词语大全 分文不取造句_分文不取中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:读书不要贪多,而是要多加思索,这样的读书使我获益不少。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 分文不取造句_分文不取中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 分文不取造句_分文不取中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 分文不直造句_分文不直中英文解释和造句

词语大全 分文不取造句_分文不取中英文解释和造句

分文不取  fēn wén bù qǔ






  • 旅馆承诺客人在店内的睡眠质量与在家中一样好,否则分文不取。 The hotel guarantees customers will sleep as well at the hotel as they do at home, or they get a free night’s stay.

  • 专业的租车公司,正规发票,均为2年内新车,如有投诉分文不取。 Professional vehicle rental pany, official receipt, all vehicles are less than 2 years old, no charge if there was a pany.

  • 专业的租车公司,正规发票,均为2年内新车,如有投诉分文不取。 Professional vehicle rental pany, official receipt, all vehicles are less than 2 years old, no charge if there was any plaint.

  • 且举个例子来说明他的慷慨吧 他把他的旧汽车给了我,而且分文不取。 Just to give you an example of his generosity─he gave me his old car and wouldn’t take any money for it.

  • 苦的是虽然自己辛辛苦苦分文不取,但仍然有个别人对其动机表示怀疑; Although their vision is very hard, but there are still some people questioned their motives;

  • 平安:董事长马明哲表示其2008年薪酬分文不取。(来源:21世纪经济报道) Pingan: Mr. MA Mingzhe, its chairman, offer to take ZERO pensation for 2008. (Source: 21 Century Business Herald.

  • 相传汉代名医张仲景曾作过长沙太守,每月的初一和十五他坐堂行医,并分文不取。 Legend has it gave Zhang Han Dynasty in Changsha Taishou doctors, the first day of each month and 15 Zuotang his medical practice and Fenwenbuqu.

  • 如“摩韦恩男声合唱团”每个周五就会齐聚献唱,分文不取,纯粹为了分享歌曲的喜悦而唱。 Members of the Moelwyn Male Voice Choir, for example, meet every other Friday and perform without pay beyond the joy of sharing their song.

  • 如「摩韦恩男声合唱团」每隔周五就会齐聚献唱,分文不取,纯粹为了分享歌曲的喜悦而唱。 Members of the Moelwyn Male Voice Choir, for example, meet every other Friday and perform without pay beyond the joy of sharing their song.

  • 关于妇女家中工作领取报酬还是志愿者服务以及分文不取的问题,在运动的初期引起很大分歧。 The issue of paid work for women versus volunteer work and unpaid work in the home was a highly divisive one in the early days of the movement.

  • 但仅仅广告分账的模式,搜索引擎即便分文不取,也很难满足唱片公司的胃口,这似乎是个困局。 But the mode of Zhang of only ad cent, search a single cent or penny of engine even if to be not taken, satisfy the appetite of record pany very hard also, this is a predicament it seems that.

  • 当他不再只为自己照相并且用他毕生的时间来服务人民却分文不取时,他开始变的很伟大并且成为了这个国家之父。 When he stopped serving himself, and turned himself wholly to risking his life without pay for the liberty of all, he became truly honorable, and the father of his country.

  • 妇人娓娓道来,“当时我身上的钱不够吃一顿饭,在我拒绝你的邀请的时候,你已经用饭盒给我盛满了饭菜,并且分文不取。 I did not have enough money on me to pay for a meal—and amid my protests—you served me lunch in a box to be taken away. You did not take any money.

  • 否则选举新议员意义也不大,既要给付薪水酬劳,又要提供办公地点,工作却和那些未经选举的议员相同,人家可是分文不取。 There seems little point in electing new ones, paying their salaries and providing them with offices, just so they can do what the unelected lot are already doing for free.

  • 令人惊讶的是,大多数的“无国界通讯传播”的职员分文不取-无薪酬,但,他们那种助人为乐的雷锋精神和丞救他人的生命是他们获得的最大的奖偿。 Remarkably , most of the TSF staff does not get paid—with money, that is. But the satisfaction of helping others and changing lives is often a great reward in itself.

  • 分文不取造句相关


    词语大全 分文不直造句_分文不直中英文解释和造句

    分文不直  fēn wén bù zhí










    词语大全 分文不取造句_分文不取中英文解释和造句

    分文不取  fēnwénbùqǔ分文不取的意思和解释:一个钱也不要。比喻不计报酬。分文不取的出处分文不取的例子分文不取造句旅馆承诺客人在店内的睡眠质量与在家中一样好,否则分文不取。

    词语大全 分文不名造句_分文不名中英文解释和造句

    分文不名  fēnwénbùmíng分文不名的意思和解释:名:占有。一分钱一个铜板也没有。比喻非常贫困。分文不名的出处分文不名的例子分文不名造句茉莉花是被一名皮条客胁迫的13个青楼

    词语大全 分文不名造句_分文不名中英文解释和造句

    分文不名  fēnwénbùmíng分文不名的意思和解释:名:占有。一分钱一个铜板也没有。比喻非常贫困。分文不名的出处分文不名的例子分文不名造句茉莉花是被一名皮条客胁迫的13个青楼

    词语大全 分文不名造句_分文不名中英文解释和造句

    分文不名  fēnwénbùmíng分文不名的意思和解释:名:占有。一分钱一个铜板也没有。比喻非常贫困。分文不名的出处分文不名的例子分文不名造句茉莉花是被一名皮条客胁迫的13个青楼

    词语大全 分文不名造句_分文不名中英文解释和造句

    分文不名  fēnwénbùmíng分文不名的意思和解释:名:占有。一分钱一个铜板也没有。比喻非常贫困。分文不名的出处分文不名的例子分文不名造句茉莉花是被一名皮条客胁迫的13个青楼

    词语大全 分文不直造句_分文不直中英文解释和造句

    分文不直  fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有

    词语大全 分文不直造句_分文不直中英文解释和造句

    分文不直  fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有

    词语大全 分文不直造句_分文不直中英文解释和造句

    分文不直  fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有

    词语大全 分文不直造句_分文不直中英文解释和造句

    分文不直  fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有