词语大全 剪草除根造句_剪草除根中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:我们一路走,一路被辜负,一路点燃希望,一路寻找答案。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 剪草除根造句_剪草除根中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 剪草除根造句_剪草除根中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 斩草除根造句_斩草除根中英文解释和造句

词语大全 剪草除根造句_剪草除根中英文解释和造句

剪草除根  jiǎn cǎo chú gēn










词语大全 斩草除根造句_斩草除根中英文解释和造句

斩草除根  zhǎn cǎo chú gēn








  • 斩草除根的方式对付它们。 Instead, deal with the root of the problem.

  • 我们决不可养痈遗患,一定要斩草除根。 We can never leave evil unchecked, we must remove the source of the trouble.

  • 人还犯我,斩草除根。 people still are attacked, extermination.

  • 理发的时候发生了意外,被迫无奈下斩草除根。 1/There is an excursion happened in hair cutting process, i have to cut it all.

  • 那玩意儿十分可怕,如果你不斩草除根,它就会逐渐蔓延开去。 It was terrible stuff and it would really spread if you did not get it out by the roots.

  • 但是埃佛瑞蒙德一家可得要斩草除根,老婆和孩子必须跟丈夫和爸爸去。 it is all one to me. But, the Evremonde people are to be exterminated, and the wife and child must follow the husband and father.

  • 香港演艺人协会会长梅艳芳以激愤的心情谴责传媒败类,认为要斩草除根。 Anita Mui, the chair woman of Hong Kong Association of Artists, reprimanded the bad media angrily. She thinks when you cut grasses you must cut the roots.

  • 斩草除根是个好理论,老婆,”德伐日颇感到为难,“大体说来我并不反对。 “Extermination is good doctrine, my wife, ” said Defarge, rather troubled; “in general, I say nothing against it.

  • 解决的方法是,对付这些人生的杂草,必须逐一斩草除根,最终你就能征服它们。 The solution is, when dealing with these weeds of life, get to the root of it and remove them one by one and eventually you will conquer this round.

  • 斩草除根也就是你必须把草连根拨出永不复发。可鸟和风可能成为草类延续的传媒。 Eradicating weeds means that you have to remove all the seeds and roots so the plants will not grow back. But birds or the wind can reintroduce them to the land.

  • 解决的方法是,对付这些人生中的杂草,必须逐一斩草除根,是终你就能征服它们。 The solution is , when dealing with these weeds of life, get to the root of ia and remove them one by one and  eventually you will conquer this round.

  • 她以她丰盛的午餐,抢眼的报告,以及力争把竞争对手斩草除根的无情而闻名于世。 She was known for her power lunches…Her eye catching presentations…And her ruthlessness at wiping out the petition.

  • 更重要的是要捐弃成见,抛开私利,结合集体正义力量,毫不手软地将恐怖主义斩草除根。 More important, they should put aside their prejudices and selfish interests to root out terrorism collectively and relentlessly.

  • 在我的记录上我还记载着这个家族其它的横行霸道、欺压百姓的罪行,而且注定要消灭,斩草除根。 For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors, I have this race a long time on my register, doomed to destruction and extermination.

  • 就这个想法本身而言,它可能导致更多平民伤亡,引来更多人的敌对,而无法将基地组织斩草除根。 On its own, it is more likely to kill civilians and create new enemies than to decapitate and disable al-Qaeda.

  • 文王以怀柔的方式容忍纣,以换取和平,而武王则伐纣,以斩草除根的方式将纣消灭,以解百姓倒悬之苦。 King of Wen obtained peace by the means of forgiveness and tolerance; King of Wu crusaded against State of Zhou and made a clean sweep of it to emancipate people.

  • 911恐怖袭击之后,他不仅极度渴望摧毁基地组织和塔利班,还要对中东地区恐怖主义的根源进行斩草除根。 After the September 11th attacks he not only itched to destroy al-Qaeda and the Taliban. He also wanted to tackle the root causes of terrorism in the Middle East.

  • 自1952年左右僧海豹由于人类狩猎而惨遭灭绝以来,白暨豚的消逝是大型水生哺乳植物被斩草除根的第一例。 The disappearance of the baiji would be the first instance of a large aquatic mammal being driven to extinction since hunting killed off the monk seal around 1952.

  • 反观NIS的表现,它将三分之二的样本顺藤摸瓜斩草除根,对剩下的三分之一,相比其它产品也清理得更为彻底。 NIS, on the other hand, wiped out every single trace of about two-thirds of the samples and cleaned up the rest more thoroughly than most products.

  • 小区里的绿地本来是一种公共景观,如今却被个别居民斩草除根,在上面种起了蔬菜,俨然成了自家的“菜园子”。 areas where green was a public landscape, but are targeted to individual residents in the above types of vegetables, like a switch from the “vegetable garden”.

  • 另一个苍老的声音道:“这小子骑了那贱人的黑马,定是那贱人的相好,且放他进去,咱们斩草除根,一网打尽。” Why are you so rude?” Then another old voice said, “This little brat has ridden that bitch’s black horse, therefore he must be her lover. Now let him in and we will exterminate them all.

  • “总而言之,”德伐日太太说下去,“我要把这一家斩草除根的道理我的老公不理解;他对医生那么关怀的道理我也想不通。 “In a word, ” Madame Defarge went on, “my husband has not my reason for pursuing this family to annihilation, and I have not his reason for regarding this Doctor with any sensibility.

  • 不过,在战场的乱兵之中从仇家背后给予致命一击,或是在暗巷中斩草除根都是为人所接受的–甚至可以获得私下的赞扬。 To stick a dagger in the back of a rival during the chaos of a larger battle or in the quiet shadows of an alley, however, is quite acceptable, even applauded.

  • 每一个主张和平的国家都必须提高警惕,更重要的是要捐弃成见,抛开私利,结合集体正义力量,毫不手软地将恐怖主义斩草除根。 Every country that advocates peace must be on the alert. More important, they should put aside their prejudices and selfish interests to root out terrorism collectively and relentlessly.

  • 在那种一团糟的法庭上,在第一轮白热化的庭辩之中作证,是我这辈子干过的最痛苦的事了,比用魔杖指著一个无辜的人,或者一次斩草除根的杀戮还痛苦。 Testifying during the first go-round of this mess was one of the most wrenching things I’ve ever done in my life, far more difficult than pointing a wand at an innocent and making a clean kill.

  • 巴不得将它们斩草除根,若是这里确实存在像吸血鬼那样的东西—注意,我是说如果—自然而然,他们想尽一切狠毒方法除掉它们这事就说得过去了,明白了吗? If there are such things as vampires—mind you, I said ‘if’—then, by nature, they do such horrible things that any way of getting rid of them is right. See?

  • 新天赋,斩草除根(痛苦):你的腐蚀,生命虹吸和痛苦诅咒每一跳都有5/10/15%几率增加你的法术极速20%(译者注:估计是法术时间变为80%,待测试)。 o New Talent: Eradication (Affliction) – Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Curse of Agony ticks have a 5/10/15% chance to increase your spell haste by 20% for 8 sec.

  • 斩草除根造句相关



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