词语大全 前功尽弃造句_前功尽弃中英文解释和造句

Posted 成语

篇首语:一个人使劲踮起脚尖靠近太阳的时候,全世界都挡不住她的阳光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 前功尽弃造句_前功尽弃中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 前功尽弃造句_前功尽弃中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 前功尽弃的意思_成语“前功尽弃”是什么意思

词语大全 前功尽弃造句_前功尽弃中英文解释和造句

前功尽弃  qián gōng jìn qì








  • 大坝一定要在雨季开始以前合拢, 否则就会前功尽弃。The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in, or all our labour will be lost.
  • 我们之前的研究调查将前功尽弃。 It would wipe out all of our previous investments.

  • 促排卵药间断服用,则常常前功尽弃。 Presses the ovulation medicine to take interrupted, then wastes all previous efforts frequently.

  • 如果我现在把它剪断,就等于前功尽弃。 Now if I cut it, all my previous work will be wasted.

  • 我知道。她可以让我们前功尽弃。他不会离开她。 I know. She can undo it all, from the start. He won’t wont to leave her.

  • 对,不过没像你上周让工作良机前功尽弃那样糟! LL: Yeah, well, it wasn’t as bad as when you had that job opportunity last week and blew it!

  • 减肥者千万不要一瘦下来就掉以轻心,以免前功尽弃。 The person that reduce weight must not one thin e down to treat sth lightly, lest all one’s previous efforts wasted.

  • 您批抨我爱滥用成语,我以后一定前功尽弃,卷土重来。 You approve Peng my love to abuse idiom, after me certain all one’s previous efforts wasted, stage a e back.

  • 在周末做的冷静决定,遇到市场反弹和下跌时还是前功尽弃。 Calm resolutions made on a weekend fly out the window during rallies or declines. “This time is different .”

  • 咸,是因为即使参加比赛也不一定能获奖,那不就前功尽弃了吗。 salt, because even if the race is not necessarily winning, then not to undo the do.

  • 不管你之前的业绩有多出色,一个非常规事件就足以让你前功尽弃。 Before you no matter how good the performance, a non-event is enough to let you e to naught.

  • 坚决拒绝香烟的引诱,经常提醒自己,再吸一支烟足以令戒烟的计划前功尽弃。 Firmly rejected the lure of cigarettes, constantly remind ourselves that no longer sufficient to quit smoking cigarette smoking plans e to naught.

  • 但也要看到,目前的调控成果还不巩固,稍有放松,可能就会反弹,甚至前功尽弃。 But also want to see, current adjusting control gain still does not consolidate, have a bit loosen, the likelihood can rebound, even all one’s previous efforts wasted.

  • 人生也不是一场拼字比赛,无论你拼出了多少单词,只要拼错了一个你就前功尽弃了。 Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten right, you’re disqualified if you make one mistake.

  • 现在如果我把它剪断,岂不是前功尽弃.付之东流了吗?你在外求学也是同样的道理。 Now if I cut it with a pair of scissors, all I’ve done before will be wasted. It is all the same with your studies.

  • 八哥毕竟是动物,学人语速度较慢,训练人员要细致、耐心,切忌粗暴,否则会前功尽弃。 Bage is, after all, animals, people learn language slower, training staff to be meticulous and patient, must not rude, otherwise they will be wasted.

  • 人生也不是一场拼字游戏比赛,不管你拼出多少单词,一旦出现了一个错误,你便前功尽弃。 Life(T) is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten right, you’re disqualified if you make one mistake.

  • 人生也不是一场拼字游戏比赛。不管你拼出多少单词,一旦出现了一个错误,你便前功尽弃。 Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten be right, you’re disqualified if you make one mistake.

  • 人生也不是一场拼字游戏淘汰赛,无论你拼出多少单词,只要你出现了一个错误便前功尽弃。 Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many word you got written right , you’re disqualified if you make a one mistake.

  • 周围的亲戚和GF也会怀疑你而强迫你放弃自己的判断,搞得不好就会前功尽弃,成了给KFS垫背的。 GF doubt and relatives around you and forced you to give up its own judgment, do not be pushed became mitted to the KFS.

  • 贫困人口遭受居高不下的食物价格和经济不景气的双重打击,使得一些地区多年的减少贫困工作前功尽弃。 In some places years of progress in poverty reduction have been undone as the poorest have been hit by the double whammy of weak economies and still-high food prices.

  • 麦凯恩称,美军去年对伊增兵行动已经获得成功,使伊拉克安全形势得到改善,现在重要的是不能前功尽弃。 McCain said more troops in Iraq last year, the U. S. military action has been successful, so that the improved security situation in Iraq, now the important thing is not wasted.

  • 他们担心民族主义动荡可能反抗政府,还可能使中国长久以来试图说服世界其经济崛起豪无威胁努力前功尽弃。 Their worry is that nationalist unrest may turn against the government and undermine China’s efforts to convince the rest of the world that its economic rise is unthreatening.

  • 可当你发现自己无法忍受对方咆哮的时候,这一切就会前功尽弃。(不管你做任何事情,千万不要落入抱怨的陷阱。) Once your mind realizes that you won’t tolerate its moaning, it will begin to give up its efforts. (Whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of plaining that you’re plaining.

  • 最后,所有以上十点,都会因为缺乏一个重要因素而前功尽弃,而这个因素却没人愿意承认,这个因素就是――运气。 AND all of this can be ruined if the manager does not possess the one quality nobody wants to acknowledge – luck.

  • 当然,那时我还不知道也没人清楚凶手究竟是谁,但我确实明白,假如是穆斯林,我们将前功尽弃,因为内战必定爆发。 Of course I did′t know—no one knew at that stage. But I did know this, if it was a Muslim, we were lost. There would be civil war without fail.

  • 2001年APEC领导人服装中有19位领导人事先没有进行量体,再好的服装款式和精致的做工,规格尺寸不符合将前功尽弃。 At 2001 APEC, it has no pasisbilty to make body measurement 19 leaders’ garments for in advance.

  • 但是在与月球同步的运行中,在七月份时,一个关键探测器在主要的技术问题上发生故障,人们于是担心这次两年的探月计划将会前功尽弃。 But a critical sensor in the main craft, orbiting the moon, malfunctioned in July, raising fears that the two-year mission may have to be curtailed.

  • 从地图上左边到地图的右边,可以自由的选择前进路线,但要躲开路上的机关和危险,注意,主角的脆弱的,一不小心将会使得你前功尽弃,是你耐心和注意的绝对挑战。 The left side of the map to the right side of the map, are free to choose the way forward, but on the road to escape the authorities and the risk of attention to the fragile protagonist, acc…

  • 经过一次次的约会,一切已经水到渠成,一整天泡吧后回到温馨的家里,MM显得很开心,最后的考验时刻到来了,是前功尽弃,还是手到擒来抱得美人归,全凭您的技巧。 After a meeting date, all have natural, a day after Paoba return to the warmth of home, MM was very happy, the final test of time has arrived, is wasted, or Shoudaoqinlai entirely your skills.

  • 前功尽弃造句相关


    词语大全 前功尽弃的意思_成语“前功尽弃”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音qián gōng jìn qì
    成语解释 功:功劳。以前的功劳、成绩完全丢失,以前的努力全部白费。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 贬义词
    成语结构 主谓式
    成语用法 作谓语、宾语;指白忙。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 西汉·司马迁《史记·周本纪》:“今又将兵出塞,过两周,倍韩,攻梁,一举不得,前功尽弃。”
    成语例句 鲁迅《华盖集·牺牲谟》:“因为一个人最紧要的是‘晚节’,一不小心,可就~了。”
    近 义 词 功亏一篑 功败垂成 前功尽灭
    反 义 词 大功告成
    英文翻译 all that have been achieved is spoiled <go down the toilet>
    俄文翻译 все усилия пошли насмáрку
    日文翻译 前功(ぜんこう)残(のこら)ずむだになる
    其他语言 <德>alle bisherigen Anstrengungen sind vergebens <alles bisher Erreichte ist verloren><法>tout l’effort dépensé est plètement perdu <c’est peine perdue>
    歇 后 语 扎鞋底不栓线结;鸡飞蛋打
    成语故事 战国末年纵横家苏厉去游说周郝王去阻止秦国的大将白起进攻魏国都城大梁,如果大梁不保,周王朝就危险了。并举楚国名将养由基百发百中的例子,前边99次都中了,只要一箭不中就前功尽弃了。白起没有理会苏厉的话,继续进行兼并战。


    词语大全 前功尽弃造句_前功尽弃中英文解释和造句

    前功尽弃  qiángōngjìnqì前功尽弃的意思和解释:功:功劳;尽:完全;弃:丢失。以前的功劳全部丢失。也指以前的努力全部白费。前功尽弃的出处《战国策·西周策》:“公之功甚多

    词语大全 前功尽弃造句


    词语大全 前功尽弃造句


    词语大全 前功尽废的意思及成语解释 成语大全


    词语大全 前功尽弃的意思_成语“前功尽弃”是什么意思


    词语大全 前功尽废的意思_成语“前功尽废”是什么意思


    词语大全 全功尽弃的意思_成语“全功尽弃”是什么意思


    词语大全 前功尽弃   [qián gōng jìn qì]什么意思

    前功尽弃  [qiángōngjìnqì][前功尽弃]成语解释功:功劳;尽:完全;弃:丢失。以前的功劳全部丢失。也指以前的努力全部白费。贬义[前功尽弃]成语出处《战国策·西周策》:

    词语大全 前功尽灭的意思及成语故事 成语大全
