词语大全 剑拔弩张造句_剑拔弩张中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:太斤斤计较的人,不适合恋爱,适合买菜。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 剑拔弩张造句_剑拔弩张中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 剑拔弩张造句_剑拔弩张中英文解释和造句
剑拔弩张 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng
南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。 The North and South were at loggerheads.
这就是一场剑拔弩张的战争。 That’s a war tense.
近来碳关税的纠葛已经使各国剑拔弩张了。 Recent carbon tariff disputes have made nations at daggers drawn.
球赛快结束时,有几个时刻有剑拔弩张的感觉。 There were some tense moments at the end of this soccer game.
不幸的是这个问题只要一提出来双方就剑拔弩张。 It is unfortunate that there should be hot feelings on both sides whenever this subject is raised.
虽然热情曾让我们剑拔弩张,却无法切断我们的情谊。 Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
但凡说到德比,都容易联想起一个词——“剑拔弩张”。 Derby said when it will easily think of one word – “saber-rattling.”
竞选者不仅在党外竞争激烈,在党内也是剑拔弩张,硝烟弥漫。 Candidates from the same party pete against each other as well as against the opposition.
因此,在亲切友好的表面下,约旦支配着整个剑拔弩张的局势。 Beneath its amiable surface, Jordan hosts many dangerously peting tensions.
他们对彼此的态度都有些吃惊,想不到竟会剑拔弩张,怒目相向。 Both were shocked at their mutual situation-that each should have betrayed anger towards the other.
为什么美国要冒着同阿拉伯国家业已剑拔弩张的关系,欲进兵伊拉克? Why does it now want to risk its already tenuous standing with Arab countries by invading Iraq?
长城见证了古代中原农业文明和北方游牧民族间剑拔弩张的激烈对抗。 Great Wall testimony ancient times area south of Yellow River agriculture civilization and north between nomads at daggers drawn intense resistance.
美国财长盖特纳口头上的剑拔弩张是对开放的全球贸易体系的一种威胁。 The verbal sabre rattling by US Treasury Secretary Geithner is a threat to the open global trading system.
无论是以色列人还是巴基斯坦人,都十分不情愿看到双方继续剑拔弩张。 No friend of the Israelis and the Palestinians can fail to be saddened by the continuing tension between your two peoples.
我从苏丹南部的首府朱巴向纽尔兰进发,一个与埃塞俄比亚剑拔弩张的边塞小镇。 I am in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and heading for a remote bit of Nuerland, hard up against the bandit border with Ethiopia.
尽管发生暴动的原因还不清楚,但是该地区汉族和维吾尔族的紧张形势已经剑拔弩张。 Althoughthe reasons for the demonstration are unclear, tensions between Uighursand Han Chinese in the region are never far from the surface.
但是,许许多多的国旗还在欧洲飘扬,边境依然剑拔弩张,大批军队正在屯积新的装备。 But a multitude of flags still waves in Europe, the frontiers still exasperate, great armies accumulate fresh stores of equipment.
同时,美国向巴基斯坦派遣了特别行动部队确保该国核设施的安全,与当地暴徒剑拔弩张。 Meanwhile, U. S. special operations forces sent to secure Pakistani nuclear facilities face off against an angry mob.
大抵因为论者的立场不同,后世出现了两种剑拔弩张式的或横加贬抑或褒扬失度的评论和看法。 Generally speaking, because of the differences in the critics’ standpoints, there emerge two sharply different ments and views towards Liu Yong: extreme depreciation and excessive pliment.
热情和慷慨是他性格中的闪光点,当这些品质表现出来时,剑拔弩张的气氛就会神奇地烟消云散,变得其乐融融。 His warmth and generosity were treasures, and when they appeared, animosity magically dissipated into a melting pot of goodwill.
美国地位最高的军官马伦上将说,北韩的核试验并不出人意料,这是平壤越来越剑拔弩张、咄咄逼人姿态的一部分。 The top U. S. military official, Admiral Michael Mullen, said the North Korean tests were not a surprise and are part of what he called growing belligerence on the part of Pyongyang.
某市综合局女厕所惊现一具男性腐尸,一时人心惶惶,各种利害关系剑拔弩张,在看不见的刀光剑影中,刑警如何通过。 In the women’s toilet of a department of a city, there is a dead male body. In the invisible, the policemen finally catch the real criminal.
即便是瑞银集团继续与美国国税局剑拔弩张,置相关经合组织条例于不顾,在瑞士的2万亿境外资产中大约只有5%是来自美国。 Even if the IRS remains on the warpath and goes beyond the OECD rules, perhaps only 5% of the $2 trillion of offshore assets in Switzerland es from America.
北宋与西夏在陜北一线剑拔弩张,长期对峙,双方在这一线驻有大量部队,并断断续续进行了几十年的战争,民族关系几度紧张。 Xixia was at loggerheads with the Northern Song Dynasty in the front in Northern Shaanxi, and the confrontation lasted for long, with large troops stationed on the front.
中国和美国所面临的剑拔弩张的流通和贸易局势是危险的,两国政府面对着他们很难控制的糟糕的贸易保护主义和民族主义势力。 The squaring up of China and the United States over currency and trade is dangerous; both governments face ugly protectionist and nationalist forces that they will find hard to control.
郭老大为了抵债,便让郭冬月嫁给兰大川。兰大川来娶亲,申天亮也要接走冬月,双方剑拔弩张,对峙起来,大有一触即发之势。 The Guo eldest child to pay off a debt in labor, then lets the Guo in eleventh lunar month marry to blue Sichuan.
有时候,争得面红耳赤或剑拔弩张的双方往往只需女人一个微笑、一个眼神或一句息事宁人的话语就能火气顿消,甚至握手言欢。 In some cases, red won or both sides of the woman is often only a smile, a look or a word can be done Dunxiao anger, and even Woshouyanhuan.
这个城市已剑拔弩张,将面临着四个游行队伍,一个“气候营队”和一个未知数的突发事件,还有一队“停止战争”位于伦敦西区。 The Met is at full stretch, with the prospect of facing four marches, the climate camp and an unknown number of impromptu incidents as wells a Stop the War march in the West End.
但是,过去的十年间,海军的大规模的现代化和扩充计划初见成果,这一计划肇始于1995和1996年台海两岸剑拔弩张的紧张局势。 But the past decade has seen the fruits of a huge military modernisation and expansion programme, launched after tensions mounted in the Taiwan Strait in 1995 and 1996.
词语大全 剑拔弩张的意思是什么
剑拔弩张的拼音jiàn bá nǔ zhāng
剑拔弩张的英语单词1.being dangerously explosive2.being dangerously explosive
剑拔弩张 jiànbánǔzhāng剑拔弩张的意思和解释:剑拔出来了,弓张开了。形容气势逼人,或形势紧张,一触即发。剑拔弩张的出处南朝梁·袁昂《古今书评》:“韦诞书法如龙威虎振,
千钧一发的近义词 千钧一发 【千钧一发的近义词】 危在旦夕岌岌可危急不可待九死一生间不容发摇摇欲堕奄奄一息危如累卵迫不及待迫在眉睫燃眉之急刻不容缓死里逃生存亡绝续生死存亡一触即发剑拔弩张火烧眉毛
揾钱 [wènqián][揾钱]基本解释方言。挣钱,赚钱。《羊城晚报》1981.11.7:“香港这个地方,一年到头吵吵嚷嚷,人们总是剑拔弩张地为‘揾钱’而‘搏命’。”[揾钱]详细
剑拼音jiàn 部首刂笔画9五行金繁体剑五笔WGIJ[剑]基本解释古代的一种兵器:宝~。长~。~鞘。~术。~拔弩张(形容形势紧张,一触即发,后亦喻书法雄健)。刻舟求~。[剑]详细解释〈动〉以
【怜恻】的意思是什么?【怜恻】是什么意思?【怜恻】的意思是:怜恻liáncè犹怜悯。 ●清蒲松龄《聊斋志异•阿英》:「丈夫吼怒……女郎踣地若死。玉怜恻不可复忍,乃急袖剑拔关出,挥