词语大全 分道扬镳造句_分道扬镳中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:凡事预则立,不预则废。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 分道扬镳造句_分道扬镳中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 分道扬镳造句_分道扬镳中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 分路扬镳造句_分路扬镳中英文解释和造句

词语大全 分道扬镳造句_分道扬镳中英文解释和造句

分道扬镳  fēn dào yáng biāo








  • 然后它们分道扬镳。但只是暂时的。 And they part pany. But only temporarily.

  • 他们的关系破裂并在夏威夷分道扬镳。 The pair’s relationship deteriorated and they split in Hawaii.

  • 我希望意见不同不至于使我们分道扬镳。 I hope this disagreement does not divide us.

  • 海鸥飞远,海浪离逝,我们亦分道扬镳。 The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.

  • 和鲨鱼的分道扬镳,性丑闻,要求交易。 From the feuds with Shaquille, the sexual assault allegation, to the trade demands.

  • 这两个合伙人吵了一架之后分道扬镳了。 The two partners split after a quarrel.

  • 据世界新闻报报道,两人于上周分道扬镳。 The News of the World reports the breakup happened last week.

  • 马德里?糟透了!你知道,丽莎和我分道扬镳了。 Madrid?Sucked! You know Lisa and I had our long overdue meltdown.

  • 我想现在惟一能做的就是停止谈判,然后分道扬镳吧。 I guess the only thing to do now is call a halt to this negotiation and part, friend.

  • 何塞跟阿布之间互有摩擦,这导致了他们最终分道扬镳。 Jose could have rubbed Roman on the wrong side or vice versa and that could have caused the split.

  • 一个小时之后,我走出电梯,布林克莱和我就分道扬镳了。 An hour later, got out of the elevator, and Brinkley and moved out.

  • 从这里开始,长江和怒江、澜沧江分道扬镳,向东海流去。 It’s here that the Yangtze stops flowing in the same direction as the Nujiang and Lancang Rivers and turns eastwards.

  • 奥巴马则表示,国家现在需要的就是同现在的白宫分道扬镳。 Obama says the nation needs to break with the current agenda in the White House.

  • 想知道你的网际网路社交网以后能继续存在还是分道扬镳吗? Want to know whether your Internet social network will survive or break up?

  • 时光在褪了色的叶子中穿行,不知不绝,我们已经分道扬镳。 The time wears a line in the leaf of color don’t know not and extremely we have already gone by different roads.

  • 蓝鹰人一直和罗马共用着奥林匹克球场,分道扬镳是迟早的事情。 The Biancocelesti have been sharing the Stadio Olimpico with Roma over the years, but this arrangement could be about to cease.

  • 以前我让你去解决那些残余的绝地武士。这让你和旧共和国彻底的分道扬镳。 Some time ago I entrusted to you the task of eliminating the remaining Jedi. Of breaking the final ties with the old republic.

  • 伟大的罗曼史渐渐变淡,两人于1946年分道扬镳,各自过上平静的生活。 The grand romance cooled and in 1946 died, giving way to ordinary life.

  • 在至关重要的权力问题,如权力的使用、权力的道德方面,他们已经分道扬镳。 On the all-important question of power—the utility of power, the morality of power—they have parted ways.

  • 有时候,他们会成为朋友,一起玩仩很久。有时候,他们嗅过之后就分道扬镳了。 Sometimes they make friends and play for a long time, and sometimes they just keep going on their own paths.

  • 这些以前素昧平生的陪审员走出法院大门,分道扬镳,各谋自己以后的平静生活。 These before has never met before the juror goes out the court front door, separates from each other, will seek the later tranquil life respectively.

  • 离开了来自我没有很强烈的感觉,分道扬镳对我和俱乐部之间应该是最好的方式。 I have left Rangers with no hard feelings. It’s the best thing for both the club and myself that we go our separate ways.

  • 如海鸥飞向浪花一般,我们相遇而且相近。海鸥飞远,海浪离逝,我们亦分道扬镳。 Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and e near.

  • 而鲁迅与钱玄同的分道扬镳,则是由于他们后期思想的差异和人脉关系的纠葛所造成。 Lu Xu and Qian Xuantong went their own way because they had different thoughts and were trapped in the imbroglio of personal connections.

  • 但事实上,利物浦与阿隆索的分道扬镳却不一定如大多数球迷所想象的那样是一场灾难。 But his departure may not be the disaster many Liverpool supporters believe it to be.

  • 要么你们决定分道扬镳,要么通过共同克服一个通向你们的幸福的道路上的障碍而变得更加亲近。 Either you’ll decide to go your separate ways, or you’ll get closer for having overe another obstacle to your happiness together.

  • 已经有人指出,尽管拥有相同的经济目标,我们的经济政策所产生的巨大影响,会使我们同苏联分道扬镳。 It has been pointed out that we share the same economic goals with strong implications for economic policy, which puts us apart from Russia.

  • 然后他们分道扬镳,接着又加入另一个(与之前并无关系的)群体(与之前类似的一个技能群体)去制作另一部电影。 They then go their separate ways and another (unrelated) bunch of people (with a similar set of skills) es together to make another movie.

  • 瑞典小报《今晚报》援引一篇社会学论文说,如果你的同事里有几位和伴侣分道扬镳,那么你自己离婚的可能性也会增大。 The likelihood that you will get divorced increases if several of your colleagues at work break up with their partners, Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reported, quoting a sociological study.

  • 在婚姻生活中,要发现熵也是轻而易举的:夫妻双方都心不在焉,无暇顾及小问题,这样几乎就注定了他们将来会分道扬镳。 It is easy to see entropy in marriages, when the partners are too preoccupied to patch small things up, almost guaranteeing that they will fall apart.

  • 分道扬镳造句相关


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    分路扬镳  fēnlùyángbiāo分路扬镳的意思和解释:扬镳:指驱马前进。分路而行。比喻目标不同,各走各的路或各干各的事。分路扬镳的出处《魏书·河间公齐传》:“洛阳我之丰沛,自

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    分路扬镳  fēnlùyángbiāo分路扬镳的意思和解释:扬镳:指驱马前进。分路而行。比喻目标不同,各走各的路或各干各的事。分路扬镳的出处《魏书·河间公齐传》:“洛阳我之丰沛,自

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    词语大全 分道扬镳   [fēn dào yáng biāo]什么意思

    分道扬镳  [fēndàoyángbiāo][分道扬镳]成语解释分路而行。比喻目标不同,各走各的路或各干各的事。[分道扬镳]成语出处《北史·河间公齐传》:“(元志)为洛阳令;不避强