词语大全 分庭抗礼造句_分庭抗礼中英文解释和造句
Posted 儒家
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词语大全 分庭抗礼造句_分庭抗礼中英文解释和造句
分庭抗礼 fēn tíng kàng lǐ
或者与之分庭抗礼,共同促进中国篮球的发展。 Or meets as an equal with it, promotes the Chinese basketball’s development together.
2008年,百度又隆重推出百度hi,企图与腾讯分庭抗礼; In 2008, Baidu has launched a grand Baidu hi, and attempts to rival Tencent;
但田径赛场已经不是美国一枝独秀,很多国家都能与之分庭抗礼。 But the U. S. track and field stadium is not to outshine others, many countries are independent and rival.
为昭告世人虽然选手参加奥运会时分庭抗礼,但离开时却合而为一。 It shows us that while people e to the Olympics divided, they leave united.
吐蕃时期它很强大,与唐朝分庭抗礼,到后来佛教文明让它走向另外一个高度。 The Tubo kingdom was powerful, standing with the Tang Dynasty as an equal, then Buddhist civilization brought it to a different kind of height.
将近一年的时间里,大陆会议一直在尽力与英国分庭抗礼,这实际上还是未正式宣战。 For almost a year the congress tried to work out its differences with England, again without formally declaring war.
进化中的种种变异,则通过大量诞生出低贱的新生命来分庭抗礼死神这首单音符的葬曲。 Variation counterbalances the one-note song of death by giving birth to the new in cheap abundance.
韩国电影在本土市场上打破了好莱坞电影的霸权,足以与之分庭抗礼甚至已经略占上风; South Korean film in the local market has broken the hegemony of Hollywood film and even has gained the upper hand.
与之相对应,日本的科技水平在上世纪60-70年代提升迅速,之后一度与美国分庭抗礼。 By contrast, Japan’s level of science and technology in the 60-70 age of the last century to upgrade quickly, followed by equal time with the United States.
试图真正触动私有制,让雇员处于与资本家分庭抗礼的地位,那是资产阶级所绝对不能容忍的。 When the private system is really affected and the employee is put in the position against capitalist, the capitalist would not tolerate it.
这项奥运传统始于一九五六年,为昭告世人虽然选手参加奥运会时分庭抗礼,但离开时却合而为一。 This Olympic tradition has been practiced since 1956. It shows us that while people e to the Olympics divided, they leave united.
墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒墨两家相互辩难,分庭抗礼。 Mo-tse and his theory Mohism that founded on opposing the Confucianism in the forepart of Qin dynasty.
然而,“好吃”是否可以称为中式快餐的规模化经营乃至于麦当劳分庭抗礼必要条件,仍然值得怀疑。 nevertheless , being tasty whether can be the necessity for Chinese restaurants to operate on a scale and even for Chinese fast food to pete with Mcdonald is still suspectable.
特士拉未经深思,便把专利让渡给这两个心怀不轨的人,相信他们会制造出能与爱迪生分庭抗礼的设备。 Tesla unwisely assigned the patents to the shifty pair, trusting that they intended to manufacture equipment and pete with Edison.
以五粮液为代表的浓香型白酒和以茅台为代表的酱香型白酒分庭抗礼,成为白酒行业的两大旗帜性产品。 Wuliangye represented in Luzhou-flavor liquor and represented Maotai liquor Maotai-rival and bee the two major liquor industry standard products.
墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒、墨辩难,分庭抗礼,显赫于时。 Mohist and Mohist school, whose view points were brought forward as opposite proposition of Confucian, are famous for their argument with Confucian.
有人称赞,这是最好的香港“枪火作者”,真实的张力在他的作品中,与荒诞的不羁一同亮相,分庭抗礼。 It was praised, this is the best in Hong Kong, “the authors gun fire, ” the real tension in his works, along with the myth of the unruly appearance, par.
蒋一则怕张成为同他分庭抗礼的对手,二则出于嫉妒,因为事实证明张比他更了解其部下军官的政治情绪。 This was fear of a rival and also a kind of revenge on a man who had shown himself a better judge of the political temper of his officers than had Chiang.
某些欧洲国家甚至担心,“在内政、外交与国际秩序上,俄国在意识形态层面将有与欧盟分庭抗礼之势”。 Some Europeans worry that Russia is “emerging as an ideological alternative to the EU that offers a different approach to sovereignty, power and world order.”
异端诗歌,毕竟与堂而皇之者们形成了煞有介事的分庭抗礼,从而以对等的身份羞辱地捉弄了权威者的地位。 Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality.
如果的确是那样的话,火箭队就悄悄地成西部三个最好球队(一)拥有一个合理的时机与马刺队、阳队分庭抗礼。 If that’s the case, the Rockets have quietly developed into the third best team in the Western conference and have a legitimate opportunity to give the Spurs or Suns all they can handle.
但如今,后苏联地区唯一一条不受莫斯科控制的输油管道巴库─杰伊汉管道却经过此地,与俄罗斯的油气出口路线分庭抗礼。 But now, latter Soviet area only the oil pipeline Baku – Jieyihan pipeline which is controlled Moscow actually does not pass through this place, meets as an equal with Russia’s oil gas export route.
在美国口头语言形成其特性之前,始终未曾出现过可与欧洲纯文学分庭抗礼的美国文学(如果真有这样一种美国纯文学的话)。 belles-letters, insofar as there was such a counterpart at all, did not appear until the American spoken language had acquired its special character.
烟草公司对这些旨在表明吸烟和癌症以及其他疾病之间有关系的报告采取抵制的态度——予以否认,并提出分庭抗礼的研究报告。 Tobacco panies striked an opposite attitude to these reports explaining the relation between smoking and cancer as well of other diseases, and put forward rival study reports as an equal.
通过这个协议,联合包裹将它在中国的运营网络扩大到了130个城市,与当时在144个城市中开展业务的联邦快递分庭抗礼。 Through this agreement, UPS expanded its network to 130 cities in China, peting directly with FedEx, which had operations in 144 cities at that time.
哪一座庄严的宫殿里,不会有时被下贱的东西闯入呢?哪一个人的心胸这样纯洁,没有一些污秽的念头和正大的思想分庭抗礼呢? As where’s that palace wherein to foul things Sometimes intrude not? who has a breast so pure, But some uncleanly apprehensions Keep meets and law-days and in session sit With meditations lawful?
烟草公司对这些旨在表明吸烟和癌症以及其他疾病之间有关系的报告采取抵制的态度——予以否认,并提出分庭抗礼的研究报告。 Tobacco panies had countered the reports–which purported to show links between smoking and cancer and other serious diseases–with denials and peting studies.
人间地上,岂有他处可以与之分庭抗礼?北京城之为人类的创造,并非一人之功,是集数代生来就深知生活之美的人所共同创造的。 But Peking as a human creation was not the work of any one, rather the joint product of generations of men who had the instinct for beautiful living.
欧盟想对塞浦路斯、土耳其采取分而治之的策略,塞浦路斯是欧盟成员,遵从欧盟法律,但土耳其却可以挑起更大的战略争端,与欧盟分庭抗礼。 In the EU’s calculation of how hard to push Cyprus and Turkey respectively, Cyprus has EU membership, as well as the law, on its side, whereas Turkey can muster big strategic arguments.
北京时间30号凌晨,第58届威尼斯国际电影节喊出了“打倒好莱坞帝国主义”的口号,成为与好莱坞分庭抗礼的领头羊。但是本届电影节主席也坦言,要想吸引观众,还要靠巨星的魅力和光环。 The Venice Film Festival is eager to lead the fight against “Hollywood imperialism” but its director freely admits you need all the glitz and glamour of the big stars to attract the crowds.
词语大全 分庭抗礼造句
分庭抗礼 fēntíngkànglǐ分庭抗礼的意思和解释:庭:庭院;抗礼:平等行礼。原指宾主相见,分站在庭的两边,相对行礼。现比喻平起平坐,彼此对等的关系。分庭抗礼的出处《庄子·
分庭抗礼造句 一:唐代虽有不少著名诗人,但恐怕只有杜甫能和李白分庭抗礼吧! 二:这虽然是个私人美术馆,但馆内艺术品的价值足与罗浮宫分庭抗礼,因此会有那么严密的保全系统。 三:在补教界里,这两家老
分庭抗礼造句 一:唐代虽有不少著名诗人,但恐怕只有杜甫能和李白分庭抗礼吧! 二:这虽然是个私人美术馆,但馆内艺术品的价值足与罗浮宫分庭抗礼,因此会有那么严密的保全系统。 三:在补教界里,这两家老
此番 [cǐfān][此番]基本解释这次。清李渔《奈何天·崖略》:“此番破尽传奇格,丑旦联姻真叵测。”《儒林外史》第十七回:“知县此番便和他分庭抗礼,留着吃了酒饭,叫他拜做老师。
此番 [cǐfān][此番]基本解释这次。清李渔《奈何天·崖略》:“此番破尽传奇格,丑旦联姻真叵测。”《儒林外史》第十七回:“知县此番便和他分庭抗礼,留着吃了酒饭,叫他拜做老师。
词语大全 誓天断发 [shì tiān duàn fā]什么意思
誓天断发 [shìtiānduànfā][誓天断发]成语解释断发向天起誓。[誓天断发]百科解释断发向天起誓。更多→誓天断发[誓天断发]相关成语不谋而合以己度人分庭抗礼分道扬镳功败
词语大全 文星高照 [wén xīng gāo zhào]什么意思
文星高照 [wénxīnggāozhào][文星高照]成语解释比喻文运亨通。[文星高照]百科解释比喻文运亨通。更多→文星高照[文星高照]相关成语不谋而合不足挂齿五光十色分庭抗礼别
词语大全 等礼相亢 [děng lǐ xiāng kàng]什么意思
等礼相亢 [děnglǐxiāngkàng][等礼相亢]成语解释犹言分庭抗礼。以平等之礼相待。[等礼相亢]成语出处〖出处〗汉·刘向《说苑·君道》:“今王将东面,目指气使以求臣,则
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,