词语大全 冷言冷语造句_冷言冷语中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 冷言冷语造句_冷言冷语中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 冷言热语   [lěng yán rè yǔ]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 冷言冷语造句_冷言冷语中英文解释和造句

冷言冷语  lěng yán lěng yǔ








  • 听了他的冷言冷语,我心里不是滋味。 After hearing his cold words, I felt very upset.

  • 洛伊斯与迪安总是冷言冷语,针锋相对。 Lois and Dean’s relationship is on needles and pins.

  • 这种冷言冷语一直是整个反对医疗改革运动的标志。 And that cynicism has been the hallmark of the whole campaign against reform.

  • 她已置身冷言冷语处境,甚至到手的幸福不免动摇。 She has the situation of exposure to sarcastic ments, and even happiness can not help but shake the hand.

  • 高盛=金融体系,这就是如此多冷言冷语的最佳概括。 Goldman=system, is a good summary of so many snide mutterings.

  • 皇妃、公主见她长得漂亮,很嫉妒她,常常冷言冷语地挖苦她; Princess, Princess see she was pretty, very jealous of her, often sarcastic ments to dig at her;

  • 一些冷言冷语的西方国家甚至怀疑中国是否真的能把奥运会举办好。 Some cynical western countries even doubted if China could really host this Olympics well.

  • 所有看得入眼的,或者漂亮的地方,她都是一进去就被冷言冷语送了出来。 pleasing or imposing places she was turned away abruptly with the most chilling formality.

  • 当一次一次解释被对方的冷言冷语击倒的时候,看似胜利的一方作出决定。 Once explanation was repleatedly beaten by cold criticism, the winner made decision.

  • 所有看得入眼的,或者漂亮的地方,她都是一进去就被冷言冷语送了出来。 From all the more pleasing or imposing places she was turned away abruptly with the most chilling formality.

  • 我们不会为一时的失败哭泣,更不会在乎冷言冷语,和那些看似好心的建议。 We will not cry for a momentary failure, even will not care about mocking words and those seemingly good proposes(proposals?).

  • 我们不会为一时的失败哭泣,更不会在乎冷言冷语,和那些看似好心的建议。 We will not cry for temporary failure, and we won’t mind acid words and the seemingly good words.

  • 才能太差或不适当的制度,或行政总负责人漠不关心,都会迅速招致冷言冷语。 Too little skill, or inappropriate system, or CEO indifference, leads rapidly to cynicism.

  • 有些人冷言冷语地说这是桩交易性的婚姻,另外一些人则问她怎么可能还能再忍受下去。 Some cynics spoke of a marriage of convenience, others asked how she could possibly stay.

  • 他们的态度由冷淡,到冷言冷语,傲慢,蛮横,欺骗直至最后谩骂,甚至以武力相威胁。 Their attitude by indifferent to the husband, arrogant, rude, abusive deceive until the final, or even the threat of force.

  • 有些人冷言冷语地说这是桩交易性的大婚姻,另外一些人则问她怎么可能还能再忍受下去。 Some cynics have spoken about a marriage of onvenience, others are asking how she can Dossibly stay.

  • 有些人冷言冷语地说这是桩交易性的大婚姻,另外一些人则问她怎么可能还能再忍受下去。 Some cynics have spoken about a marriage of convenience, others are asking how she can possibly stay.

  • 结果却收到了业余团体负责人的冷言冷语,说这么久都没看到的计划了,她都记不起来了。 In the end, all I got from the big big boss was a snide remark, saying that the project took so long, she could even remember when did she participate in it.

  • 只有在老人的刀叉或者饭菜又掉到地上时,他们才会开口说话,冷言冷语地提醒老人注意一点。 Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.

  • 在中国经济大步向前的时候,冷言冷语以及更加厉害的风刀霜剑都曾经出现过和可能再次出现; At Chinese economical stride time forward, the sarcastic ments as well as a fiercer cold climate had appeared and possibly once more appears;

  • 产业和市场是由许多的供需双方构成,一方眼里的冷言冷语,在另一方眼里就可能是热肠热语。 Is posed of many industries and market supply and demand sides constitute one side of the husband’s eyes, it may be hot in the eyes of the other party had hot words.

  • 有读者认为我是酸葡萄心理,因为在房地产利益链条找不到自己的位置,就对整个产业冷言冷语。 readers think I suffer a psychological as real estate interests in the chain to find its place on the entire industry husband.

  • 尤金也跟大伙儿一起跪在地上,手心里握著最后的半元钱,也不理会辛格在旁边冷言冷语地讥诮他。 Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt .

  • 我憎恨冷言冷语和被人误解,它会带给我心灵上的隐痛和敏感,再多的巧辩妙驳,也是消除不了的。 I hate coldness and misunderstanding. They leave me with a sore and sensitive feeling about my heart, which no amount of ingenious argument can take away. (clever/smart)

  • 我憎恨冷言冷语和被人误解,它会带给我心灵上的隐痛和敏感,再多的巧辩妙驳,也是消除不了的。 I hate coldness and misunderstanding. They leave me with a sore and sensitive feeling about my heart, which no amount of ingenious argument can take away.

  • 这是冷言冷语叙述的真理,是用宇宙的黑色铁玺印就的,是把声音的强大节奏织人光辉和美的织品里造成的。 It is the truth of the sneer, stamped out from the black iron of the Cosmos and interwoven with mighty rhythms of sound into a fabric of splendor and beauty.

  • 那些冷言冷语,不能理解您的行为的人,也是希望您能走出阴霾,因为我们从您的话语中没有看到坚强和新生。 Those who can understand you, too, is the behavior of haze, hope you can from your words because we didn’t see strong and rebirth.

  • 学生在堂上回答不了问题或屡答屡错,本身已觉得非常丢脸,老师轻责则可,若冷言冷语甚至当众取笑,都会伤尽孩子的心。 But to the issue again…Should I became a teacher I would ask many questions in class so that student to concentrate, and when they made mistake, they will strongly remind themselves of that.

  • 故事深深地打动了我,孩子们对老师是宽容的,只要你对他们付出过爱心,那么你曾经对他们的冷言冷语,暴跳如雷,他们都可以原谅。 Deeply moved by the story of me, children of teachers are tolerant to them as long as you who have love, then you have the sarcastic ments to them, fly into a rage, they can be forgiven.

  • 当她阅读了丽塔·基特写的赫敏伤了哈利的心这些凭空想象的令人厌恶的闲言碎语,莫丽冷言冷语的对待赫敏,直到她自己意识到这么做是错误的。 When she read Rita Skeeter’s nasty gossip about Hermione supposedly breaking Harry’s heart, Molly treated Hermione badly until she realized her mistake.

  • 冷言冷语造句相关


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