词语大全 出水芙蓉造句_出水芙蓉中英文解释和造句

Posted 芙蓉

篇首语:知识是使人类快乐的主要因素之一。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 出水芙蓉造句_出水芙蓉中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 出水芙蓉造句_出水芙蓉中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 芙蓉出水造句_芙蓉出水中英文解释和造句

词语大全 出水芙蓉造句_出水芙蓉中英文解释和造句

出水芙蓉  chū shuǐ fú róng








  • 不,他跳起舞来像出水芙蓉。 No, he danced like a lily from water.

  • 出水芙蓉,错彩镂金”的文学风格论。 Finally elaborates “freshly and beautifully, the wrong color Lou gold” literature style theory.

  • 那个男主角是出水芙蓉? David :The man is the water lily?

  • 芙蓉出水,清香四海颂。 cotton rose hibiscus put to wateint scent four sea praise.

  • 你像出水芙蓉、傲雪的红梅、凌寒的青松。 You are like lotus above the water, red plums in the snow, green pines in bitter cold.

  • 我也欣赏莲花,它有出水芙蓉般的美丽娇嫩的外表; I also enjoy the lotus, it has beautiful and young and delicate outward appearance of a water lotus sort;

  • 出水芙蓉”一篇帖子的标题。(那个帖子太恶了……) “Lotus ing out of crystal-clear water” was the title of one such posting.

  • 你那一低头的温柔,像一朵出水芙蓉不胜娇羞。我深深地思念你。 The gentleness of you at the time yu lower your head is as charming as lotus rising out of water. I miss you deeply.

  • 使用产品后,肌肤水柔、滋润,清新舒爽,宛如出水芙蓉,水嫩柔滑。 The use of products, skin Shui, moisture, fresh and pleasant, like Waterlilies, MOISTURE silky.

  • 蹿红理由:“出水芙蓉”自古以来都是形容清新脱俗、貌美如花的女性。 Leap up red reason: “Lotus giving water ” it is appearance from of old beauty of pure and fresh and free from vulgarity, appearance is like beautiful woman.

  • 有人说她是中国“最美的旅游局长”,也有人把她比喻为“出水芙蓉”。 Netizens have left hundreds of messages for China’s “most beautiful tourism director”, marveling at her beauty and dubbing her “a lotus surfacing above crystal-clear water”.

  • 让整个蓝色徘徊在美目间,配上同色系的假睫毛,如出水芙蓉般清新夺目! Let whole blue wander between beautiful eye, match the false eyelash that goes up to be fastened with color, if give Shui Furong pure and fresh and dazzling!

  • 出水芙蓉各位朋友,因水平有限,如有错误地方,请您帮忙指出,将不胜感激! I want to study english, thanks for your help and point out my mistakes!

  • 英皇老板杨受成最近表示,《出水芙蓉》片已落实今年上映,并已送往内地审批。 King’s boss Albert Yeung, recently said, “Waterlilies” films released this year have been implemented, and approval has been sent to the Mainland.

  • 去年因爆发“床照风暴”,令钟欣桐(阿娇)与方力申主演的电影《出水芙蓉》上映无期! The outbreak of last year, “according to the storm-bed”, so that Gillian Chung (Gillian) and Alex Fong film starring “Waterlilies” release without a view!

  • 伊万诺维奇说道,几乎看不出失利的难过,倒是刚刚洗浴过的她有种“出水芙蓉”的清爽感觉。 Yiwannuoweiqi said that cannot see the unfavorable situation nearly sad, but actually just had taken a bath she has plants “freshly and beautifully” the neat feeling.

  • 现在想起来很怀念当年的我,脑无杂念,心底无私,就象出水芙蓉在污泥里绽放著,独具的美丽。 Now think of it, I miss those years, the brain can not concentrate, selfless, as Waterlilies bloom in the sludge inside the, unique beauty.

  • 近望两侧,石林耸立,自然而成,大小莲花峰如出水芙蓉,傲然怒放,锏峡云雾缥缈,神奇莫测。 Close look on both sides, Shilin towers, nature made, the size of Lotus Peak, such as Waterlilies, proudly in full bloom, Mace Gap clouds misty, mysterious and unpredictable.

  • 近望西侧,石林耸立,自然天成,大小莲花峰如出水芙蓉,傲然怒放,锏峡云雾缥缈,神奇莫测。 Close look west, Shilin towers, natural heavens, and the size of Lotus Peak, such as Waterlilies, proudly in full bloom, Mace Gap clouds misty, mysterious and unpredictable.

  • 为防人偷看,躲在假山后面,然而无奈假山太低,还是被游客一览无余地目睹了她这出水芙蓉的芳姿。 In case of being peeped by others, she hides behind the rockery. But the rockery is too short to hide her, her bathing beauties is viewed pletely by the tourists.

  • 虽然荷兰女曲有很多美女,美国游泳队的女运动员们个个如同出水芙蓉,还有巴西女排姑娘们修长的身材。 There are many beautiful girls in Dutch Hockey, amazing swimmers from the United States and beautiful volleyball players in Brazil.

  • 这里石壁险峻,峰峦如朵朵出水芙蓉,倒影于绿波碧水之中,正是“此地江山成一绝,削壁成河渡半边。” ” Shek Pik dangerous here, such as the Duo Duo wins mountain range Waterlilies, the reflection of clear water in the Green Wave, is “a must here as JiangshanXiao Bi-half of the river crossing.

  • 27岁的于菊,看起来比实际年龄小很多,还留有清纯学生的模样,一袭白裙子,有出水芙蓉的干净与脱俗。 Yu Ju of 27 years old, look a lot of smaller than actual age, still take the look that has pure student clear, a white skirt, those who have lotus giving water is clean with free from vulgarity.

  • 要说《出水芙蓉》这个片名真是不少见啊,到网上一搜美国人就拍了两部1944年的和1952年的,两个还都是歌舞喜剧。 Must say that “Fresh and beautiful” this film title is not really rare, as soon as to-line searched for the American to pat two 1944 and in 1952, two were also the musical edies.

  • 他的抒写性灵的诗歌主张、诗中表现的“出水芙蓉”一般自然清新的审美情趣、虚实结合的写作风格对后世都产生了深远的影响。 All his opinion of expressing natural instincts, his sentiment of “lotus flower out from water” in his poem and his style of bining false and true has impacted deeply on Chinese poets after him.

  • 功效:改善肌肤飞自我更新与修复,能够帮助皮肤补充水份和营养,针对肌肤夜间需求,让肌肤如沐浴后的润泽和出水芙蓉般的意境。 Efficacy:Improve skin’s self-refreshing and repair function, help to supply moisture and nutrient, make skin nourishing, feeling as if was after shower and as if it was hibiscus rising out of water.

  • 功效:让肌肤吸取橄榄精髓,使肌肤如出水芙蓉般绽放清新淡雅的柔润光彩,深层清洁毛孔,补充营养给肌肤,令肌肤拥有水嫩、紧致的质感。 Efficacy: Drawing the olive distillation, skin will be as elegant as the lotus flower when fully open. It both cleanses pore and supplements nutrient, making skin watery and firm.

  • 美丽应答:蕴含玫瑰、橙花、檀香等稀有精油成分,提供肌肤最充足的水分,缓解肌肤缺水状况,改善肌肤细纹、令肌肤平滑、紧实、充满青春活力,如出水芙蓉般光泽细腻。 Function: with the rare essence oil ponents from Rose, Orange Blossom and Sandalwood, to replenish moisture for the skin cells, to improve the skin texture, to smooth, firm and activate the skin.

  • 米高梅电影公司的“出水芙蓉”和票房冠军以斯帖-威廉姆斯来到夏威夷小岛考艾岛录制电影音乐-“异教徒情歌”(1950)。影片由霍华德-科儿、丽塔-莫瑞诺、菲利普-科斯塔参演。 MGM film bathing beauty and box-office darling Esther Williams arrived on the Hawaiian island Kauai to film the musical, Pagan Love Song, (1950) co-starring Howard Keel, Rita Moreno, and Philip Costa.

  • 出水芙蓉造句相关


    词语大全 芙蓉出水造句_芙蓉出水中英文解释和造句

    芙蓉出水  fú róng chū shuǐ







  • 不,他跳起舞来像出水芙蓉。 No, he danced like a lily from water.

  • 出水芙蓉,错彩镂金”的文学风格论。 Finally elaborates “freshly and beautifully, the wrong color Lou gold” literature style theory.

  • 芙蓉出水,清香四海颂。 cotton rose hibiscus put to wateint scent four sea praise.

  • 那个男主角是出水芙蓉? David :The man is the water lily?

  • 你像出水芙蓉、傲雪的红梅、凌寒的青松。 You are like lotus above the water, red plums in the snow, green pines in bitter cold.

  • 我也欣赏莲花,它有出水芙蓉般的美丽娇嫩的外表; I also enjoy the lotus, it has beautiful and young and delicate outward appearance of a water lotus sort;

  • 出水芙蓉”一篇帖子的标题。(那个帖子太恶了……) “Lotus ing out of crystal-clear water” was the title of one such posting.

  • 你那一低头的温柔,像一朵出水芙蓉不胜娇羞。我深深地思念你。 The gentleness of you at the time yu lower your head is as charming as lotus rising out of water. I miss you deeply.

  • 使用产品后,肌肤水柔、滋润,清新舒爽,宛如出水芙蓉,水嫩柔滑。 The use of products, skin Shui, moisture, fresh and pleasant, like Waterlilies, MOISTURE silky.

  • 蹿红理由:“出水芙蓉”自古以来都是形容清新脱俗、貌美如花的女性。 Leap up red reason: “Lotus giving water ” it is appearance from of old beauty of pure and fresh and free from vulgarity, appearance is like beautiful woman.

  • 有人说她是中国“最美的旅游局长”,也有人把她比喻为“出水芙蓉”。 Netizens have left hundreds of messages for China’s “most beautiful tourism director”, marveling at her beauty and dubbing her “a lotus surfacing above crystal-clear water”.

  • 让整个蓝色徘徊在美目间,配上同色系的假睫毛,如出水芙蓉般清新夺目! Let whole blue wander between beautiful eye, match the false eyelash that goes up to be fastened with color, if give Shui Furong pure and fresh and dazzling!

  • 出水芙蓉各位朋友,因水平有限,如有错误地方,请您帮忙指出,将不胜感激! I want to study english, thanks for your help and point out my mistakes!

  • 英皇老板杨受成最近表示,《出水芙蓉》片已落实今年上映,并已送往内地审批。 King’s boss Albert Yeung, recently said, “Waterlilies” films released this year have been implemented, and approval has been sent to the Mainland.

  • 去年因爆发“床照风暴”,令钟欣桐(阿娇)与方力申主演的电影《出水芙蓉》上映无期! The outbreak of last year, “according to the storm-bed”, so that Gillian Chung (Gillian) and Alex Fong film starring “Waterlilies” release without a view!

  • 伊万诺维奇说道,几乎看不出失利的难过,倒是刚刚洗浴过的她有种“出水芙蓉”的清爽感觉。 Yiwannuoweiqi said that cannot see the unfavorable situation nearly sad, but actually just had taken a bath she has plants “freshly and beautifully” the neat feeling.

  • 现在想起来很怀念当年的我,脑无杂念,心底无私,就象出水芙蓉在污泥里绽放著,独具的美丽。 Now think of it, I miss those years, the brain can not concentrate, selfless, as Waterlilies bloom in the sludge inside the, unique beauty.

  • 近望两侧,石林耸立,自然而成,大小莲花峰如出水芙蓉,傲然怒放,锏峡云雾缥缈,神奇莫测。 Close look on both sides, Shilin towers, nature made, the size of Lotus Peak, such as Waterlilies, proudly in full bloom, Mace Gap clouds misty, mysterious and unpredictable.

  • 近望西侧,石林耸立,自然天成,大小莲花峰如出水芙蓉,傲然怒放,锏峡云雾缥缈,神奇莫测。 Close look west, Shilin towers, natural heavens, and the size of Lotus Peak, such as Waterlilies, proudly in full bloom, Mace Gap clouds misty, mysterious and unpredictable.

  • 为防人偷看,躲在假山后面,然而无奈假山太低,还是被游客一览无余地目睹了她这出水芙蓉的芳姿。 In case of being peeped by others, she hides behind the rockery. But the rockery is too short to hide her, her bathing beauties is viewed pletely by the tourists.

  • 虽然荷兰女曲有很多美女,美国游泳队的女运动员们个个如同出水芙蓉,还有巴西女排姑娘们修长的身材。 There are many beautiful girls in Dutch Hockey, amazing swimmers from the United States and beautiful volleyball players in Brazil.

  • 这里石壁险峻,峰峦如朵朵出水芙蓉,倒影于绿波碧水之中,正是“此地江山成一绝,削壁成河渡半边。” ” Shek Pik dangerous here, such as the Duo Duo wins mountain range Waterlilies, the reflection of clear water in the Green Wave, is “a must here as JiangshanXiao Bi-half of the river crossing.

  • 27岁的于菊,看起来比实际年龄小很多,还留有清纯学生的模样,一袭白裙子,有出水芙蓉的干净与脱俗。 Yu Ju of 27 years old, look a lot of smaller than actual age, still take the look that has pure student clear, a white skirt, those who have lotus giving water is clean with free from vulgarity.

  • 要说《出水芙蓉》这个片名真是不少见啊,到网上一搜美国人就拍了两部1944年的和1952年的,两个还都是歌舞喜剧。 Must say that “Fresh and beautiful” this film title is not really rare, as soon as to-line searched for the American to pat two 1944 and in 1952, two were also the musical edies.

  • 他的抒写性灵的诗歌主张、诗中表现的“出水芙蓉”一般自然清新的审美情趣、虚实结合的写作风格对后世都产生了深远的影响。 All his opinion of expressing natural instincts, his sentiment of “lotus flower out from water” in his poem and his style of bining false and true has impacted deeply on Chinese poets after him.

  • 功效:改善肌肤飞自我更新与修复,能够帮助皮肤补充水份和营养,针对肌肤夜间需求,让肌肤如沐浴后的润泽和出水芙蓉般的意境。 Efficacy:Improve skin’s self-refreshing and repair function, help to supply moisture and nutrient, make skin nourishing, feeling as if was after shower and as if it was hibiscus rising out of water.

  • 功效:让肌肤吸取橄榄精髓,使肌肤如出水芙蓉般绽放清新淡雅的柔润光彩,深层清洁毛孔,补充营养给肌肤,令肌肤拥有水嫩、紧致的质感。 Efficacy: Drawing the olive distillation, skin will be as elegant as the lotus flower when fully open. It both cleanses pore and supplements nutrient, making skin watery and firm.

  • 美丽应答:蕴含玫瑰、橙花、檀香等稀有精油成分,提供肌肤最充足的水分,缓解肌肤缺水状况,改善肌肤细纹、令肌肤平滑、紧实、充满青春活力,如出水芙蓉般光泽细腻。 Function: with the rare essence oil ponents from Rose, Orange Blossom and Sandalwood, to replenish moisture for the skin cells, to improve the skin texture, to smooth, firm and activate the skin.

  • 米高梅电影公司的“出水芙蓉”和票房冠军以斯帖-威廉姆斯来到夏威夷小岛考艾岛录制电影音乐-“异教徒情歌”(1950)。影片由霍华德-科儿、丽塔-莫瑞诺、菲利普-科斯塔参演。 MGM film bathing beauty and box-office darling Esther Williams arrived on the Hawaiian island Kauai to film the musical, Pagan Love Song, (1950) co-starring Howard Keel, Rita Moreno, and Philip Costa.

  • 芙蓉出水造句相关



    词语大全 出水芙蓉造句_出水芙蓉中英文解释和造句

    出水芙蓉  chūshuǐfúróng出水芙蓉的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。出水芙蓉的出处南朝·梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉

    词语大全 芙蓉出水造句_芙蓉出水中英文解释和造句

    芙蓉出水  fúróngchūshuǐ芙蓉出水的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。芙蓉出水的出处南朝·梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉

    词语大全 芙蓉出水造句_芙蓉出水中英文解释和造句

    芙蓉出水  fúróngchūshuǐ芙蓉出水的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。芙蓉出水的出处南朝·梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉

    词语大全 初发芙蓉造句_初发芙蓉中英文解释和造句

    初发芙蓉  chūfāfúróng初发芙蓉的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。初发芙蓉的出处南朝梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉出水,

    词语大全 初发芙蓉造句_初发芙蓉中英文解释和造句

    初发芙蓉  chūfāfúróng初发芙蓉的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。初发芙蓉的出处南朝梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉出水,

    词语大全 初发芙蓉造句_初发芙蓉中英文解释和造句

    初发芙蓉  chūfāfúróng初发芙蓉的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。初发芙蓉的出处南朝梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉出水,

    词语大全 初发芙蓉造句_初发芙蓉中英文解释和造句

    初发芙蓉  chūfāfúróng初发芙蓉的意思和解释:芙蓉:荷花。刚开放的荷花。比喻诗文清新不俗。也形容天然艳丽的女子。初发芙蓉的出处南朝梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷中:“谢诗如芙蓉出水,

    词语大全 出水芙蓉造句


    词语大全 出水芙蓉造句
