词语大全 击楫中流造句_击楫中流中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 击楫中流造句_击楫中流中英文解释和造句
击楫中流 jī jí zhōng liú
词语大全 砥柱中流造句_砥柱中流中英文解释和造句
砥柱中流 dǐ zhù zhōng liú
数十年来是精神病学的中流砥柱。 EEG has been a mainstay of psychiatry for decades.
福斯特先生是他的政党的中流砥柱。 Mr Foster is a tower of strength to his party.
中国共产党是全民族抗战的中流砥柱。 CPC is the mainstay of the nation resistance.
快餐是美式饮食的中流砥柱。 Fast food is a mainstay of the American diet.
他们是企业的中流砥柱。 They are the mainstay of the enterprise.
与时俱进,砥柱中流。 Advance with the times, Di, in mid-stream.
谢里夫派成为强力支持恢复司法制度的中流砥柱。 Sharif has made the restoration of the judiciary a central pillar of his policy.
共产党领导的武力和民众已成了抗日战争中的中流砥柱。 The armed forces and the people led by the Communist Party have already bee the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
这让一切都变得简单了起来,小罗是巴西国奥队里的中流砥柱。 This makes everything easier for everyone. Dinho is a fundamental part of our team.
作为后卫线的中流砥柱,王霄的复出对球队的帮助显然是不言而喻的。 As the mainstay of the back line, Wang’s eback with the help of the team is self-evident.
“我们希望喇嘛这样的球员能够成为这个阵容的中流砥柱 ”,杰克逊说道。 “We have Lamar out there with that group to kind of provide that solidifying factor, hopefully, ” Jackson said.
高中教育在实现大众化和普及化的过程中,中等职业教育起到了中流砥柱作用。 Meanwhile, secondary vocational education also plays a main role in helping high school education realize massification and universalization.
那各行各业的排头兵,正是我们这个时代的无名英雄,正是中华民族的中流砥柱! That the vanguard of all walks of life, is the unsung heroes of our times, it is the backbone of the Chinese nation!
中国汽车业是国家经济的中流砥柱,在经济发展和人民生活水平提高方面起重要作用。 Automobile industry is the backbone industry of Chinese national economy. It is playing a major role in the development of national economy and improvement of people’s living level.
前所未有的,新兴经济被看做是振兴世界经济的中流砥柱,然而,他们能有这么大影响力吗? More than ever before, emerging economies are being relied upon to help lift the world economy. But can they keep up the effort?
过去制造业曾是支撑工人阶级的中流砥柱,而现在却逐渐衰退,这样就有一些年轻人无所事事。 The waning of the manufacturing jobs that used to be the mainstay of the working class has created a generation of young males, in particular, who don’t know what to do with themselves.
企业中层管理人员是介于企业决策层领导和具体操作层员工之间的管理团体,是企业的中流砥柱。 Middle-level management staffs, between the decision-making body and the executive staff, are main powers in a pany.
砥柱中流,力挽狂澜,中国共产党是中华民族的脊梁。绵延几千年的中华民族苦难深重,历经沧桑。 Baffle midstream, make vigorous efforts to turn the situation, the Chinese Communist is the back of the Chinese nation.
虽然今年我国来自市场机制驱动的内需将依然乏力,但是中国的投资将发挥力挽狂澜的中流砥柱作用。 Although this year from China’s domestic demand-driven market will remain weak, but investment in China will play the role of the backbone to turn the tide.
那些总是停留在谈论男友、老公、孩子和各种鸡毛蒜皮的事情的人永远不会成为我们事业的中流砥柱。 Those who always focus on talking about their boyfriends, husbands, children and other trivialities will never be towers of strength of our career.
自从中共接手其家园后1959年流亡至邻国印度以来,今年73岁的达赖喇嘛一直是外交舞台上的中流砥柱。 The 73-year-old has been a mainstay on the diplomatic stage ever since he fled his native land that was absorbed into munist China for neighbouring India in 1959.
肩负创业板的使命,保荐机构应当思考如何实现创业板价值的最大化,选拔优质的上市资源,发挥中流砥柱的作用。 Shoulder the mission of the GEM, the sponsor should consider how to achieve the maximization of the value of the GEM, the selection of high-quality listing of resources, play a crucial role.
在意大利和一些其他欧洲国家,一个低效率的大型企业部门寄生在充满活力的中小型企业身上,后者是经济的中流砥柱。 In Italy, and in some other European states, an inefficient large-business sector is parasitic on the vibrant small- and medium-sized enterprises, which are the mainstay of the economy.
吉布森是国内规模最大的电厂之一,是这一区域内电力供应的中流砥柱,为输电网络内的三百万人口提供足够的电力资源。 Gibson, one of the biggest power plants in the country, is a mainstay of the region’s electricity supply, pumping enough power into the grid for three million people.
首先是父母退休以后,逐渐淡出了社会繁杂的人际交往舞台,而子女此时恰恰是社会的中流砥柱,在社会地位及心态上比不同。 I maintain that the most important of all is the different social status and mental attitude, gradually, for parents, out of the social intercourse, for us, mainstay.
抗日战争胜利的决定性因素为全民族的英勇抗战和共产党领导成为中流砥柱,其领导能力得到充分实现、迅速拓展和根本性升华。 The determining factors for the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan are the(nationwide) heroic fight and the Chinese Communist Party’s strategic leadership.
马尔蒂尼和科斯塔库塔是球队的主心骨,然后是28——29岁这段年龄的中流砥柱,如内斯塔,加图索,皮尔洛,卡卡和吉拉迪诺。 Maldini and Costacurta are the bones of the side and then the nucleus is around 28-29 years, speaking about the likes of Nesta, Gattuso, Pirlo, Kakà and Gilardino.
一时间,山雨欲来风满楼,作为中国金融业中流砥柱的四大商行,如何勤练“内功”、抵御“外敌”,成了理论界、银行业共同关心的话题。 The tide of afflux of foreign banks is higher than that happened before, which makes the topic that how the Chinese four state-owned mercial banks face the challenger bee the hottest one.
我要感谢下一位第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马。她是我家的中流砥柱,是我生命中的最爱。没有她在过去16年来的坚定支持,今晚我就不可能站在这里。 I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family the love of my life, our nation’s next first lady, Michelle Obama.
我要感谢下一位第一夫人米歇尔o奥巴马。她是我家的中流砥柱,是我生命中的最爱。没有她在过去16年来的坚定支持,今晚我就不可能站在这里。 I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years the rock of our family and the love of my life our nation’s next first lady Michelle Obama.
击楫中流 jījízhōngliú击楫中流的意思和解释:比喻立志奋发图强。击楫中流的出处《晋书·祖逖传》:“中流击楫而誓曰:‘祖逖不能清中原而复济者,有如大江。’”击楫中流的例子
砥柱中流 dǐzhùzhōngliú砥柱中流的意思和解释:就象屹立在黄河急流中的砥柱山一样。比喻坚强独立的人能在动荡艰难的环境中起支柱作用。砥柱中流的出处《晏子春秋·内篇谏下》:
砥柱中流 dǐzhùzhōngliú砥柱中流的意思和解释:就象屹立在黄河急流中的砥柱山一样。比喻坚强独立的人能在动荡艰难的环境中起支柱作用。砥柱中流的出处《晏子春秋·内篇谏下》:
词语大全 击楫中流 [jī jí zhōng liú]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
击楫中流 [jījízhōngliú][击楫中流]成语解释比喻立志奋发图强。[击楫中流]成语出处明·韩守益《苏武慢·江亭远眺》:“击楫中流,投鞭思济,多少昔时豪杰。”[击楫中流]
立足之地 lìzúzhīdì立足之地的意思和解释:站脚的地方。也比喻容身的处所。立足之地的出处立足之地的例子立足之地造句立足之地造句相关从古至今的生活和书籍作品中流传了许多脍炙人
立足之地 lìzúzhīdì立足之地的意思和解释:站脚的地方。也比喻容身的处所。立足之地的出处立足之地的例子立足之地造句立足之地造句相关从古至今的生活和书籍作品中流传了许多脍炙人
捻神捻鬼 niǎnshénniǎnguǐ捻神捻鬼的意思和解释:形容惊慌害怕的样子。捻神捻鬼的出处捻神捻鬼的例子捻神捻鬼造句捻神捻鬼造句相关从古至今的生活和书籍作品中流传了许多脍炙