词语大全 前车之鉴造句_前车之鉴中英文解释和造句
Posted 教训
篇首语:不亏待每一份热情,不讨好任何的冷漠。一旦攒够了失望,就离开。从此再也不见,友情如此,爱情亦如此。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 前车之鉴造句_前车之鉴中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 前车之鉴造句_前车之鉴中英文解释和造句
前车之鉴 qián chē zhī jiàn
中国的优势在于,他有日本的前车之鉴。 China’s advantage is that it learned from Japan’s mistakes.
谢国忠认为,这正是中国经济的前车之鉴。 Xieguozhong believe that this is a lesson for the Chinese economy.
但日本的前车之鉴表明了没有什么事是不可避免的。 But the lesson of Japan is that nothing is inevitable.
新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡在印尼就有过前车之鉴。 One of Singapore’s funds, Temasek, has learned that lesson to its cost in Indonesia.
对照欧洲经验的前车之鉴,这些法规只会遭到滥用。 These are open to abuse, as Europe’s experience shows.
有他父亲的前车之鉴,他不愿意被引渡一点都不奇怪。 Given his father’s fate, it would be understandable if he were reluctant to submit himself to extradition.
不行,我不能让这种事再发生,已经有这种前车之鉴。 s happen again. I seem to have this pattern going on here.
记住前车之鉴,决不相信那些无缘无故给予你帮助的人。 Let that be a lesson to you. Never trust anyone who offers you something for nothing.
可是前车之鉴,还有《圣经》的警告,我们不得不谨慎。 But the historical pattern and Scripture’s explicit admonitions should lead us to be highly cautious.
她母亲一再要求她别让自己堕落,并以她本人为前车之鉴。 Her mother was constantly imploring her not to allow herself to decay , as she had done.
这家得克萨斯能源贸易公司的垮台,值得其他公司引为前车之鉴。 The fall of the Texan energy-trading pany is the corporate collapse by which all others are measured.
事实上,整个发展趋势就是根据当前情况来推测将来风险的前车之鉴。 Indeed, the whole exercise is a warning of the risks of extrapolating the future from present trends.
有了HIH的前车之鉴,就财务再保险的风险控制做研究是十分必要的。 In view of HIH, it is necessary to research how to control the risk of financial reinsurance.
当然,前车之鉴就是越南和伊拉克,国防政策是承担义务,不是外交政策。 And of course the prime examples of that are Vietnam and Iraq. There, defence policy made the mitments, not the foreign policy.
然而,1988年国王路口地铁站的一场大火完全就是这一漏洞的前车之鉴。 Yet a report on a big fire at King’s Cross tube station had drawn attention to precisely this problem in 1988.
1988年在我国局部地区发生的银行挤提应该可以作为我们自己的前车之鉴。 The incidence of bank run in local parts of China in the year of 1988 could be worth a warning for our own.
面对这些前车之鉴,我们要扼腕叹息,要反思奋起,最不能做的就是因噎废食。 Learns from another’s mistakes facing these, we must grasp the wrists the sigh, must reconsider rises spiritedly, most cannot do is gives up eating for fear of choking.
当然,我决不会重蹈覆辙的,因为我的前车之鉴———小王,已经先给我警告了。 Of course, I will not follow in the track of an overturned cart, for the overturned cart ahead—Xiao Wang’s experience, has already given me a warning.
那么,有史玉柱对华馨实业和四通电子操作的前车之鉴,史玉柱将来会操控五粮液吗? In that case, for Hua Xin Shi Yuzhu has four industrial and electronic operation of the warning, future Shi Yuzhu Wuliangye will control it?
最近在万挠发生的长途巴士车祸是历史再重演的典型例子,显示人们未吸取前车之鉴。 The express bus accident near Rawang is a classical example of history repeating itself. It demonstrates clearly that we never learn.
一些国家和地区因房地产泡沫破裂给经济和社会发展带来的负面影响,应当成为我们的前车之鉴。 Some countries and regions as a result of the breakdown of the real estate bubble to the economic and social impacts of development, should be a lesson for us.
尽管有了京汉风波的前车之鉴,但昨晚的京陜之战仍然火爆异常,主裁判张雷共出示了6黄2红。 Despite warning of Jinghan storm, but last night’s Shaanxi to Beijing’s unusually hot continue to fight, the referee showed a total of 6, Zhang Lei Huang Hung 2.
魁刚感知到了欧比的情绪变化,并警告欧比,不要忘记他和塔尔的前车之鉴,失去爱人的结局是悲惨的。 Qui-Gon detects these emotions and warns Obi-Wan of his own example with Tahl, and the consequences of losing a loved one.
这场对能源产生的新的兴趣点带来了一系列的点子,一些前途光明,一些很疯狂,上次的网络泡沫的确是前车之鉴。 This renewed interest in energy is bringing forth a raft of ideas, some bright, some batty, that is indeed reminiscent of the dot boom.
户型设计不当的二手房已遭受“绝症”命运,正是一手房户型设计的前车之鉴,如果房子设计不当,那只能陷入死胡同了。 Huxing Housing has suffered “dire” fate is Yishoufanghuxing design lessons, if improper design houses, which can only be a dead end.
同时,我衷心希望通过份享我走过的弯路,无论是人生教训还是投资失误,能给大家带来前车之鉴,从而避免犯下同样的错误。 In the meantime, it’s my sincere hope that by sharing some of my missteps, be them life lessons or market mistakes, others will have the foresight to avoid them altogether.
更重要的是,在有了PC的前车之鉴之后,大家更不希望在手机上出现这样的格局,因为竞争才能促进发展,才能让产业链更加健康。 More importantly, the PC in a lesson, we do not want on the phone in such a situation, because petition can promote development and to get more healthy industrial chain.
在哥本哈根会议上将就REDD项目达成协议的与会者们,如果能够从之前这些利用市场机制实现减缓森林砍伐的项目中吸取前车之鉴将会是非常明智的。 Negotiators finalising a deal on REDD in Copenhagen would be wise to pay attention to some of the challenges highlighted by these early experiments using markets to avoid deforestation.
要找一个前车之鉴的例子,郑不必从更远处去找,只要借鉴他父亲的经验教训就够了,他父亲建立了韩国最大的企业集团却眼看着它在巨大的债务重担下跨掉了。 For an example of what can go awry, Chung need look no further than his father, the man who founded Korea’s top conglomerate — only to see it crumble under a mountain of debt.
词语大全 前车之鉴的意思_成语“前车之鉴”是什么意思
成 语 | 前车之鉴 |
成语读音 | qián chē zhī jiàn |
成语解释 | 鉴:教训。比喻从前人的失败中得到的教训。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 偏正式 |
成语用法 | 作主语、宾语;用于劝告人。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 清·石玉昆《小五义》第81回:“毛二哥就是我们的前车之鉴,谁还能辅佐于你。” |
成语例句 | 陆文夫《壶中日月》:“此种~,近几年来每年都有一两次。” |
近 义 词 | 前车可鉴 殷鉴不远 |
反 义 词 | 重蹈覆辙 |
英文翻译 | lessons drawn from others’ mistakes <object lesson> |
俄文翻译 | учиться на ошибках прошлого |
日文翻译 | 前车(ぜんしゃ)の覆(くつが)えるは后车(こうしゃ)の戒(いまし)め |
其他语言 | <德>sich die Fehler anderer als (od. zur) Warnung dienen lassen |
成语故事 | 西汉时期,洛阳人贾谊从小就有天才儿童的美誉,汉文帝听说他很有才学,请他进京担任博士,问他治理国家的看法。贾谊主张要以秦朝灭亡作为镜子,时刻提醒自己要施行仁政,让老百姓休养生息,重视农业生产才能使国家强大。 |
前车之鉴 qiánchēzhījiàn前车之鉴的意思和解释:鉴:镜子,为教训。前面车子翻倒的教训。比喻先前的失败,可以做为以后的教训。前车之鉴的出处《荀子·成相》:“前车已覆,后
前覆后戒 qiánfùhòujiè前覆后戒的意思和解释:比喻先前的失败,可以做为以后的教训。前覆后戒的出处汉·刘向《说苑·善说》:“前车覆,后车戒。”前覆后戒的例子前覆后戒造句前
前覆后戒 qiánfùhòujiè前覆后戒的意思和解释:比喻先前的失败,可以做为以后的教训。前覆后戒的出处汉·刘向《说苑·善说》:“前车覆,后车戒。”前覆后戒的例子前覆后戒造句前
前覆后戒 qiánfùhòujiè前覆后戒的意思和解释:比喻先前的失败,可以做为以后的教训。前覆后戒的出处汉·刘向《说苑·善说》:“前车覆,后车戒。”前覆后戒的例子前覆后戒造句前
前覆后戒 qiánfùhòujiè前覆后戒的意思和解释:比喻先前的失败,可以做为以后的教训。前覆后戒的出处汉·刘向《说苑·善说》:“前车覆,后车戒。”前覆后戒的例子前覆后戒造句前