词语大全 利用厚生造句_利用厚生中英文解释和造句

Posted 实学

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1、词语大全 利用厚生造句_利用厚生中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 投机倒把造句_投机倒把中英文解释和造句

词语大全 利用厚生造句_利用厚生中英文解释和造句

利用厚生  lì yòng hòu shēng







  • 艺也者,所以给人之需求,为衣食住居诸器物,所以利用厚生者也。 Arts also, it gives the demand for household utensils home Zhu, who also uses Councillor for Pharmaceutical Affairs.

  • 而儒家亦素有形上之道见于形下之器的思想,而重“正德”利用厚生”。 Confucian metaphysical also known as the road in the shape of the device under the idea of re-“Zhengde” use “of Health and Welfare.

  • 如果说“北学中国”是《热河日记》的主基调,那么“利用厚生”的主张就是衬托朴趾源这一主基调的理论根基。 Just as “learning from China on the north” is the theme of The Diary in Rehe, so “using everything to secure a better livelihood for people” is Pak Chi-won’s theoretical basis.

  • 阳明学以及霞古学派对实学和朝鲜的近代开化思想都产生了积极的影响,实学的经世致用、利用厚生、实事求是等哲学主张在阳明学“知行合一”中找到了哲学根据。 Some philosophical views of practice study including durability and seeking truth from fact can find basis in the “unity of sense and performance” of YangMing study.

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    词语大全 投机倒把造句_投机倒把中英文解释和造句

    投机倒把  tóu jī dǎo bǎ






  • “买卖月球土地”是“投机倒把”? “Land sale Moon” is “speculation”?

  • 政府授权工商部门严厉取缔投机倒把活动。 Departments in charge of industry and merce are authorized by the government to ban speculation and profiteering.

  • 他的公司被他做冒险的投机倒把生意搞垮了。 He brought about his pany’s collapse by reckless speculation.

  • 目标是要打击投机倒把并让债权人留下深刻印象。 The aim was to bludgeon speculators and impress creditors.

  • 正如艾伯特·丁尼生所说的,投机倒把里出现了裂罅。 There was a rift within the loot, as Albert Tennyson says.

  • 氙说先生 20-30% 经济学的和商业学生是投机倒把。 Mr Xing says 20-30% of economics and business students are playing the markets.

  • 而那顶“投机倒把”的帽子成为她今生永远无法愈合的伤痕。 And that top “speculation” in her hat into the wounds of this life can never be healed.

  • 许多私人财富是由只会投机倒把而对社会毫无贡献的人创造的。 Many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society.

  • 他与调查员就月球土地所有权、是否投机倒把等问题展开激辩。 He investigators on the Moon and land ownership, whether speculation of a robust debate.

  • 同时,加锁也能让楼市安全,能让不法开发商和投机倒把分子走开。 At the same time, security locks also allow the property market, allow unscrupulous developers and speculation elements away.

  • “月球大使馆”很让人感到新鲜,“投机倒把”却很让人感到久违。 “Moon embassy” People feel very fresh, “speculation” People feel very low.

  • 所以这一问题是由地理因素引起的,而非投机倒把的人为原因造成。 So the problem is caused by the geographic reason, rather than evil behavior of human beings such as cutting corners to make profits, ” said Richard.”

  • 删去下列法律中关于“投机倒把”、“投机倒把罪”的规定,并作出修改。 The provisions concerning “speculation” and “crime of speculation” shall be repealed and revisions shall be made accordingly.

  • 我们在过去两周内所采取的措施已经有效地遏制了投机倒把。“曾荫权说。 “The measures we have taken over the past two weeks have effectively curbed speculation, ” said Mr. Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen.

  • 为保护国家金银与走私、投机倒把等违法犯罪行为坚决斗争,事迹突诎啲; those who contribute prominently towards the protection of the State’s gold and silver reserves and the struggle against smuggling, speculation, profiteering and other illegal activities;

  • 为保护国家金银与走私、投机倒把等违法犯罪行为坚决斗争,事迹突出的; those who have had outstanding performance in the protection of gold and silver for the State in the struggle against violations of law and criminal acts such as smuggling and speculation;

  • 公告说:我们必须自身提醒,不可漠视少数官员执法过程中投机倒把的问题。 “We must remind ourselves that we cannot ignore the problems regarding the opportunism of a minority of officials when enforcing the law, ” the notice said.

  • 比如早年黄光裕大哥黄俊钦便因为倒卖电器产品,被呼和浩特警方以投机倒把查扣。 Wong Kwong Yu Huang Junqin early years such as Big Brother would be illegal because of electrical products, Hohhot was speculation as to the police seized.

  • 商贩纷纷被以割资本主义尾巴、打击投机倒把等名义“清理过渡”,集贸市场被迫关闭。 Traders have been cut to the tail of capitalism, and crack down on speculation in the name of “cleaning up the transition, ” markets have been forced to close.

  • 1999年,株洲市中院对赵钦国当年所犯的“投机倒把案”进行重新审理,判决赵无罪。 in 1999, Zhuzhou City, the hospital was mitted to Zhaoqin States “speculation” case for re-trial, sentencing Zhao innocence.

  • 在这种情况下,许浙江农民迫于生计,冒着以“投机倒把的罪名,静静外出做手艺、做小生意生。 Below this kind of circumstance, make Zhejiang farmer by force of bread, risking with ” the accusation of play the market, go out stealthily do craft, dicker to be born.”

  • 他知道媒体只是为了销量而投机倒把,但是他很合作,他知道在有了解他风格的人(不是球员)。 He knew the press are merely selling speculations as news, but he plays along, knowing that his people at Stamford Bridge (not the players) understand his game.

  • 我指的投资是不计后果,投机倒把,但是投机并不是叫你去犯罪,毕竟通奸和强奸是不同的(笑…)。 I am referring to is a reckless investment, speculation, but speculation is not a crime to tell you, after all, adultery and rape are different (Laughter …).

  • 想想私人名下的ABC幼儿护理中心在市场中投机倒把,导致儿童服务行业损失了上百万的澳洲客户。 Think of privately owned ABC Childcare centres which were gambled on the market, resulting in Childcare services being lost to millions of parents around Australia.

  • 少不了贿赂、优待、各种各样的投机倒把,少不了玩弄男色和出卖女色,甚至还有用土豆酿制的非法酒精。 There was bribery, favouritism , and racketeering of every kind, there was homosexuality and prostitution, there was even illicit alcohol distilled from potatoes.

  • 市场化改革使得投机倒把的商业销售活动变得名正言顺起来,而扩展渠道也成了制造商们面临的紧要问题。 The revolution of mercerization makes mercial sales such as cutting ers to make profits official, and expand channels also bees a critical problem that manufacturing panies to face.

  • 不止一个人把那些一直在卖空银行类股票的家伙称为“投机倒把分子”,我猜想,政客们将会要求对这些人严加约束。 Politicians, I suspect, will demand tough constraints on what more than one has called “the spivs and speculators” who have been short-selling bank shares.

  • 一场闹剧终将收场,然而笔者却在新闻中发现了一个不容忽视的小细节―――“月球大使馆”的被叫停竟是因为“涉嫌投机倒把”! A farce will end, but I was in the news of the discovery of a small details can not be overlooked — “Moon embassy” was being conducted because of “alleged speculation.

  • 我们同商业金融的垄断势力、投机倒把分子、不顾后果的银行作业、阶级敌对、派系倾轧、发战争财行为进行了斗争,它们是和平的宿敌。 We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -? business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

  • 救市计划就会产生财产转移——从美国公民手中转移到那些从不考虑风险只会投机倒把的金融机构手中——这将是美国历史上最伟大的事情。 The bailout will involve a transfer of wealth — from the American people to financial institutions engaging in reckless speculation — that will be the greatest in history.

  • 投机倒把造句相关



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