词语大全 前仆后继造句_前仆后继中英文解释和造句

Posted 后继

篇首语:日日行不怕千万里,天天讲不吝千万言,时时做不惧千万事。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 前仆后继造句_前仆后继中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 前仆后继造句_前仆后继中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 后继有人造句_后继有人中英文解释和造句

词语大全 前仆后继造句_前仆后继中英文解释和造句

前仆后继  qián pū hòu jì










词语大全 后继有人造句_后继有人中英文解释和造句

后继有人  hòu jì yǒu rén






  • 我们的事业兴旺发达,后继有人。 Our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

  • 我们的国家兴旺发达,后继有人。 Our country is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

  • 我们的党兴旺发达,后继有人。 Our party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

  • 我们的党兴旺发达,后继有人。 and has no lack of successors.

  • 祝福中国乒乓事业后继有人! Successors bless the cause of Chinese ping-pong!

  • 党的十三大充分表明我们党后继有人。 The 13th party congress fully demonstrates that our party( ).

  • 后继有人,这是对教育部门提出的问题。 Education departments are required to provide successors in the field of scientific research.

  • 上帝也鼓励以利亚,他的工作必后继有人。 God also encouraged Elijah that his work would be continued.

  • 党的十二大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。 The 12th Congress fully demonstrates our party will be flourish and thrive and has no lack of successor.

  • 党的十六大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。 The 16th Party congress fully demonstrates that our Patty is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

  • 现在他最大的愿望是,自己的这门手艺能后继有人。 Sun Songmao’s greatest wish at present is to pass on the handicraft to others.

  • 这次党代会充分表明,我们的党后继有人,兴旺发达。 The Party Congress fully demonstrates that our party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

  • 自此,欧美汉学界后继有人,每数年便有重要研究成果出现。 Sine then, there appeared important studies achievements every several years in European and American Sinology.

  • 为了党的事业能够后继有人,必须把培养学生的政治方向提到党的建设的高度。 We must raise the fostering of students’ political orientation to the level of the Party construction.

  • 必须培养和造就中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,确保党和人民的事业后继有人。 We should train more more successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics so that the cause of the Partypeople will be carried forward.

  • 豫剧「后继有人」?家有访客,六岁的小女儿照例献唱一段。这是王海玲的全家福。 Wang Hai-ling’s six-year-old daughter treats visitors to a passage from Honan opera.

  • 必须不断培养和造就中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,确保党和人民的事业后继有人。 We should train more and more successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics so that the cause of the Party and people will be carried forward.

  • 任弼时是从党的事业后继有人和国家民族兴旺发达的战略高度去提出和思考青年工作问题的。 Ren Bishi proposed and thought the problem of youth work from the strategic angle of qualified successors in the CPC and national prosperity.

  • 在大学生中积极培养发展党员,是关系到我国现代化建设和我们党的事业后继有人的战略问题。 Cultivating and developing Party members among university students are closely related to Chinese modernization and continuation of Chinese Communist Party’s work.

  • 从而,为在我国确立领导干部退休制度,保证党和国家的事业后继有人、永续发展做出了不朽的贡献。 Thus, for the leading cadres in our country to establish a retirement system To ensure that the cause of the party and the country successors, sustainable development has made immortal contributions.

  • 破格提拔优秀年轻干部 ,是保证党和人民的事业兴旺发达 ,后继有人的战略任务 ,意义重大而深远。 Abnormality promotes outstanding and young cadre, it is to make sure the career of party and people is healthy, the strategic task of succeed somebody, the sense is great and far-reaching.

  • 中国代表队总共获得了12枚金牌22枚奖牌,这样的好成绩是前所未有的,标志着我国在射击事业上后继有人。 Chinese team won a total of 12 gold medals 22, so that the good results is unprecedented and indicates that China’s successors in the cause of the fire.

  • 洋基自家农场从古德利之后就没有培养出赢得赛扬奖的投手,上回古德利是1978年拿到的。现在看来后继有人了。 The Yankees haven’t had a homegrown Cy Young Award winner since Guidry in 1978. His pupil could be the next.

  • 我就希望能在工作时死去。在弥留之际知道自己已经功德圆满并且自己的未竟之业已后继有人,就可以心满意足地离开人间了。 I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.

  • 我希望在尚能工作的时候死去,得知我已无望再完成事业后继有人,我死而无憾,我会为我已完成自己力所能及的事业而感到无比欣慰。 I should wish to die while still at work knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.

  • 因此,加强与改进高校学生思想政治工作队伍建设,对于确保中国特色社会主义事业兴旺发达、后继有人,具有重大而深远的战略意义。 Therefore, it is of great significance to better the ideological establishment of college students and make our Chinese-specialized socialist career flourish and thriving.

  • 此时,大师忽发妙想,叫女儿考虑下嫁寅,那么寺院就后继有人……寅得悉后,「芳心」大乱,马上跑回柴又老家,向家人宣布从此加入佛门; He wants his daughter to marry Tora-san, then Torn-san would bee his son-in-law and take over the temple. After hearing this, Tora-san is ecstatic.

  • 介绍腐乳培菌机的构造,使用方法和优缺点等。目的是提高腐乳生产机械化的程度,提高腐乳的质量;同时更希望腐乳行业后继有人,后来居上。 Introduce the structure, technique of use, merit and demerit of beancurd Peijun machine In order to improve the degree of production mechanization and the quality of beancurd.

  • 加强在大学生中发展党员工作 ,是保证我们党后继有人,兴旺发达的大事。但目前 ,大学生要求入党存在明显的功利性 ,学生党员发展工作也有功利色彩。 But at present, what the undergraduate asks existence of join or be admitted to the party is apparent is manipulative, student Party member develops the job to also have utilitarian color.

  • 青年理想教育是关系民族兴亡、社会主义事业后继有人的教育工程。当代青年理想教育主观环境的多元化和客观环境的复杂化决定我们必须:第一、把当代青年理想教育与政治教育相统一; The ideological education of present-day Chinese younger generation is a essential matter and take a crucial part in future existance and prosperity of our nation as well as the course of socialism.

  • 后继有人造句相关



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