词语大全 判若两人造句_判若两人中英文解释和造句
Posted 希特勒
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词语大全 判若两人造句_判若两人中英文解释和造句
判若两人 pàn ruò liǎng rén
陈锡探访玉珠,惊见玉珠判若两人。 Chen Xi is shocked to see Yuzhu looking like a pletely different person.
看看怀孕前的相片简直是判若两人。 Before having a look to be pregnant the photograph is simply acts like a different person.
有时候你说话的感觉让我对你判若两人。 And sometimes you speak like you’re from a different time.
彼得已经跟以前判若两人了,他不说谎了。 Peter has pletely reformed now; he’s stopped telling lies.
我是一个全新的自己,和过去已判若两人。 I am an entirely new person , different from the person I were.
到了晚上,你变得非常生气,完全判若两人。 in the evening you are very angry, absolutely different.
大使先生看上去就有点……我说不准……判若两人。 He looked a little …I can’t say exactly … just not himself.
和以前那个我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。 She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.
然而,阿联上下半场表现判若两人,10分全部来自上半场所得。 However, in the United Arab Republic the second half performance acts like a different person, 10 points e from the first half pletely obtained.
那个犯下了这桩可怕欺诈罪的人与那个我认识了这么多年的人判若两人。 The man who mitted this horrible fraud is not the man whom I have known for all these years.
这一头白发,一脸皱纹,一身邋遢的衣服,美艳性感的大明星完全判若两人。 With long grey hair, wrinkles and dowdy clothes, the beautiful actress is barely recognisable.
女人经常抱怨男人家里家外判若两人,为什么他对别人彬彬有礼而对我粗鲁? Women often plain men’s difference between home and outside, why he treat others very politely and rude to me?
因为当今的中国与20年前的中国已判若两人,与10年前的中国也大不一样了。 Because today China looks fundamentally different from 20 years ago or even 10 years ago.
是的,路途前后,判若两人的变化。谁都看在眼里,却看不出在这其中思想的变化。 Yes, the road around, and constantly changes. No one saw, but do not see in this change in thinking of them.
正在接受化学治疗的季莹,头发掉了、人也瘦了,与病前活泼可爱的模样判若两人。 Chi-ying is undergoing chemotherapy. She has lost her hair and lost weight as a result, being transformed from the lively, playful child that she was before she fell sick.
他趁著这股快乐劲儿,提出了这个建议,与黎明前的阴郁时刻相比,他几乎已经判若两人了。 He made the proposal with cheerful energy; he was hardly the same man as the man of the small dark hours.
和网络上的他判若两人。他在论坛上经常表现得像个愤青,但实际上他是个很温柔体贴的人。 B. Totally different than the one existed in the cyber world. On this forum, he often appears cynical; but in real life, he is a warm and tender person.
然而一旦下了班,他们简直判若两人,好像他们不再认识你了,将你排除在个人活动圈子之外。 Then, as soon as working hours are over, their behavior seems to change. They act as if they hardly know you any more and don’t even include you in any of their personal activities.
这个希特勒同在大学生集会上使我留下深刻印象的那个镇静沉着,举止文明的希特勒判若两人。 This Hitler was very different from the man of calm and civilized manner who had so impressed me at the student meeting.
但是当你追随潮流时,可一定要慎而又慎,这衣服怎么搭配、怎么穿着可是会让你判若两人的! But when adults wear trendy clothing, they must do so carefully. How you wear it, and how much of it you wear, makes all the difference.
这个希特勒同在大学生集会上使我留下深刻 印象的 那个镇静沉着,举止文明的希特勒判若两人。 This Hitler was very different from the man of calm and civilized manner who had so impressed me at the student meeting.
这个期间,李家耀的体重整整减了二十斤,瘦得跟以前判若两人,对“红孩儿”的用情之深可见一斑。 During this period, Li Jia-yao ten pounds of body weight decreased with the change another person like he, his feelings to “Hong Hai-er” of deep is evident.
陈伊玲是参加复试的最后一个人,唱的还是那两支歌,可是声音发涩,毫无光彩,听起来前后判若两人。 When Chen’s turn came last, she sang the same two songs, but her voice was unpleasant and utterly lack lustre as if she were no longer her old self.
5姚明说:“今晚的奥尼尔完全不像去年决赛期间的奥尼尔,那时的他与现在相比简直判若两人。” “He wasn’t the same Shaq tonight as he was during the playoffs last year, ” Yao said. “That was a totally different Shaq out there.
与人闲谈,或有客私访,不可过于矜持,或时刻不忘尊贵,宁可听人如是说:“当其坐堂议政时,判若两人矣。 Be not too sensible, or too remembering, of thy place in conversation, and private answers to suitors; but let it rather be said, When he sits in place, he is another man.
坐在记者面前的克里斯,已与一九九八年接受治疗前照片上的那个克里斯判若两人,运动员的体魄正在渐渐地恢复。 Chris, sitting in front of the reporter, has bee quite a different person pared to the picture in 1998 when he began to receive treatment. The physique of the athlete was recovering gradually.
纳达尔在赛场上像一头愤怒的公牛,在场下却是个羞涩的邻家男孩。这判若两人的表现让不太熟悉他的人们有些惊讶。 The contrast between the raging bull that is Nadal on court and the almost sheepish boy next door still surprises those who do not follow Nadal regularly.
可是那杂志封面上的女人和我眼前的玛丽娅实在是判若两人,我不由得多看了她几眼,想看看清楚这到底是不是同一个人。 I looked at the photo again to make sure that the shining girl on the page was honestly Maria herself because she looked so different from the photo at that moment.
明天,鑫成源公司在通过判若两人的努力打造自身在中国功效型和防护型衣饰产品(FPA)的设计、生产、贸易行业的当先地位。 Today GOLDWING is trying to establish its leading position in Functional & Protective Apparel (FPA) designing, manufacturing and trading industry in China by its continuous efforts.
晚宴后的第二天,这位彬彬有礼、心思细腻的逃亡者还给她打来电话,询问她蹒跚学步的孩子的情况。等到去年10月份采访穆加贝时,她发现他已经判若两人。 The polite and considerate fugitive, who telephoned the next day to inquire about her toddler, seems to have little in mon with the man she interviewed last December.
词语大全 判若云泥造句_判若云泥中英文解释和造句
判若云泥 pàn ruò yún ní
不管我们打什么比赛,他现在都能判断赛场上的各种状况,这比起前几年他在场上魂不守舍的情况简直是判若云泥。 No matter what play we call, he reads things and sees other things on the court that might not be there when with the play we called, which he would have seen a couple of years ago.
判若两人 pànruòliǎngrén判若两人的意思和解释:形容某人前后的言行明显不一致,象两个人一样。判若两人的出处清·李宝嘉《文明小史》第五回:“须晓得柳知府于这交涉上头,本
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若云泥 pànruòyúnní判若云泥的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若云泥的出处唐·杜甫《送韦书记赴西安》诗:“夫子歘通贵,云泥相望悬。”判若云泥
判若云泥 pànruòyúnní判若云泥的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若云泥的出处唐·杜甫《送韦书记赴西安》诗:“夫子歘通贵,云泥相望悬。”判若云泥
判若云泥 pànruòyúnní判若云泥的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若云泥的出处唐·杜甫《送韦书记赴西安》诗:“夫子歘通贵,云泥相望悬。”判若云泥
判若云泥 pànruòyúnní判若云泥的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若云泥的出处唐·杜甫《送韦书记赴西安》诗:“夫子歘通贵,云泥相望悬。”判若云泥