词语大全 刨根问底造句_刨根问底中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 刨根问底造句_刨根问底中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 刨根问底造句_刨根问底中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 搜根问底的意思_成语“搜根问底”是什么意思

词语大全 刨根问底造句_刨根问底中英文解释和造句

刨根问底  páo gēn wèn dǐ






  • 喜好刨根问底并且难以取悦。 Stefan: inquisitive and hard to please.

  • 也可能引发对企业刨根问底。 It is also likely to prompt further shelling.

  • 女人们喜欢刨根问底,将问题从头到尾说清楚。 Women like to hash things out, talking issues through from start to finish.

  • 这是需要刨根问底的问题:他们的真正意图是什么? And this goes to the root issue of what are, really, their intentions.

  • 埃托奥也会有言不由衷时候,人们不便去刨根问底。 Time Aituoao will also have will speak insincerely, the people inconvenience to get to the root.

  • 为对上述疑惑刨根问底,就需要“挖”得更深一些。 To answer that question you need to dig a little deeper.

  • 当我们还很小的时候,刨根问底的力量就开始显现了。 The search for power begins when we’re quite young.

  • 为对上述疑惑刨根问底,就需求“挖”得更深一部份。 To answers those question you mand to dig a less deeper.

  • 不断地刨根问底,直到发现一个最根本不可回避的目标。 Keep asking until you touch a purpose so fundamental it cannot be explained in any other way.

  • “但是,那你为什么还笑正经的事情?”萨拉刨根问底。 But why do solemn things make you laugh so?inquired Sara.

  • 你们要是敢于对大自然刨根问底,就去设法揭示它的规律吧。 If you dare to enquire into Nature, try to discover her laws.

  • 一般情况下,他的朋友早就想对那位新的凯恩夫人刨根问底了。 A gentle man has no right to hurt a woman under any circumstances.

  • 出乎意料,女儿居然没有刨根问底,又继续专注到她的书里了。 Surprisingly, there were no daughter and continue to focus on her book of the.

  • 这是个花时间思考财务事宜的好日子,你或许需要就之刨根问底。 It’s a good day to take a little time out to reflect on any financial matters you might need to get to the bottom of.

  • 马克斯对自己的出生刨根问底。他母亲说几代人以前,他家是贵族。 Max is trying to trace his ancestry. His mother told him that generations ago there was blue blood in the family.

  • 这种态度包括等级观念不强,得意洋洋的乐观劲儿和刨根问底的好奇心。 This attitude bines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness.

  • 不过如果你非要刨根问底的话——一个叫安娜的美国姑娘几天前来过电话。 Though if we’re going for this obsessive writing-down-all-messages thing-some American girlcalled Anna called a few days ago.

  • 刨根问底是我的强项。我可能是练出来了,就是能看到其他人忽略的东西。 It is my business to know things. Perhaps, I have trained myself to see what others overlook.

  • 我是那种喜欢刨根问底的病人,刚开始的时候,我以为他会告诉我所有事情。 I’m one of those patients who likes to know everything, and, in the beginning, I just assumed he would tell me all there was to know.

  • 我与新西兰的笔友、孟买的刨根问底的陌生人和曼哈顿辩论高手进行思想交流。 I share thoughts with pen pals in New Zealand, query strangers in Bombay, debate magicians in Manhattan.

  • 刨根问底找出诽谤你的人会非常难堪,并且这只能证实他们对你的那些不好看法。 To hunt down your detractors would be hideously embarrassing and would only confirm their dim view of you.

  • 对于数学爱好者和那些喜欢刨根问底的人来说,下面列出的衰减计算公式会有所帮助。 For the Math enthusiasts, and for those desiring deeper insight, the laws governing the decay are the following.

  • 当《今日美国》刨根问底地询问家居时尚信息时,他们向《LDB室内纺织品》杂志寻求帮助。 When USA Today needed the scoop on furs in home fashions, they called LDB Interior Textiles.

  • 虽然对女儿的刨根问底很不情愿,威尔还是对女儿全情吐露,但坚持掩盖了那些女人的姓名和身份。 Reluctant to be too specific, Will agrees to tell all but insists on disguising names and identities, leaving it to Maya to guess who her mom turned out to be.

  • 可是,小姑娘还是一个劲儿地刨根问底,她突然又甩出一个问题:“妈咪,你干吗要和爸爸离婚啊?” The girl, still wanting to know about her mother, then fired off another question, “Mommy, why did you and Daddy get a divorce?”

  • 而对于那个不配合的,爱刨根问底的,不按照跳水队精神指示报道的讨厌的媒体,那待遇我都不稀给你说。 As for those media that do not cooperate, search to the root and report according to the diving team’s demand, the treatment is obviously different.

  • 在第二轮融资问题上,李善友顶住了来自多个方面的刨根问底,外界猜测他或对此次融资的宣传效果有较高期望。 In the second round of financing, Li Shanyou resisted many aspects of the Paogenwendi from the outside world to speculate on the financing of his or publicity effect higher expectations.

  • 老板的秘书突然会发现自己从来没有像现在这样走红,因为大家都想从她那里刨根问底,或者是通过她来拍马屁。 The boss’s secretary suddenly finds she has never been so popular in her life, as people try to find out what she knows or seek to curry favour.

  • 想要评出哪家银行是世界上最好的,有点像从饱受战争蹂躏的村庄中评选出最美的村庄,这是一个并不光彩的头衔,也可能引发对企业的刨根问底。 Trying to work out which banks are the world’s best is a bit like awarding the prize for prettiest war-torn village. It is a title that carries little kudos.

  • 因此,可是理解的是,没有什么比下面的事更让妳恼羞成怒了:比如有人对妳说谎而又不允许妳刨根问底,或是他们明知道已经来不及了却又拒绝走捷径。 So, understandably, nothing makes you crazier than someone who just won’t cut to the chase when they’re telling a story or refuses to take a shortcut when they know they’re running late.

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    词语大全 搜根问底的意思_成语“搜根问底”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音sōu gēn wèn dǐ
    成语解释 搜:寻求。指追问其原因和结果。
    常用程度 一般
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语;比喻追究底细。
    产生年代 近代
    典故出处 曾朴《孽海花》第八回:“彩云的大姐,正要问那位叫的,只说得半句,被彩云啐了一口道:‘蠢货!谁要你搜根问底?’”
    近 义 词 刨根问底
    英文翻译 e down to bedrock <get to the bottom of>


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