    冷眼相待  lěngyǎnxiāngdài冷眼相待的意思和解释:用冷淡的态度接待。比喻不欢迎或看不起。冷眼相待的出处冷眼相待的例子冷眼相待造句我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待。We

    词语大全 冷眼相待造句_冷眼相待中英文解释和造句

    冷眼相待  lěngyǎnxiāngdài冷眼相待的意思和解释:用冷淡的态度接待。比喻不欢迎或看不起。冷眼相待的出处冷眼相待的例子冷眼相待造句我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待。We

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    词语大全 坐观成败造句_坐观成败中英文解释和造句

    坐观成败  zuòguānchéngbài坐观成败的意思和解释:冷眼旁观人家的成功或失败。坐观成败的出处《史记·田叔列传》:“见兵事起,欲坐观成败;见胜者,欲合从之。”坐观成败的例

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