词语大全 出言不逊造句_出言不逊中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:未知的事物总是被人以为奇妙无比。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 出言不逊造句_出言不逊中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 出言不逊造句_出言不逊中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 口出不逊造句_口出不逊中英文解释和造句

词语大全 出言不逊造句_出言不逊中英文解释和造句

出言不逊  chū yán bù xùn








  • 出言不逊,激怒了他的老师。 His impolite words angered his teacher.

  • 他在骑兵司务长面前出言不逊地说道。 I don’t like the fellow, ” he said, regardless of the presence of the sergeant.”

  • 出言不逊激怒了他的老师。 His impolite words angered his teacher.

  • 出言不逊,使她十分伤心。 She was very hurt by his unkind words.

  • 你总是出言不逊得罪人。 You are always abusing and offending people.

  • 你总是出言不逊得罪人。 You are always a and offending people.

  • 他对汤姆的妈妈评论的话真的是出言不逊。 What he said about Tom’s mother was way below the belt.

  • 不要对任何人出言不逊,切忌诅咒、辱骂他人。 Use no reproachful language against any one; neither curse nor revile.

  • 这位营业员因对顾客出言不逊,被当场炒了鱿鱼。 The shop-assistant was rude to his customer, and therefore he was fired right on the spot.

  • 罪孽呀罪孽!有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊! Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!

  • 不要对人出言不逊,记住要“友好”。 用用你的常识! Don’t spam people, and remember to “be nice”.

  • 汤姆出言不逊的恶习简直不可救药。没人愿请他参加聚会了。 Tom’s swearing is beyond redemption; no one invites him to party any more.

  • 在此同时,请大家不要因为这个牧羊丫头出言不逊而动肝火。 Meanwhile, let us not be moved by the rough side of a shepherd lass’s tongue.

  • 不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。 No does not respect, speak insolently, satire, etc for forum’s management team member.

  • 不得发表对TT管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。 No does not respect, speak insolently, satire, etc for TT management team member.

  • 尽管一向对美国出言不逊,查韦斯对西班牙却采取了较为温和的态度。 While taking a familiar point the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory towards Spain.

  • 现在此租客非但不交租金,反而出言不逊,我两个老人有什么办法赶他走? Now the tenant did not pay rent, but remarks, I have two old ways drive him away?Ms.

  • 问题是拥有鹦鹉的这家伙是个安静而保守的人,这只出言不逊的鸟简直让他受不了。 The trouble is that the guy who owns the parrot is a quiet, conservative type, and this bird’s foul mouth is driving him crazy.

  • 将约押降级是对他出言不逊的惩罚,也防止他以强烈的性格在以色列国中过分专横。 The demoting of Joab would put him in his place for speaking insolently to the king, and would prevent him, with his strong personality, from having an overbearing influence.

  • 不过,相比此前曾对禅师的安排不满而出言不逊,现在的奥多姆似乎变得很识大体。 However, pared to the previous arrangements have been dissatisfied with the Zen master and making rude remarks, Odom now seems to be very cardinal principles in mind.

  • 旅行中务必谨言慎行以免引起争吵,须知引发争吵的事由多是为情人、饮酒、座次或出言不逊。 For quarrels, they are with care and discretion to be avoided. They are monly for mistresses, healths, place, and words.

  • 在1842年游历美国的狄更斯,在一条驶往匹兹堡的运河上首次碰到西部人,一个奇特的出言不逊的人。 Charles Dickens, touring America in 1842, met his first westerner on a canal-boat making for Pittsburgh : a strange, scornful man.

  • 在就任国务卿的听证会上,他对质询者出言不逊(“谁也不能独占伦理道德,连你也办不到,参议员”)。 At his confirmation hearings for the post of secretary of state he rode roughshod over his interrogators (“No one has a monopoly on virtue, not even you, senator”).

  • 当你对这些软件作者的选择指手划脚,甚至出言不逊的时候,你已经彻底地成为了一个让人捣胃口的讨厌鬼。 When you rip on a project or someone for their choice of license you are being gigantic jerk.

  • 在切尔西网站上的一份官方申明中,科尔提到“我希望借此机会对我的出言不逊向昨晚执勤的警官表示道歉。 “I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the police officers on duty last night for my language, ” said Cole in a statement on the official Chelsea FC website.

  • 前加州小姐出言不逊:“在这片土地上你能选择同性婚姻或者异性婚姻,而我相信婚姻应该是男人和女人之间的。 We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage …I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman.

  • 当身着西装的舒尔茨先生出现在健身房更衣室的时候,穿着一件已经被汗水浸透的运动衫的阿兰敏斯对老板出言不逊。 When Mr. Schwartz, already dressed in his business suit, trudged into the locker room, Alan Mintz, still in his sweaty gym clothes, made a beeline for the boss.

  • 圣路易地区的一个镇正在考虑一项法案,法案主张禁止在酒吧里骂脏话、跳桌边艳舞、举行饮酒比赛,以及播放出言不逊的音乐。 St. Louis-area town is considering a bill that would ban swearing in bars, along with table-dancing, drinking contests and profane music.

  • 在10月7日的一档深夜脱口秀节目中,73岁的贝卢斯科尼在接受电话连线采访时对在座的前部长、58岁的罗西•宾迪出言不逊。 On October 7 in a stall late-night talking show, 73-year-old Berlusconi disrespected to 58-year-old Rossi Bindy, the ex-prime, who was present in a phone connect interview.

  • 我意识到了我的错误,我想PGL组织者应该也是,我对我最常联系的两个PGL的主要工作人员道了歉,因为我有时候太不冷静或者是有点出言不逊。 I realised my mistakes and i think PGL did too, i apologized to the two main staff i had have the most contacts with for getting so mad sometimes or disrespectful.

  • 出言不逊造句相关


    词语大全 口出不逊造句_口出不逊中英文解释和造句

    口出不逊  kǒu chū bù xùn






  • 葛莱米奥:你说他是个新郎吗?他是个卖破烂的货郎,口出不逊的郎中,那姑娘早晚会明白的。 GREMIO. A bridegroom, say you? ‘Tis a groom indeed, A grumbling groom, and that the girl shall find.

  • 我对你的老百姓没有毁谤过,这你是知道的,我经常把你的老百姓挂在嘴上,但请让我对资产阶级稍稍地口出不逊。 I say no evil of the people as you see, I am always harping on your people, but do look favorably on my dealing a bit of a slap to the bourgeoisie.

  • 搞小动作或是口出不逊的队伍,会被取消资格。这包含了以下的情况(但只是举例,相关事证都算):刺探别队的军情,注册时取了一个让人不爽的名字…等等。 Any team engaging in misconduct or abusing the petition will be disqualified. This includes but is not limited to: spying on other teams, registering an offensive team name, etc.

  • 口出不逊造句相关



    词语大全 出言不逊造句_出言不逊中英文解释和造句

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    词语大全 口出不逊造句_口出不逊中英文解释和造句

    口出不逊  kǒuchūbùxùn口出不逊的意思和解释:逊:谦逊。说话极不谦虚。形容狂妄自大。口出不逊的出处口出不逊的例子口出不逊造句葛莱米奥:你说他是个新郎吗?他是个卖破烂的货郎

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    口出不逊  kǒuchūbùxùn口出不逊的意思和解释:逊:谦逊。说话极不谦虚。形容狂妄自大。口出不逊的出处口出不逊的例子口出不逊造句葛莱米奥:你说他是个新郎吗?他是个卖破烂的货郎

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    词语大全 出言无状造句_出言无状中英文解释和造句

    出言无状  chūyánwúzhuàng出言无状的意思和解释:说话放肆,没有礼貌。出言无状的出处出言无状的例子出言无状造句这样满脸胡子的东西,也敢出言无状么?Howdaresuch

    词语大全 出言无状造句_出言无状中英文解释和造句

    出言无状  chūyánwúzhuàng出言无状的意思和解释:说话放肆,没有礼貌。出言无状的出处出言无状的例子出言无状造句这样满脸胡子的东西,也敢出言无状么?Howdaresuch

    词语大全 出言无状造句_出言无状中英文解释和造句

    出言无状  chūyánwúzhuàng出言无状的意思和解释:说话放肆,没有礼貌。出言无状的出处出言无状的例子出言无状造句这样满脸胡子的东西,也敢出言无状么?Howdaresuch

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    出言成章  chūyánchéngzhāng出言成章的意思和解释:本意是出言便成为规范,后多用以形容文思敏捷。出言成章的出处《诗经·小雅·都人士》:“彼都人士,狐裘黄黄,其容不改,

    词语大全 出言成章造句_出言成章中英文解释和造句

    出言成章  chūyánchéngzhāng出言成章的意思和解释:本意是出言便成为规范,后多用以形容文思敏捷。出言成章的出处《诗经·小雅·都人士》:“彼都人士,狐裘黄黄,其容不改,